what did we do 20 years ago

MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
I was following the thread about Cell Phones. There are some very valid reasons to always have the thing with you. One fellow cited a child with health issues. Another woman mentioned a hubby that drives truck.
I get it, but what did we do 20 years ago.
Younger folks on here may not even remember a time that technology didn't rule the day. Today people are slaves to technology and it's more as if a cell phone is a right not a privilege. My own children don't remember ever not having a computer at their disposal for everything from homework to car parts.
I also think the advancements in technology, although great for information have helped create our nation of obesity. Kids flock to their computer after school instead of seeking out "real" friends to go play ball or whatever.

What's your take on this?


  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Well 20 years ago there was pay phones on almost every corner.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Well 20 years ago there was pay phones on almost every corner.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I concur! I'm only 30 and I can remember going outside to play after school. Actually reading THE BOOK for a report. I had my own phone... a land line in my room! Cell phones weren't the norm and if you did have one you could only make a phone call from it! No texting, no surfing the web, no checking emails or even playing games!

    I think society relies a little too much on technology. They freak out if the power goes out!

    Buuuuut... it does make life a whole lot easier too!!!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    I was following the thread about Cell Phones. There are some very valid reasons to always have the thing with you. One fellow cited a child with health issues. Another woman mentioned a hubby that drives truck.
    I get it, but what did we do 20 years ago.
    Younger folks on here may not even remember a time that technology didn't rule the day. Today people are slaves to technology and it's more as if a cell phone is a right not a privilege. My own children don't remember ever not having a computer at their disposal for everything from homework to car parts.
    I also think the advancements in technology, although great for information have helped create our nation of obesity. Kids flock to their computer after school instead of seeking out "real" friends to go play ball or whatever.

    What's your take on this?

    you took the words right out of my mouth.
    one if my biggest pet peevs is watching people in restaurants.. 6 young college students sitting at a table together.. 5 of them all busy texting or playing games on their cell phones.

    something unutterably sad about that to me.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    My hubby and I tell our teeanage and preteen sons that we didn't have texting or iPods or Xbox when we grew up and they wanted to know how we talked to people... we told them we knocked on the door and asked if they wanted to play!!! Or we called on the phone.. that was attached to the wall!!!!

    Talk about freaking out...
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    I totally agree. We rode bikes all over the place. And played volleyball and anyother sport that would keep us out of the house. I have my 18yr old daughter doing what I do, because she doesn't play sports and she is overweight. But she has been doing the walking and getting rid of some of that weight. She has been told by many people that she looks good and that encourages her more. I am so glad I found this site because it is saving my life and my daughters together.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    Went to a payphone? sent letters? It is good now that we can call anyone anywhere from anywhere specially during emergencies, but I really hate being available 24/7 on my phone...that's why my cel phone is off at night... if a family or a dear friend has an emergency, they have the home phone number.... during the day I barely pick up my cel unless is my mom or my husband... if it's someone else and it is important they would leave a message and I'll return the call....

    My kids are allowed 1 hr max on the computer...the rest of the time (in the afternoon) they are either outside playing or with friends inside the house but NOT on the computer... I was afraid they would loose contact with the real world!

    Technology as definitely help a lot but haven't you notice that now that we are more "connected through technology" we are more disconnected of the real world? Take a look at this video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDa1Ek3LVlc
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    My kids live like we did 20 years ago. They play outside, they ride their bikes. We have one computer, one TV. We eat dinner together every night, we have game night. We don't own a microwave. I have a cell, but that's because hubby won't get a land line.

    I try to keep it real. Technology is AWESOME but it should be an aide in life, not something you depend on. Once my kids are self sufficient then they can get all teched out.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    I can remember when I was a kid being outside all the time. My grand kids only want to play those blasted video games all day long. I also think that is way there is so many people that are obese today. Place all of the fast food. We didn't have all of this when I was a kid. Your mom actually cooked meals every day most of the time. There was not much of this eating out.

    Now don't misunderstand me, I love the fact that I can go to my computer and find out answers to my questions in a manner of minutes or if I have car trouble somewhere out on a back road that is not traveled often that I'm not left stranded for hours on end but there has to be a health balance. Kinda like the food we eat. Balanced.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    I was following the thread about Cell Phones. There are some very valid reasons to always have the thing with you. One fellow cited a child with health issues. Another woman mentioned a hubby that drives truck.
    I get it, but what did we do 20 years ago.
    Younger folks on here may not even remember a time that technology didn't rule the day. Today people are slaves to technology and it's more as if a cell phone is a right not a privilege. My own children don't remember ever not having a computer at their disposal for everything from homework to car parts.
    I also think the advancements in technology, although great for information have helped create our nation of obesity. Kids flock to their computer after school instead of seeking out "real" friends to go play ball or whatever.

    What's your take on this?

    you took the words right out of my mouth.
    one if my biggest pet peevs is watching people in restaurants.. 6 young college students sitting at a table together.. 5 of them all busy texting or playing games on their cell phones.

    something unutterably sad about that to me.
    We had a strict phones off policy at dinner and family times. 2 of 3 of my kids were 3 sport jocks and the other did at least 1 and marching band. we started when they were young with gymnastics, dance etc... all three are still pretty health conscious.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    My kids live like we did 20 years ago. They play outside, they ride their bikes. We have one computer, one TV. We eat dinner together every night, we have game night. We don't own a microwave. I have a cell, but that's because hubby won't get a land line.

    I try to keep it real. Technology is AWESOME but it should be an aide in life, not something you depend on. Once my kids are self sufficient then they can get all teched out.
    Very cool. parenting unfortunately has been replaced in many respects by the ability to immediately contact. it's not the same.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member

    you took the words right out of my mouth.
    one if my biggest pet peevs is watching people in restaurants.. 6 young college students sitting at a table together.. 5 of them all busy texting or playing games on their cell phones.

    something unutterably sad about that to me.

    I hate that! Once my sister went to a party with some friends.... in the middle of the party she called me because she was bored...all her friends were chatting on the phone with someone else.

    I have a very strict rule in my house that while on the table (home or at a restaurant) no texting/BB/Nintendo DS, Ipod etc. Yes, it would be a lot easier if they were glued to the DS and not thinking about running around a restaurant after finished eating, but kids need to know how to behave at a restaurant, or need to understand family time is family time.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    My kids live like we did 20 years ago. They play outside, they ride their bikes. We have one computer, one TV. We eat dinner together every night, we have game night. We don't own a microwave. I have a cell, but that's because hubby won't get a land line.

    I try to keep it real. Technology is AWESOME but it should be an aide in life, not something you depend on. Once my kids are self sufficient then they can get all teched out.
    Very cool. parenting unfortunately has been replaced in many respects by the ability to immediately contact. it's not the same.

    I agree. Although my middle schooler has a phone to contact us during the day (BECAUSE there are NO payphones or any other way to call us) she cannot use it after 6pm (dinnertime) and leaves it at home when we all go out together (why does she need it if we're all together?) I am trying to teach her and my little one that you don't have to be available 24/7. It's ok for people to leave a message. It's ok to not answer a call/text/etc. I'm on the computer when they are out playing, after I finish my chores. LOL

    My daughter can't even have a Facebook or Myspace. She doesn't complain either. We have just never made it important.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member

    I have a very strict rule in my house that while on the table (home or at a restaurant) no texting/BB/Nintendo DS, Ipod etc. Yes, it would be a lot easier if they were glued to the DS and not thinking about running around a restaurant after finished eating, but kids need to know how to behave at a restaurant, or need to understand family time is family time.

    I have left friends at restaurants because they couldn't turn off their freakin phone while with me. I didn't drive 45 miles to sit alone. I can do that at home in my jammies LOL

    I have no problem excusing myself and leaving. They don't pull that crap a 2nd time.
  • hotmooglelove
    Last time my mom visited, she needed to find some local business and so she inquired as to where I keep my phone book. I just had to laugh :laugh:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Last time my mom visited, she needed to find some local business and thus she inquired as to where I keep my phone book. I just had to laugh :laugh:

    Ours is on our bookshelf! And yes, we use it .LOL
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    I remember 20 yrs. kids was outside playing all kinds of games, or we would go to the basketball courts to shoot some basketball. Then we would play some softball in various leagues.

    Now when I go to a park, I don't see as many kids playing, don't even see many kids outside now. Most are in the house playing video games.

    We now live in a world where technology has taken over and kids today are far more dependent on it now. So in the future these kids will be grown up and far more dependent on technology. That is why we have a large population of kids that is obese compare to 20 or 30 yrs. ago.

    Technology can be awesome, but used the wrong way very deadly.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member

    I have a very strict rule in my house that while on the table (home or at a restaurant) no texting/BB/Nintendo DS, Ipod etc. Yes, it would be a lot easier if they were glued to the DS and not thinking about running around a restaurant after finished eating, but kids need to know how to behave at a restaurant, or need to understand family time is family time.

    I have left friends at restaurants because they couldn't turn off their freakin phone while with me. I didn't drive 45 miles to sit alone. I can do that at home in my jammies LOL

    I have no problem excusing myself and leaving. They don't pull that crap a 2nd time.

    My rule actually started when my husband got his first blackberry.....We were at a restaurant the 2 of us (plus his phone ;)... after a while I told him to take me home because I didn't like eating at restaurants by myself. He has never done it again.
  • hotmooglelove
    Last time my mom visited, she needed to find some local business and thus she inquired as to where I keep my phone book. I just had to laugh :laugh:

    Ours is on our bookshelf! And yes, we use it .LOL

    Whats a "bookshelf"? jkjk :wink:
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Last time my mom visited, she needed to find some local business and thus she inquired as to where I keep my phone book. I just had to laugh :laugh:

    Ours is on our bookshelf! And yes, we use it .LOL

    Whats a "bookshelf"? jkjk :wink:
    You laugh but one time my oldest was in the car with me (he's 27 now) h was about 15 then. The Eagles "Hotel California" came on. He commented that he liked the song. I said that I had the album at home. he then asked what an album was. He had never seen a black vinyl record album. I had long since replaced all my music with CD's at that time and even those are becoming dinosaurs now.