Seems like I really cannot eat too much fruit or my sugars just go way over :ohwell:


  • princess_f
    I was told fruit sugars are good and not to worry if it goes over BUT today several posts on here said differently. Seems daft that you cant have more than 2 small peices a day when they said portions a day is recommended!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I love my fruit and I won't give it up....
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    The great thing about fruit is that they contain fiber, which determines how much of that sugar is absorbed. That's why an orange is much better than a glass of orange juice. If you're worried about the sugar- check the glycemic index and only eat those low on the list. Fruit is just too good (and nutritional) to cut out. :)
  • lisastevens27
    I always go over with my fruit too. But i still eat it. I thought it was good sugar.

  • gffs
    gffs Posts: 11 Member
    It matters which fruit you eat. Try to eat the ones that are low glycemic like cherries instead of a banana.
    Also, if you have it with a little fat, that will slow the digestion and won't raise your blood sugars so fast (banana and peanut butter, apple and cheddar cheese, strawberries and milk/cream)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Still, two a day is plenty on a restricted cal diet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Don't worry about the natural sugars in fruit and milk. They aren't the same as refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup. They're harder for the body to digest so you get a more sustained release of sugar into your blood stream, it doesn't spike the way refined sugar or hfcs does. Obviously, you should eat too much, but I get 2-3 times my recommended sugar most days. But, it's all natural sugar and it hasn't impacted my weight loss at all. Just make sure you don't eat any sugars, carbs or starches withing 3 hours of bed time because they cause the body to release insulin which makes the body store fat.
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    I have read recommendations to eat your servings of fruit 3+ hours apart, so it does not spike your sugar levels. There are so many different opinions out there on everything so who knows if this is "right" or "wrong", but it's not very difficult to stick to so I have been trying it out. I agree that fruit is good and should not be avoided & I feel that if you are eating a good balance of proteins, veggies and fruit, it should not be a problem if you go over on your sugar.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    this is something I was just thinking as I need to eat fruit to achieve my 1200 calories a day but when I make up my calories Im way over my sugars :(
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    Fruits are packed with nutritious vitamines and have all sorts of health benifits. But they do have a lot of sugar and sugar is a simple carb.

    You want to limit your consumption of simple carbs and get most of your carbs from complex carbs (ie: whoel wheat pasta/bread, vegetables, beans, nuts)

    Your body breaks down simple carbs very fast and give a big bost of energy for your body to use. Complex carbs break slowly sand realese their energy for longer, and make you feel full for longer too.

    Don`t stop eating fruit, just make sure you don`t eat too much. You can easily gain weight by overeating fruit.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Just remember that your body can get the same nutrients and fiber from vegetables. Also have more veggies than fruits.

    Keep it to 2 fruits a day and make the rest veggies if at all possible.

    I've been a vegetarian my entire life and I have always adheared to that because while the sugars are natural...they are still sugar.

    But it is better to have an apple than a candy bar. :happy:
  • rtjmnz
    I read in the 80-10-10 diet book that one can have as much sugar as they want from fruit, as long as it's not eaten with fat, because that's what causes the sugar levels to go up/weight gain/etc.