Hey..need a support group :-)

mel4bama Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I am a (newly) 30 year old female and used to LOVE working out and running, I got a divorce a few years back and a year later met a wonderful man. With the new happiness and comfort came weight. Over 2 years I put on 20 pounds and now I am working to get it back off. I recently went to a Weight Loss doctor and I have lost 6 pounds. I just want to get back into my old jeans! I always seem to do a lot better with a support group and am hoping to find that in YOU!!! :-)


  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I hope you come to love it here as much as I do. The amount of support I get from my MFP Peeps is amazing - they all help keep me motivated every day!
  • Jacpin
    Jacpin Posts: 17
    Welcome! We all need help! Count me in...and GOOD LUCK!
  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you will find much support here! You can do this!!:smile:
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Then you have come to the right place....this site is amazing and addicting at the same time...I'm at work right now....and I am constantly updating my page and looking on the message boards and talking to people....Welcome to the party....lol....
  • 4Matt
    4Matt Posts: 26
    Good job on losing so far! Keep it up!
  • Stupid boys. Why do they have to make us feel so pretty :-). Congratulations on both the acquisition of a great man and this awesome journey you're embarking on. I'm 31 and also an on again off again running and fitness buff :-). If you want a joggy-type pal, feel free to friend me.
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome! You'll love MFP - such a great community of support on here!
  • I hope I can be one of your team members in that support group. I know I can alway count on a good word from you when I am having a bad day so I hope I can be there for you when you need it. You are doing great and you look amazing. Keep up the great work and I am proud of all three of us. Love you sweet friend.
  • This place is amazing.
  • Awesome!!! Thank u somuch!!!
  • heehee...sounds like it's my kinda place :-)
  • welcome people on this site r so helpful. u will grow to love it and will want to check in everyday
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    ETA: I do a little bit of everything...play soccer, swim, play volleyball, Turbo Fire, yoga, Zumba. I hear you on the "happy fat" gain! I gained about 15 pounds when I met my hubby and got pregnant before I could lose it! :)
  • Welcome, this is an amazing place! I love it. I am not a total pro on these message boards yet, LOL, but the tracker is AWESOME!!!!
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