Im new and really need help food wise xxx

Hi all i am 33 years old and have around 50 pounds to lose.My problem is food i have food phobias to items such as fruit and veg i can only eat carrots at the minute so as you can prob tell im having a complete nightmare pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee can anyone help me at all.I need help with recipes such as stir fry,stews so hopefully i could try and eat veg this way as im not the best of cooks and i only ever boil my veg for the kids.Any help would be fab xxxxxx please add me xxxx


  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there, you are not alone. My boyfriend is the same way as you and I always try to incorporate a variety of different ways to make him eat spinach and all sorts of different veggies. For one stop saying your scared to try new things, change is always good. I have been on MFP since October and it has changed my life. I love checking out recipes on there are lots of them that have a ton of vegetables but you can't really taste them once the dish is done. If your not a major cook stick to the basics try to include at least one vegetable, a protein and a salad. That is generally most of my meals. Fish is great and it tastes great with veggies either grilled or baked! Hope that helps add me I always love new friends in the neighborhood. Talk to you soon. -Christina
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You might want to see a therapist to help you with your food phobias. It can be hard to change that on your own. What is it specifically about fruits and vegetables that scares or bothers you? Is it their texture? Flavor?

    Try steaming vegetables for your kids instead of boiling them. Boiling them takes out a lot of their nutrition.
  • en4cerd43
    en4cerd43 Posts: 34 Member
    Maybe you can look into a veggie supplement like Greens Plus or Turbo Greens. It's a bunch of veggies ground up into a powder you can drink. They add some flavor so they don't taste too bad. Then all you have to worry about is your entrees.
  • eliseb122
    I have food phobias too, and it can be really hard to get around them. Try "hiding" vegetables- you can put carrot puree into spaghetti sauce or do a mixture of mashed cauliflower and potatoes. If you can't see a therapist right away, remind yourself that no food itself is "bad". Think of it as a number (calories) instead.
  • ssazbabe
    I dont know what it is about the vegetables/fruit even looking at them makes my teeth hurt.I know it sounds starnge but its like when someone doesnt like cotton wool or nails down a blackboard its awful.I have seen someone about it and i am putting food in my mouth for 5 seconds at a time then taking it out.This helps me with my relationship with the food or so they say lol.I will give the steamer ago i never knew that boiling takes all the good stuff out omg how bad am i.Luckily my kids are really healthy and fit not like their mum :>( I did used to be lol xxx
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I have an 18 month old son who will eat anything but I look after 5 other children 2 of them are very picky and wont eat vegetables so I hide them I will puree carrots and add them to the tomato based sauces I make, I chop veggies really small and mix them into snadwich fillers or a shepards pie. I bake crisps but using parsnips beetroot and carrots instead of potatoes and my favourite making a pita pizza with loads of tiny chopped veggies. the children love them and don't realise they are eating veggies x