Ladies 5'8 +

Just looking for friends of similar body type/build!

153 lbs
Athletic body type.


  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    5'9 162.3 currently Would like to get to 148
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    I am 5' 8" 150lbs and I would like to get down to 130lbs I don't have a time line because I have no idea what is realistic. But I would really like to see weight loss by my birthday in May.
  • candiceanderson84
    candiceanderson84 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 198lbs and I would like be 165-170lbs. I want to lose 18 lbs before April 1st because I'm in a wedding.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" and would like to get to 150-153.
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5'8 with an athletic build and would like to get to 140 and stay there forever! I want to be solid muscle though and not "skinny fat". My biggest problem area is abdomen and thighs, but I cross train to try to hit all muscle groups. What kind of exercise do yall incorporate in your plan?
  • cohollywood
    5'9" - currently 150 (or 149.5 as the scale said for .5 seconds this morning before it changed it's mind...). Looking to get to about 137-138 naked so that when clothed at the doctors office I won't be much above 140. My ultimate goal is a size 6, and I think that weight will satisfy that goal.

    Oh - and here's some food for thought...when I was 4 months pregnant with my son, I weighed 118 pounds after dropping 22 pounds due to morning sickness. I can't even imagine how thin I was....
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my goal weight is 145. I'm currently 155 & holding :(
  • RochelleBlack
    I'm 5'8" and 147. I have NO IDEA where I want to be on the scale...I just know what I want my body to look like in the mirror! Always looking for new friends :blushing:
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my goal weight at the moment is about 140. My start weight was around 167 (didn't really have a scale then :ohwell: ) and current weight is 151. I'd love to add some of you guys if that's ok! It's good to see how someone of similar height and build is doing! Very motivating :flowerforyou:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I'm 5'8"and 163but would like to be 140. Athletic build and would love to have skinny legs :(
  • mjames13
    Hi I'm new to MFP, and I would love if we could have a little group going where we can kinda support each other. I'm 5'8 and a half, and I currently weight 155. I would love to get down to a firm toned 140, which is where I spent most of my life until I had my second child, and couldn't seem to bounce back. Its frustrating how I can think its only 15 pounds I need to lose, it shouldn't take forever, ...and yet it seems I can never get there. I've been pretty much bouncing around between 150-160 for the last three years. I joined MFP because I just saw my sister in law last week and was amazed at how good she looked, she has lost over 30 pounds using MFP, she's been battling her weight for a while and it was so inspiring to see she has conquered it and succeeded, ...I want this to be the year that when summer comes I'm not depressed because once again I didn't lose the weight. My familly has been through alot healthwise in the last few years, and I really want to avoid as many problems as possible. I need accountability, and I would love if we could keep each updated and support each other so this can be all of our summers where we finally say, WE DID IT. I do not want to go through another summer thinking about how I did not lose the weight again.
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'8", 156-158 for the last 2 months! Argh! My original goal is 145, and then I'll see how I feel from there. I've been on MFP for a little bit, don't have any friends yet. I like the idea of a group, and it may be the extra motivation I need to keep going. I live in a tiny town, don't know anyone, and it's always nice to have some friends to share the challenges of adopting a new, healthy lifestyle! :flowerforyou:
  • mjames13
    I had a rockin day yesterday, anyone else? First time I managed to not go over my daily calories and I wasn't starving!!!! I think its really all in the shopping, have to plan ahead and be prepared! Tomorrow will be rough, going for a family dinner at a pizza restaurant and craving a panzarotti!!!!!
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Im 5'8" and 3/4. At 170 now but have been 230 at my worst. I hope to be around 150 by the end summer
  • skinney1357
    I am 5'8 and when I started MFP in April I was 177. I am currently 140 and have been maintaining for abou 4 months now. Maintaining tends to feel like you are still dieting, so I would love more motivation and support especially from people my height and build. It can be discouraging when you have lost almost 40 pounds and then hear others talk about how they weigh 125. At 140 I feel fit and tone and healthy but everyone has their pity days!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I am 5ft 9" and my pre pregnancy weight is 175lbs but I would ideally like to be 161lbs. I am never going to be waif-like as I have a booty and boobs on me but I know I can get down to 161 as been there before.
  • ruth1104
    ruth1104 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'8", im 81kg and a bit fed up! I thought Id done SO well this week and I'v lost nothing :( I'm not sure where I want to be, just in a healthy BMI but I'm starting with a mini goal of 5kgs. But I'm starting 30 day shred this week so lets start with being fit and toned!
  • mjames13
    congrats on your weightloss skinny!!! 140 sounds like a large number, especially in today's world of size 0's, but I was always 140 my whole life until my second child, and I had a rockin body! So don't focus on the number too much, even for me, I know if I get back down to 140 I won't look the same that I did when I was that weight before, ...unless I really start strength training. I had alot more muscle than fat when I was 140 so I looked good. My goal right now is to lose the fat first, then work on building the muscle and toning up. I know it would be faster if I did both at the same time, but baby steps right? Too much too soon and you tend to give up when the results aren't overnight, but a little at a time can make a huge difference.

    Ruth,...the thing you have to remember with weightloss is that our bodies are not calculators, don't give up, maybe you will get a whoosh in a few days or next week you will lose double.
  • skinney1357
    Very true mjames13. I am happy where I am and I still do toning and strength training. I feel like 140 is pretty healthy especially since most of us are on the taller side. Baby steps definitely work especially in the long run. I actually worked out harder and longer in the beginning and saw weight fall off pretty fast. Then the weight took longer and longer to get off.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    i"m 5'9 and currently at 166 I would like to get to 145-150.