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Suddenly Cant Catch my Breath



  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    let us know what they say. I hope all is well.
  • I thought about calling my doctor but they'd send me to the ER...and I know its not anything SERIOUS like aheart attack. I just wonder if a pulled back muscle could really hinder breathing. Its almost like I got the wind sucked out of my lungs.

    Do you have a nurses hotline that you can contact? Honestly, I find this very worrisome. Much better to go the ER and find out that it is not serious then not make it there.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Ok, now I MIGHT have a panic attack haha! It doesnt FEEL like a big deal but I agree that it doesnt hurt to call the doc. Sure there is nooo way it could just be a pulled muscle?! :tongue:

    There is NO way for ANY of us to know. Please, please, please, please GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Right now. If he sends you to the ER, go there too. Better safe than sorry.
  • I dont have diabetes.

    I am not hyperventilating in the traditional "oh-my-gosh-i-cant-breathe-im-gonna-pass-out-oh-my-gosh-im-dying-and-everything-is-going-black" sort of way. I can talk normally. I have no chest pain. I have no weakness or numbness. Im a pretty healthy person. I ran for an hour on the treadmill yesterday and did 55 minutes of HIIT the day before without ever feeling like I couldnt catch my breath. It doesnt seem to be exercise-related. And Im not anxious or in a panic about anything, so I dont think its a panic attack.

    Thats whats so weird. Ive been trying to catch a good, deep breath or a yawn since about 10pm last night. And just when I think Ive reached that great yawn that "catches" my breath, it starts all over again. I thought about calling my doctor but they'd send me to the ER...and I know its not anything SERIOUS like aheart attack. I just wonder if a pulled back muscle could really hinder breathing. Its almost like I got the wind sucked out of my lungs.

    look if pulled a mus in your back that was making it hard to breath than you would know it it would be painfull.. if you were so out of shape you would know that to.. after everything you said and the fact you came here and asked i belive we all know that something is wrong and you should call your doc or go to the er if it gets worse and someone is not there to help it might be to late. look do the right thing and go see a doc.
  • Definitely ER, may be anxiety but could be something worse my sister had similar symptoms for over a week and eventually collapsed with pulmonary embolism...as i said prob anxiety but dont risk it xx
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Dropping the baby off at my parents and going to the walk-in clinic :) Better safe than sorry....that word "embolism" really freaks me out!
  • I think it would be a good idea to go see your family Dr. This way it would put your heart at ease and you would get a better night rest. I personally would not mess with my breathing or lungs… just saying

    Hope everything will turn out ok.
  • Call your doctor ASAP.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Nevermind...called urgent care and they said they dont know what tests they would do for me and that, from what i can tell them, they have "no clue" and 'cant even begin to think of what it could be". Awesome.
    I am gonna call my primary doc in the morning and if he wont see me, Im going to the ER.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,293 Member
    Nevermind...called urgent care and they said they dont know what tests they would do for me and that, from what i can tell them, they have "no clue" and 'cant even begin to think of what it could be". Awesome.
    I am gonna call my primary doc in the morning and if he wont see me, Im going to the ER.

    Why are you coming to MFP for medical advice???????????????????????


    I had one friend with a pulmonary embolism that was THREE MINUTES from death when the EMTs arrived. All the doctors said she was lucky to be alive. The only thing that saved her was a friend that was with her who happened to have emergency first response training AND they had oxygen in their car. She was a fit athlete and it happened all of a sudden. Her symtoms sounded just like yours - right up until she passed out and woke up in the hospital intensive care unit.

    BOTH my parents died of heart attacks. Who knows what symtoms they both ignored before they died?

    Another friend, here on MFP, screen name "arewethereyet", had a Patent Foramen Ovale in her heart. Perfectly healthy, worked out, not overweight. One day she felt "weird", ended up going to the hospital -- that night they did surgery to REPAIR A HOLE IN HER HEART she never knew she had. The cardiologist told her many people just have a stroke or DIE never knowing they had the PFO. About 25% of the population has this.

    You could ruin your life here. Stop thinking about a muscle. That muscle could be your heart.

    GO NOW.

    edit can't spell :tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,293 Member
    My father, BTW had that fatal heart attack at age 40. Not overweight, not ill. Boom. Dead.
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. You could have an issue with your heart or a pulmonary embalism (sorry for the spelling errors)! Take it seriously and go to the doctor, PLEASE!
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I dont have diabetes.

    I am not hyperventilating in the traditional "oh-my-gosh-i-cant-breathe-im-gonna-pass-out-oh-my-gosh-im-dying-and-everything-is-going-black" sort of way. I can talk normally. I have no chest pain. I have no weakness or numbness. Im a pretty healthy person. I ran for an hour on the treadmill yesterday and did 55 minutes of HIIT the day before without ever feeling like I couldnt catch my breath. It doesnt seem to be exercise-related. And Im not anxious or in a panic about anything, so I dont think its a panic attack.

    Thats whats so weird. Ive been trying to catch a good, deep breath or a yawn since about 10pm last night. And just when I think Ive reached that great yawn that "catches" my breath, it starts all over again. I thought about calling my doctor but they'd send me to the ER...and I know its not anything SERIOUS like aheart attack. I just wonder if a pulled back muscle could really hinder breathing. Its almost like I got the wind sucked out of my lungs.

    It could be a clot in your lungs or plurasy, it COULD be a million things. Please see a doctor immediately.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Yes i have had this and its worth getting checked out, but I was told it was stress and exhaustion. The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

    Get iy checked out just to be safe
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Like I said before...go to the ER now - I had the same problem and went into respiratory failure - my oxygen level was slowly depleting - I am no on oxygen anytime I leave the house and have a machine that I use in the house. Do not fool around with this - for you, your husband and baby - just go!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member

    Yea, what he said. Not something to mess around with and quite honestly not something to go looking on the internet for answers on.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kat, this is freakin me out, go to the ER please!
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Kat I have a muscle pulled in my back and when it is bad OMG I can do the slightest thing and I feel like something is just squeezing it in there. When it was realy bad the other night I would take a deep breath or yawn in bed and it hurt like hades. IDK, but let me know what is up. Worried about you
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Nevermind...called urgent care and they said they dont know what tests they would do for me and that, from what i can tell them, they have "no clue" and 'cant even begin to think of what it could be". Awesome.
    I am gonna call my primary doc in the morning and if he wont see me, Im going to the ER.

    Why are you coming to MFP for medical advice???????????????????????


    I had one friend with a pulmonary embolism that was THREE MINUTES from death when the EMTs arrived. All the doctors said she was lucky to be alive. The only thing that saved her was a friend that was with her who happened to have emergency first response training AND they had oxygen in their car. She was a fit athlete and it happened all of a sudden. Her symtoms sounded just like yours - right up until she passed out and woke up in the hospital intensive care unit.

    BOTH my parents died of heart attacks. Who knows what symtoms they both ignored before they died?

    Another friend, here on MFP, screen name "arewethereyet", had a Patent Foramen Ovale in her heart. Perfectly healthy, worked out, not overweight. One day she felt "weird", ended up going to the hospital -- that night they did surgery to REPAIR A HOLE IN HER HEART she never knew she had. The cardiologist told her many people just have a stroke or DIE never knowing they had the PFO. About 25% of the population has this.

    You could ruin your life here. Stop thinking about a muscle. That muscle could be your heart.

    GO NOW.

    edit can't spell :tongue:

    I appreciate your concern. Really. I just know my body and I know it is a pulled muscle impacting my breathing, similar to the way a broken rib impacts breathing. I am going to the doctor tomorrow, as soon as they;ll get me in, just to have complete peace of mind. I wasnt coming to MFP for medical advice. I was asking if anyone else had ever pulled a muscle and had similar side effects, and if so, what helped it heal? I really appreciate and understand the concern and I am not taking it lightly, I just know my body and have checked my blood pressure and am resting assured that it is nothing more than the pulled muscle, MAYBE mixed in with some underlying tension/anxiety about my husband flying today. (But thats a stretch.) My blood pressure is 118/78 (normal is 120/80)...well within a healthy range.
    Ill keep yall posted re: what my primary doc says tomorrow if I still havent caught my breath. I think I got more panicked reading here on this thread than I was when I first realized I couldnt catch a deep breath! I love the support and concern and really do appreciate it. I dont want anyone to think Im taking it lightly. Im not! I just have bad timing, as my husband is out of town on business and I cant exactly truck my daughter into the ER by myself. If I thought it was somethign serious, please know that I would not waste time searching the internet....I would be at my doctor immediately.
    Again, thanks for all the support!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,312 Member

    Ditto. This is not something to play with, it could be something major. Call you doctor NOW.

    The only time I had this was when I had pneumonia, and I didn't realize it until it was quite advanced. There is a whole story there, but I will simply say when you have trouble breathing it is saying your heart or lungs or both are having problems. That is not something to play with.