Am I weird? Or am I doing something wrong?

I manage to stick within my cals 95% of the time..

However according to my chart I always eat OVER my protein and way UNDER my carbs, fat and sodium.

That can't be right can it?? I am talking about being 1000+ under my daily sodium allowence.


  • rosiesparkle100
    Me too! Always way under carbs, fat and sodium: I was really shocked. I think its just not eating so much processed food. Also I think processed food in America is worse than it is here, so it's probably harder to do there.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Protein on MFP is pretty low 15% of total calories. For those that workout 20-30% is a better amount. So you can double the MFP protein amount and still consume a balanced diet amount of protein. You can change the setting to better match you diet or goals.
  • choley222
    I am always over on my protein but I read an article that when you are trying to lose weight whatever you want to eat that's how much protein you should eat. Say you wanted to weigh 125 then you would have to eat that much in protein. Same with guys wanting to bulk up if they want to gain to be at say 180 they need to eat that in protein. It was an article in one of the health magazines I read a few weeks ago. As far as being under in sodium I wouldn't worry to much with that, sodium just makes you retain water weight.
  • ReadyMom
    From what I hear from others MFP has the protein set too low and it's GOOD to be under on carbs. :)
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    It is great ot be under sodium fat and carbs and fine to be over some in protein. Sounds like you are doing great as many of us have a hard time with sodium.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    MFP's default limits for carbs is really high and is really low for protein. I changed mine so it was around 45% carbs, 35% protein and 20% fat, but numbers work differently for everyone.

    Also sodium should be around 1500mg, not 2500mg.
  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    I increased my protein goal to 20% and reduced the carbs. Also, I would not worry about going under on sodium, I reduced my sodium target to 1500 mg and increased fiber to 30 g. Check the 2010 Department of Agriculture guidelines to help you adjust the MFP custom goals.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Uk'ers should also be aware that in a lot of our food the sodium is measured in g not mg and when people are inputting food in to the database they're not seeing the difference and just putting 0.3 (g) instead of 300mg (just as an example) so your total amount at the end of the day is wildly wrong!

    Moral of the story... check your labels! And when you're adding something from the database, check the sodium level! Likelihood is if it says 0.3 it actually means 300!

    I am way under sodium goal every day and I know that's not true as I do still eat quite a lot of processed food.
  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    the 2010 Department of Agriculture guidelines to help you adjust the MFP custom goals.

    Here is the link:

  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I increased my protein goal to 20% and reduced the carbs. Also, I would not worry about going under on sodium, I reduced my sodium target to 1500 mg and increased fiber to 30 g. Check the 2010 Department of Agriculture guidelines to help you adjust the MFP custom goals.

    Right on the money!
    Low sodium isn't bad. Fiber you need more than they suggest, and I even believe more than the guidelines suggest. I increased mine to 30, lowered sat fat to I believe 9, and put my ratio as 55% carb, 15%fat, and 30% protein.