Your "Hotness"...nobody elses!

Ok, this post comes from several emails I had regarding a wall comment. My point out of all this, is that I have YET to find one person that isn't hot in one way or another, but so very few of the people (and yes, particularly women) look beyond the flaws in themselves. I don't care how out of shape you are, how long you've let yourself go, there's something hot about you! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you sit around and stare at your gorgeous eyes, or pouty lips or tight butt all day! But, use that as a starting point. Find the one hottest thing on you, and then realize that YOU are in control of making a whole lotta other hot parts on your body just like that one! It's not easy to do, but there's only one person that gets to decide how hot you get to

So, your homework is 3 parts:

1. Find your matter how tiny you think it is, and decide you want more of it. If you have trouble finding it, ask one of your friends on here...I GUARANTEE they'll see it in you, and let you know!
2. Find someone you respect on your 'friend' list, and tell them something you find hot about them...physical or otherwise. (i.e. confidence in itself is seriously hot!)
3. Now go work out, and make another hot part of you!!!

The comment went like this:

"That's a recurring theme! It amazes me how many absolutely gorgeous women don't see themselves as hot on here! I know not everyone is perfectly happy with their bodies, but I've talked to a dozen women who literally are stunning in one facet or another, and usually many facets, but they don't see it. All they see is the flaw. So, do me a favor, stop and think about your favorite physical asset...and be proud of it!!! And then remember that you have control of over alot of the other ones, and you're on your way to adding to the "hot" list! Finally in my diatribe...don't forget that "hot" isn't a's not that you're there one day and not the next. It's a progression...and I'm betting if you asked any guy on here (and most women), they'd look at your pictures, and let you know just how hot you are! Now go workout and get hotter!"

EDIT: Sorry, I hate my grammatical errors.


  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Great post.
  • jgkimo
    jgkimo Posts: 61
    Excellent Post.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Yes, I remember that post.....people rate hotness on the wrong things sometimes....
  • xxPeppaxx
    xxPeppaxx Posts: 142 Member
    This is awesome!!!!!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love this. Thanks!!
  • chrssyeldridge
    chrssyeldridge Posts: 47 Member
    It is so true! As ladies seem to over look the great things and beat ourselves up over the bad things! I myself do this too!!! Flaws are so much easier to find than beauty… I think this is something that totally needs to be rewired.

    Great post!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I know women are particularly hard on themselves. Especially since they compare themselves to other women. I try to avoid doing this (because I'll never be anyone else, I'll only be me). As Celine Dion once said: "that's the way it is". :tongue:

    A lot of women are down on themselves is due to poor self-esteem -- which could be for a lot of reasons. But I agree with your post in general! Although, I think I'm an attractive person...I think I would be happier person losing my weight. And maybe some women would be satisfied with that as well.
  • MaryDreamer
    Hilarious homework Hawkeye this oughta be fun! Find our Hotness LOL! Well I got a compliment from an old man this morning, one of my husband's customers, who didn't know I was his wife, right in front of my hubby. Actually my husband heard it and told me about it. Then I went to the gas station to get some go-go juice so I can make it to the gym at lunch. I got a triple-take from some man walking into the store woo-hoo! OK off to the gym to find and work on my hotness now! ;)~
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So true!! Women, especially when we take on the roles of mother, wives, maids, taxi service, etc etc, everything else becomes a priority.

    Fortunately for me - I have a 9 yo son, who tells me every AM he dreamed about how pretty his mom is :) It's a great way to start the day.
  • mbrotnitsky
    mbrotnitsky Posts: 44 Member
    My husband has stated the same thing.. He has always told me that we as woman are too hard on ourselves. There is something beautiful or hot as you say in every woman. My hotness is my eyes (so I've been told) and my bodacious ahem... U get what I'm saying. Thanks for the smile. I was needing it today.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Excellent post. And so true women, ecpecially are hard on themselves. I have shook my head a time or too at the woman who comment negatively about their apearence.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Excellent point! (Love the "homework", btw.)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Very well put! Thank you for posting this.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    And just think, those eye, and your 'ahem', probably gave a few other people smiles today, too...mostly men I'd guess!
    My husband has stated the same thing.. He has always told me that we as woman are too hard on ourselves. There is something beautiful or hot as you say in every woman. My hotness is my eyes (so I've been told) and my bodacious ahem... U get what I'm saying. Thanks for the smile. I was needing it today.
  • dianam1973
    Off to find my!
  • tishasuebrown
    Love the post.. you are right on the money with that.. THANKS :)
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Awesome post!! I think a lot of people misconstrue what "hot" means.. mainly because people look at celebrities and other big social figures and say "wow megan fox/angelina jolie/whoever is so hot/sexy, voted sexiest woman/man of the year" and then they look @ themselves and say "I look nothing like those people! I don't have her eyes, lips, breasts, stomach, etc! I am not hot at all!!" We need to stop thinking the people in the social media world are the only hot people out there and everyone needs to look like them!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    What are you talking about??!! I'm hot all over!!

    And have you seen Megan Fox lately? She has lost that gorgeous body and now she is just skinny! EW!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Coming from someone with such "hot" abs/pecs this made my heart go a little pitter patter :smooched: You're so right!