Just Wondering...

asallen7 Posts: 301
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
I know you're supposed to be strong, hold on, and all that. But let's keep it real. Has a bad weigh-in ever sent you on a binge?


  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Does a bad weigh in send me on a binge? It does the opposite for me, at least so far.
  • Quite the opposite....made me more determined
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Thats Emotional Eating. Grab hold of it or it will carry you away
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I would say it did all the time in the past, but I really changed my attitude to "keep pushing on". If it is a bad weigh in I think what's a few pounds? Is a few pounds going to bully me into giving up? I just try again the next day.
  • Keeping it real...."YES""YES"YES"YES!!!!
  • It definitely would have just a few weeks ago! Thanks to my naturopath, support of my mom and good friend, and MFP my attitude has totally changed! If I see that I gained, I become more determined and evaluate what I might have done to cause the gain (or if it's just muscle or something other than fat).
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    It definitely used to affect me in the past. Every now and again, I am weakened. I have come so far in dealing with emotional eating. I was just wondering how others dealt with it.
  • danilandry
    danilandry Posts: 48 Member
    Yes! or at least go off routine of going to the gym because i feel helpless. its love/hate haha
  • I went too far last week and on my weigh in I had gained 4 pounds . It really wasnt worth all that I had done the prior week. Moderation is key. This tracking tool is also hepful. If i go overboard i will cut back on somthing else to stay under the calories that i need..
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Bad weigh in makes me review what I'm doing and vary my routine - the body is very clever at adjusting to what we throw at it so we need to change periodically to keep it guessing. Don't make excuses for yourself - what do YOU want? I would guess, to be a few pounds lighter, so binging is not an option, sorry... The mental attitude is key in this process, be strong, get fit, look good, be happy and proud of your success...

    Best regards, David
  • I am totally an emotional eater, if ive gained or dont see quick results i give up. but hoping this time i can finally change my ways :)
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    I have definitely done that. Lately, when I go to weigh myself I talk myself up in my head and try to recount all of the good things that I've done, how hard I've been working, and not to be discouraged if the scale doesn't say what I hope or think it should. I also tell myself going in that if I don't like the number or feel like I should have lost when I didn't that I will re-assess what I'm doing, and work harder, or keep up the hard work. I definitely know what you mean though. Relationships with food can be like an albatross.
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    It's great that you're on here, and that is why I joined too. Anytime we get that urge we should hop onto this site and read all about our own progress and everybody else's success, and it will be enough to perhaps make us think twice and be inspired to not pick up those cookies, or whatever.
  • Ok, so lets be real...In the begining yes!! When you work so hard and the scale doesn't respond it is a fat girls "go to" response. We are all guilty of it. But sooner or later you get real and realize that this weight didn't come in just one bad week and it ain't going anywhere with just one good week. It's going to take a LIFESTYLE CHANGE (everyones favorite two words). We just have to stay consistant and eventualy all the work will pay off. Good and bad up and down just STAY ON TASK! Don't beat yourself up over a moment of weekness. I swear half of the battle of the buldge is in our heads. lol Hope this helps! Keep up the good work! ;)
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    I didn't mean for you guys think I was binging because of a bad weigh-in. I was just wondering. :-) Of course I used to go overboard after a bad weigh. That is not the case anymore because I see the benefits of not giving up.
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