p90x for kids? MFP FOR KIDS?

dfresh926 Posts: 48
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
my 8 yr old daughter is over weight by like 10. i know children should never lift but can she do a simple version of the lean p90x for like 20 min. a day ? is this ok to get her to do this? pleeeze help. and we have just started her modified "diet" today. can my 8 yr old do mfp?


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I would talk to her pediatrician.
  • I'd track her calories and let her do something fun like zumba, walk away the pounds or something, kick boxing. Something she likes. I think p90x is a little too intense
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    wow... be very careful about the psychological effects of ideal "weight" at such an early age...

    but as a side note, there are a few different kid workouts by both shaun t (insanity) and tony horton (p90x).
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    take away the video games, the hours of tv, easy access to snacks... make her play outside, ride bike, swing, run around, play kick ball whatever.
    Dont make her count her calories or do strenuous workouts! ( i was a fat kid too !)
  • or i would put her in something at school. my god sister started playing basketball this year and the amount of weight she lost from her practices and drills made ME jealous lol
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    No, she should not lift weights. It could interfer with her growth. That's what your pediatrician will tell you.
    Just watch what she eats and send her outside to play like we use to do when we were little.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Does your daughter WANT to do p90x? Most of my kids have tried doing some or all of the p90x routines with me, ages 15 down to 3. But I think you should get her input as to what she would like to do. Maybe there are classes or sports she can do to keep active but have fun with. :)

    Same with using MFP... it could be fun and helpful for her if she wants to do it. GL!
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    put her in some sort of sport, Kids at that age should not be counting calories or doing Adult workouts
    Put her in like gymnastics or soccer anything!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I agree about talking to her pediatrician. Just simple things like reducing portions and cutting out desserts and sodas can have a profound impact. MFP is not a "diet", ideally it's relearning how to eat the way our bodies need (although a lot of people think that as long as they stick around 1200 calories, they can eat all the crap they want to. vent over - just make sure she gets fruits, veggies, whole grains, good sources of protein, etc.)

    Lean still has a lot of lifting in it, there are DVDs that Beachbody sells like Tony and the Kids or Shaun T and the kids (they are less than $20 each) that would probably be a lot better for your daughter.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    take away the video games, the hours of tv, easy access to snacks... make her play outside, ride bike, swing, run around, play kick ball whatever.
    Dont make her count her calories or do strenuous workouts! ( i was a fat kid too !)

    This is what i do with my son!
  • Something fun like kids hip hop dance classes or swimming.
  • vodkanaut
    vodkanaut Posts: 1 Member
    use the video games as a tool. grab one of the kintec dance games they work great, and there a lot of fun... my nice lost 15lbs just playing them about an hour a day for a little over a month.

    if thats to expensive make a family outing day. go to a park or take a hike. find a nice activity you can both do together... have some bonding time :)
  • My 3, 5 and 12 year olds all do a little P90X with us. Through varying levels of course... It has been a personal choice by each of them. Not once have we ever suggested it. They simply see Mom & Dad workout and they want to do it as well. It's not to the intensity we do it nor the duration. The important thing is they do it at their pace, have fun till they are done and move on.

    Plyometrics and Kenpo are what I would focus on for your child. Plyo is huge and very effective for weight loss as well as performance enhancement for child athletes. It is night and day to spot the kids that do advanced routines such as Plyo on the court or field. They are leaps and bounds ahead of their peers.

    I think I would just stay away from weights until the teen years as the rule. Body weight exercises for younger children is ok from what I understand. I would still bring it up with your pediatrician to be safe.

    I also disagree with many on here. There is nothing wrong with children counting calories or being aware of the input/output formula we all watch. That's simply good education and lays a solid foundation for later in life. Don't focus on diet too much at all, just let them be aware of the choices they make and what they mean in the numbers. Like many things with kids, introduce them slowly, at their own pace and focus more on the teaching side of things than being strict and rigid. You just don't want to scare them off either. Let them be the guide to it all...
  • http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/tony_and_the_kids.do

    You might want to look into this one, looks like fun for the kids ;)
  • we've tried softball,dosent like it. and where we live there's not many options. no she doesnt want to do p90x and she doesnt want to do mfp. and i dont want to force anything on her. shes been made fun of because of her "beer gut' SINCE KINDERGARTEN. im sick of it and i know she is. i guess everyone id different. and she doesnt eat terribly bad!! im so lost
  • I would try to just do a family walk every day and cook healthy foods. Keep healthy snacks around and throw out junk food. Make sure that you are careful with what you tell her because it can be very hard on anyone to be told they are fat. Even nicely. Good luck!

    See if she wants to join a sports team at her school? If you do all of these things that will help her alot! Lead by example and do things together.

    Good luck!
  • grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    There's actually a Zumba for kids....maybe she'd like that. Bet it would be more fun if you joined in!
  • and by the way im not telling my kid she is too fat!!! cmon people
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    and by the way im not telling my kid she is too fat!!! cmon people

    No doubt, just find something you both enjoy and lead by example. Parents are the number one influence of teens (although we don't see it immediately), you have a lot of power to help shape your daughter's future. Good luck! :happy:
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