What size????



  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    Biggest- 20/22

    I'm 6ft tall so I think anything smaller than a 10/12 is really pushing it for me..........
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    current-12 and some 14
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh that was so long ago.
    I think the smallest was a size 10;
    The biggest was size 18W
    Right now I'm 12 to 14 depending on style of jeans;
    My goal is to be a size 10.
  • Biggest- 20/22

    I'm 6ft tall so I think anything smaller than a 10/12 is really pushing it for me..........

    I agree what is your target weight? if you want you can send that to my email so it is not posted for all to see but I am also tall 5'9 and i think a size 10 would be good but what weight is that? I want to get to 165 or 170 but my dr says 155
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Biggest- 20/22

    I'm 6ft tall so I think anything smaller than a 10/12 is really pushing it for me..........

    I agree what is your target weight? if you want you can send that to my email so it is not posted for all to see but I am also tall 5'9 and i think a size 10 would be good but what weight is that? I want to get to 165 or 170 but my dr says 155

    I don't know if this helps you but I weigh 165 right now and wear a size 12. I am only 5'6" so... I would say about 165 for you would be a size 10. But that depends on how your body is dispursed and your muscle mass.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Women's sizes have always confounded me. I don't know what size I was at my smallest after I finished growing/puberty - maybe a 9/10.
    Currently 12
    largest 18
    goal 10/12
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Smallest (high school) - 5
    Biggest (post-babies - three of 'em) - 16-18
    Current - 4-6

    I'm not hung up on the pant size or weight (I'm 135 - down from 192 post-baby) - but I'd REALLY like to get rid of the post-baby flab (stomach jiggle-thing), sigh. It can be annoying when getting close to goal because people keep telling me I don't need to lose any more weight, and I should stop dieting - even when I tell them this isn't a diet, but a life style change and I'm trying to tone up/eat healthy until I'm blue in the face. (end vent, lol)
  • smallest - size 6
    largest - size 20
    now - size 10
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Women's sizes have always confounded me.

    No one EVER said women's sizing makes sense!! :laugh: :grumble: :laugh: :grumble: :laugh:
  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    goal- not sure 9/10 or 7/8

    but it'd b good to go smaller if i could...but i wouldnt wana go under 5/6
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I agree what is your target weight? if you want you can send that to my email so it is not posted for all to see but I am also tall 5'9 and i think a size 10 would be good but what weight is that? I want to get to 165 or 170 but my dr says 155

    Hmmm! I wonder where your doctor got that number from?

    I am 5'7" and I am currently shooting for 150-155. My weight right now is 162-165 and I am comfortable in a size 12 (yay!). I had my body fat % tested at the YMCA a few months ago, and based on their recommended goal of 23% body fat for women, they said my target weight should be 155. I think I might be able to go below 23%, hence why I am shooting for 150. I have a large frame, and doubt that I could get lower than a size 10, but we'll see.
  • What size where you when you were your smallest? 6 (at age 15)

    What size when you were at your biggest? (20 - 2 years ago)

    Size that you are now? (18)

    Goal Size? (8/10)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Smallest=0 (due to drinking and dancing...not healthy!)

    Biggest= 16 (could have been bigger but I refused to buy new clothes!)

    Goal= size 8 (for now)

    I was the healthiest at 118 which was a size 6. I just could not bring myself to say I needed to lose 50 pounds when I started on this journey, so I put my goal at 135 which is around an 8.
  • I agree what is your target weight? if you want you can send that to my email so it is not posted for all to see but I am also tall 5'9 and i think a size 10 would be good but what weight is that? I want to get to 165 or 170 but my dr says 155

    Hmmm! I wonder where your doctor got that number from?

    I am 5'7" and I am currently shooting for 150-155. My weight right now is 162-165 and I am comfortable in a size 12 (yay!). I had my body fat % tested at the YMCA a few months ago, and based on their recommended goal of 23% body fat for women, they said my target weight should be 155. I think I might be able to go below 23%, hence why I am shooting for 150. I have a large frame, and doubt that I could get lower than a size 10, but we'll see.

    I am also 5'9. Yes, the target weight can be between 130 - 160 - however, your frame determines better what weight you should be. I find that targeting a specific % body weight is a healthier goal. When I got out of boot camp (I used to be in the Navy) I weighed 165, was 22% body fat and had a four pack of abs. ... of course - I was still outside the healthy range for weight in my height, but I was completely healthy....

    you just have to use all of these recommendations collectively to determine what is healthiest for your body.
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    smallest.....10 after divorce & taking up dancing 4x/week
    biggest..... 24 after 4 kids
    now..... 18 yay, just got there today
    goal..... 10 has to be - going to be

    My girlfriend is a Doc & says at 5'7 and 145 I was at my best physical shape & should never go under that again. Keep in mind, however, I tend to carry more muscle mass than other ladies and I have a larger frame anyway.
  • My biggest size was a 20/22 the first time I was 230lbs. This last year I gained and went back up to 230 but was a size 18 - gotta love muscle! :wink: My smallest size was a 14 and I think I was around 190lbs. I'm currently a 16 at 204lbs.

    My goal is anywhere from 6 to 10 - I really have no idea where I'll be comfortable, since I've never been that small!
  • whalomgirl
    whalomgirl Posts: 35 Member
    goal... 9
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Okay just curious.

    What size where you when you were your smallest? 8

    What size when you were at your biggest? 22

    Size that you are now? 14-16

    Goal Size? 8

    For me Size 3, Size 16, size 12, size 8
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    WOW I like this post!

    Biggest - ugh 22 I think -they were maternity clothing
    smallest - 5 after one kid
    now - 14ish
    and I WILL be a 5 again only this time I will be strong and tone!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Women's sizes have always confounded me.

    No one EVER said women's sizing makes sense!! :laugh: :grumble: :laugh: :grumble: :laugh:

    Seriously! At one point, I had some stretch 16s, regular 14s, and regular 12s - all of which I could wear! :grumble: For a while, I only wore men's pants/jeans because I got so irritated with it. At least a 34 waist is generally consistent!
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