How late is too late to eat at night???

southernlay_d Posts: 111
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Quick question. My husband always laughs at me because I come to bed with a bowl full of fruit cut up with two tablespoons of peanut butter melted on top. I don't go over my daily calories, I just make sure I have enough for it. Is this a terrible habit???


  • Fruit and P.B. is a definite improvement. I used to go to bed with cookies, or chips or worse!!!!
  • harleyquinn1504
    harleyquinn1504 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't think there's a time limit on when you can eat. I'd think calories at 5pm and calories at 10pm are the same diff. I eat snacks when I want them
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    bump....I sometimes have a late night snack...I think people say "don't eat after 7 pm" or something like that, however sometimes I don't have time to eat dinner until 7:30/8 pm!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If it's in your calories, it should be fine. I go to bed with a frozen juice bar every night (midnight). It hasn't slowed me down any.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    As long as you have something light (not a full dinner right before laying down) you are good at anytime. Our bodies burn fat and calories in our sleep, too.

    I've also heard eating something high in protein will turn on our HGH (human growth hormone) when we sleep and burn fat. But I've haven't researched this one so I don't know.

    didn't mean to hit reply twice!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    As long as you have something light (not a full dinner right before laying down) you are good at anytime. Our bodies burn fat and calories in our sleep, too.

    I've also heard eating something high in protein will turn on our HGH (human growth hormone) when we sleep and burn fat. But I've haven't researched this one so I don't know.
  • Its not a good idea to eat fruit that late at night at all - Fructose (the sugar found in fruit) can only be used by the Liver - once the Liver is full (which it usually is) the remainder is turned in to body fat. If you're eating it at that time of night there is no way that you will be burning off the sugar in your blood.

    A better idea is something high in casein protein (low fat cottage cheese) as the slow burning protein will stave off catabolism through the night and is far, far less likely to convert to fat!
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I have heard several different views on this.... I've heard don't eat for at least 4 hours before you go to bed and I've also heard it doesnt matter how late you eat, but what you eat.

    I would say you're fine as long as it's not a huge bowl with fruit and pb..... both easy to digest and your body will have time to metabolism them before you go to sleep and your "furnace" goes on low.
  • i have the same bad habit. i always have to have something before goin to bed.
  • Shaye85
    Shaye85 Posts: 107
    as long as you stop eating 4 hours before you sleep.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Your metabolism slows down throughout the course of the day, but the real difference is how much it slows down when you sleep. So if you were to eat a high fat/high calorie snack right before bed your body wouldn't metabolise all of it-it would store a lot of it. But if you have fruit with a little bit of pb you should be ok-no fat in fruit, and nut fats are good fats...providing there aren't a tone of additives in your pb of choice.
  • Jif creamy :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eating at night. Your metabolism doesn't change just because it's night time. But, you shouldn't eat carbs or sugars within 3 hours of going to sleep. The sugar causes insulin to be released which makes the body stop burning fat. You need human growth hormone in order to burn fat and HGH and insulin can't be in your bloodstream at the same time. So eating sugars, carbs and starches before bed will make you store fat, while protein will help your body burn fat.
  • I swear, I cannot sleep without eatting. I will just lay there tossing and turning.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I always eat a cup of cut fruit at around 9pm every night, but I go to sleep usually by 11:30, so I don't know if that's so late. Sometimes I also have a vita top.
  • The recomendation is to eat at least 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep, and try to have a light meal, fruits and peanut butter sounds perfect. This is because if you eat and then go to sleep, your body will procese the food a lot faster, and probably absorve more calories. When you're sleeping your body gets into survival-mode, because you don't feed it for at least 7 hours, so it will absorve everything fast, and you definetly don't want that. If you eat 2 or three hours before sleep, your body will have the time to procese all the food, so that way your body will be empty at the time you got sleep, and this will make your body burn your body fat. Burn calories while sleeping! hell yeah!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    If I'm truly hungry, not just eating out of boredom or habit, and I have the calories I have something to eat. Last night it was hummus and pita chips. Yum
  • **Le Sigh** Okay, since fruit sounds like a bad thing to eat... suggestions please!
  • normally without dieting i would eat a snack at maybe 9pm..perhaps cheese on toast..unhealthy and carby was the plan. Now when calorie counting and tracking i eat my evening meal around 6pm (just done now and its 18.24pm) and don't eat the rest of the night, if i get hungry i make a cup of green tea or hot water and lemon.
  • It's a good idea to try to break the habit of late night eatting - it slows your metabolism at night thus reducing how fast you burn the calories - even if they aren't that bad

    A good rule of thumb is no more food after 9 and only water after that
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