Ladies only... Spotting?



  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Wow thanks for all the replies! You guys are awesome! I'm not pregnant... I know that for sure. I'll spare you the TMI. :) I was wondering about a polyp.... I have a bicornuate uterus... (shaped like a heart instead of a pear) and it caused a lot of issues during my pregnancy 2 years ago. I'll definitely check w/my doctor!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Sometimes bleeding occurs following ovulation because you may have already had a small cyst on your ovary (which is normal for ovulating women), and when your egg left its little sac, the cyst may have dissolved (or ruptured) with it. The cyst may have had a little bit of blood in it (they call that a "hemorrhagic cyst") and that could be where it came from. These little "functional" cysts can sometimes have blood in them mixed with the clear fluid because when they form, they can form too quickly and stretch the surface of the ovary too fast which causes bleeding, and the blood will go into the cyst.

    I learned all about this stuff while I struggled with severe endometriosis for a long time..... :smile: I had cysts with blood in them, but they were much larger and due to my disease, so that is something entirely different.

    Very interesting! I have in the past ,had streaks of blood in the discharge (SORRY IF TMI!) when I have ovulated before... Thanks for this!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I actually just had this happen to me in January, and am being checked to make sure I dont have a polyp on my uterus. My dr said it is VERY unlikely it could be from exercising. He said that most time intense exercose would do the opposite and cause irregular periods or missed periods, but most likely not bring it on.

    He did have me take like 5 HPTs to make sure I was not pregnat... so maybe you should check into that.

    Thanks for this! Yeah... I know I'm not preg. but it is concerning your Dr. said it probably wasn't working-out... I have a mis-shaped uterus but apart from that I'm perfectly healthy. Had a complete blood panel and physical not too long ago and everything was perfect... Hmmm a lot to think about!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I have been on here for 1 1/2 months and so far I haven't had any spotting, last month I was late by a few days but thats it, let us know what the doc has to say!!

    Thanks!! :smile:
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I don't know how long you've been doing this site, but I just started and began spotting withing my first 2 weeks. We will see what next month brings.

    Hope everything with you is okay! Did you go to the Dr?
  • tater8589
    :flowerforyou: Lots of things can cause this. Working out, stress, or pregnancy. Just to be sure (you probably know this though) Sperm can live for 3 days inside us. I have heard up to 5 days but all my research says 3. Your dr will be the best to tell you, but that was my 2 cents worth. Hope everything is ok. Good luck
  • dinx67
    I get spotting when I ovulate and occasionally a couple of days afterwards, less than spotting really but don't know what else to call it! I also find that when I do a really tough ab workout I can get spotting afterwards. GP reckons it's not abnormal or unusual for this to happen to some women after strenuous exercise - I had 2 C-sections so probably have adhesions and scarring that can become traumatised (for want of a better word) after a really tough workout. The spotting is very light and lasts maybe 12-24 hours.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    This happened to me when I first started MFP back in September. My situation is a bit different from yours, as I use oral contraceptives, have a normal shaped uterus, and have never been pregnant. However, I was pretty freaked out, because I am always regular and had never experienced spotting before. I was actually having cramping along with it, though. I went to the doctor and they gave me a pregnancy test. It came back negative. They also performed a pelvic exam to see if anything felt abnormal (I guess like polyps), and that checked out. In the end, they told me they "weren't exactly sure" what was causing it, but when I told them about my recent lifestyle change (going from never working out to working out several times a week and going from eating horrible horrible junk to eating much healthier), they said that it was likely the diet change. They said that the foods we eat affect our hormones,which obviously control our cycles, so if you put drastically different foods into your body, it can mess your cycle up at first until your body gets used to it. I haven't had any issues with spotting since. Best of luck to you! Might as well get it checked out.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    This happened to me when I first started MFP back in September. My situation is a bit different from yours, as I use oral contraceptives, have a normal shaped uterus, and have never been pregnant. However, I was pretty freaked out, because I am always regular and had never experienced spotting before. I was actually having cramping along with it, though. I went to the doctor and they gave me a pregnancy test. It came back negative. They also performed a pelvic exam to see if anything felt abnormal (I guess like polyps), and that checked out. In the end, they told me they "weren't exactly sure" what was causing it, but when I told them about my recent lifestyle change (going from never working out to working out several times a week and going from eating horrible horrible junk to eating much healthier), they said that it was likely the diet change. They said that the foods we eat affect our hormones,which obviously control our cycles, so if you put drastically different foods into your body, it can mess your cycle up at first until your body gets used to it. I haven't had any issues with spotting since. Best of luck to you! Might as well get it checked out.

    Thanks!! That's what I have read too... that diet affects hormones a LOT... Definitely a lot to look into and I"m glad you didn't have any more spotting! Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I had some problems with this too a couple years ago. I asked my doc about it, they checked everything, and found nothing. At the time I had dropped 20 pounds (yes it came back) in a short period of time. The doc said that female hormones are stored in fat cells and when the fat cells break down they are re-released into the body and can cause some hormonal fluctuations...and that can cause abnormal cycles, spotting, etc. etc. etc. She recommended a slower loss rate and to stay away from soy products that can also effect the hormones. It is always best to check stuff like that out with your doctor though.