what is everyone eating??

ok just joined,,,im supposed to be eating 1200 caloies a day....im just looking for ideas, what does eveyone's typical menu look like during the week?:tongue:


  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    I have the same calorie goal. :)

    I'll usually eat toast with nutella and some fruit or scrambled eggs and mushrooms for breakfast.
    Tuna/Chicken/Egg/Cheese salad wrap for lunch (or garlic mushroom sandwiches, yum)

    Dinner is often chicken fajita salads, jacket potatoes or pasta with onion, tomato, tuna, sweetcorn, mushrooms and a cubed triangle of laughing cow cheese.

    Obviously it all depends on the brands you buy but you can often eat whatever you've been eating before just in moderation (and trying to cut out unhealthier things of course)

    Making things from scratch often cuts out the calories from pre-prepared meals :)
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    My diary is public if you want to look at it but I warn you, we eat out alot and mostly at the same places so it may be boring for you! :bigsmile:
  • mssugarca
    I keep my diary open you can check it out if you want... I eat a lot of fruit......I think I actually eat to much fruit but I have such a sweet tooth it's either fruit or chocoalte...so fruit sounds like the better option
  • daylilies
    I usually have a couple scrambled eggs for breakfast, or a meal replacement shake if I don't feel like eggs. For lunch I might have some turkey and cheese, I like cherry tomatoes or some kind of fruit with that, usually strawberries, For snacks I usually have fruit or cheese and peanuts. Dinner, maybe a burger (no bread), steak, some kind of chicken thing, chili, soup, whatever will fit into my diet. Evening snack is usually a drink and some celery or nuts, cheese, again--whatever I can fit into my diet goals. I make sure and record my diet throughout the day so I know what I have left.

    Basically I try to eat protein with every meal and snack, and keep the bread and pasta to a minimum.
  • carrieloveshk
    carrieloveshk Posts: 128 Member
    I keep my dairy in case you wanna see it! Hope it gives you a rough idea.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Normally mine is Special K , yogurt or fruit cup for breakfast.
    Salad, sandwich for lunch
    And measured portions of whatever I decide to make for dinner paying special attention to protein and veggies
    Snacks are usually nuts, Fiber One Bars, Hummus Wheat Thins, and Pita Chips.
  • Starrotts
    organic oatmeal and yogurt and blueberries for breakfast....lunch cottage cheese and veggies or flax seed bread with egg on it ..dinner chicken and veggies...thats it
  • jackalope28
    jackalope28 Posts: 38 Member
    I also keep my diary open; feel free to friend me.

    In a nutshell though, I usually eat cereal for breakfast, have a salad for lunch, and a dinner of chicken or fish (last night was steak), broccoli, and once in a while a potato or couscous, but usually just hte broccoli.

    Snacks are fruit (I was eating almonds but at 200 calories for 23 of them, not worth it in my book), or cottage cheese.

    Treats are a glass of wine, or an occasional sweet (though we had three birthdays in our house in the span of two weeks, so I worked cake into my day many times over the past few weeks!).
  • gavin03
    I have the same calorie goal as well. I exercise 6 days a week so mine calories are going to be higher. I eat egg whites with broccoli, tomato and onion. Or any kid of veggies. I have a couple of slices of turkey bacon and a piece of low carb whole wheat bread. With spray butter. Or oatmeal with a grapefruit.
    Lunch will be either Turkey, Tuna on a low carb whole wheat wrap, or flatout wraps With lettuce and mustard. I also have a side salad and water.
    Dinner will be either Turkey tacos with lettuce low fat cheese and lettuce tomatoes, or a porkchop with side veggies and maybe a serving of Alexia potatoes(you can find them in the freezer section they are like a all natural potato). Turkey meatloaf lots of veggies or brown rice. Hope this gives you a few ideas.
  • amberhannes
    Stoneyfield yogurt and half of organic graham crackers is one of my favorite desserts and I don't miss the chocolate so much. I do splurge a little on the chocolate on the weekends. I love having oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana. It fills me up and easy to make at work. Lots of spinach salads. Also look up black bean brownies...love it, you can't tell the difference!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    My diary is public too, so feel free to check it out. Also feel free to friend me if you want.

    I try to eat about 5 or 6 times a day. And I do my best to avoid processed foods. Snacks are usually a yogurt or piece of fruit or laughing cow cheese and crackers. I cook for dinner as often as possible: a lean protein and couple of veggies with either a bread, pasta, or potato if I have room in my calorie allotment. And lunch is frequently leftovers of the previous day's dinner.

    Edit: BTW...I'm also on 1200 calories plus at least a portion of my exercise calories.
  • facerme
    my diary is open, its simple food stuff, covers most groups etc hope that helps :)
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    My diary's open too, though I am on slightly more calories.

    I find that fortune cookies are a good low-calorie substitute for other kinds of biscuits, and, for the love of god, avoid ready meals and drinking your calories as much as possible.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I have found a love of Honey Nut Cheerios that I have never channeled before so I usually eat those for breakfast with some kind of fruit.

    Today, for lunch I had homemade Fajitas which were awesome especially because I knew exactly what was going in it so no hidden calories.
  • stepphanie
    For breakfast I have a fiber one yogurt, fiber one 90 calorie bar, a cheese stick, slimfast shake
    For luch I will eaither have a smart one frozen meal, healthy choice frozen meal, or a ham and swiss sandwich
    For dinner I will have a frozen smart one or healthy choice and a salad.

    For lunch today I had a brown sugar and swiss sandwich on 2 pieces of sara lee bread and a whole tomatoe chped up with basalmic dressing.

    My diary is open too. So you can take a look.
    I also have 8-12 cups of water a day too.

    I have just started this week but did the same thing 5 years ago and lost 53 pounds.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    My diary is open as well. I recently started tracking what I was eating and boy was I surprised. This site has made me really aware of what I eat and so I've changed a lot of my eating habits. I like to keep it simple so my diary is probably pretty boring, but I find it easier this way than trying to over complicate things.
  • kasandraaa
    Im vegetarian.. && dairy free.. so it may be boring!

    But breakfast I have fruit! everyday.

    lunch is always almonds & some sort of veggie / whole grain (either sandwich, or burrito) w/ some sort of beans

    dinner: always tofu / soy with lots of veggies

    snacks vary, from plain oatmeal w/ fruit, avocado, granola bars, etc.

    my meals get very repetitive, but you'll figure out what you like.. & stick to it!
    best of luck :)
  • lucysmommy

    i have an egg white omelette or cereal

    lunch is tuna and pasta pre packed meal - about 250cals

    and dinner is usually chicken and veg, or fish and veg

    should say i am on 1200 cals as well
