Cheat Days

Do you have them?

I often hear people talking about having 1 full on cheat day per week and that it helps them to stay focused for the remainder of the week. And often times it's actually good for their weight loss progress.....Is there any truth to this? Is it worth having a cheat day once a week? I am so affraid to slow down my already slow progress, but wanted to see if these cheat days actually work.


  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Maybe other people don't have this problem, but I find that if I do a full-on 'cheat day' -- "Oh, gonna eat whatever I want today" -- I struggle for days afterward with hunger and cravings. So if I want a treat, I try to work it into the calorie count for the day, and if I do "cheat," I try not to go over my maintenance calories (500 calories over my daily allowance).

    But there do seem to be folks here who find it useful to do this.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I fully believe in "cheat days".

    Don't take that the wrong way though. I do NOT go completely overboard and eat like a 1/2 a pizza or anything, but typically I would have a slice and a couple wings, I feel it keeps me motivated to eat better through out the week knowing that at least one day I can have foods that i like, but may not be the healthiest of options. You can't be good all the time ;)
  • alex51026
    I have heard/seen people talk about that, but I try not to do it like that. There might be a random day every month or so that I knowingly/willingly go over my calories, but thats for big events. Even those days that I know I will blow my calories through the roof I still try to get in a ton of exercise.... Also, when you allow yourself to consistently cheat it makes it easier and easier each time....

    good luck!
  • mjshuster
    I have not yet tried the "cheat day" theory. I am afraid that I will lose all self-control and forget the diet altogether. My sister does have a cheat day, however, and she says it does help her to stay focused because she does not feel so deprived. I believe that it is a very personal issue and may or may not work for each individual. Maybe you should try a toned down version of a full-on cheat day and just allow yourself to go over your allotted calories for the day.... Maybe just have one meal where you eat what you want while maintaining your calorie counting habit. This will allow you to have your treats as well as see how it affects your diet.

  • vickersja
    I have a cheat day every Saturday. While I dont go crazy, this is when I have foods that are difficult to track at restaurants (buffet, mexican food with nachos of course).

    It does help keep me on track and gives me something to look forward to. If I completely deprive myself, I wont suceed.

    With calorie counting, the cheat day, and 3 days at the gym, i am losing 1 pound a week.
  • ropedancer
    For me, it's okay to have a cheat meal (I go out to eat with my fiancé once a month), but not a whole day. It means I can have a break from eating well, but not from everything. I still have to log everything I eat (even the bad stuff). I still have to try to exercise in the morning. I still have to go my by "everything in moderation" rules. I have a nice meal, but I don't go crazy. That would make me sick..
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Do this every Saturday following the spike diet. I eat 5,000 calories of whatever I want. Its about average caloric intake for the week, and I eat low enough the other days my spike day helps me to lose weight.

    Definitely going to eat a whole pizza and box of girl scout cookies this Saturday.
  • Splendidissimus
    I think that cheat days often work for people due to calorie cycling. I know I hadn't heard the term the first time i tried to lose weight, but I found that I plateaued actually ten pounds from where I wanted to be and my cheat-weekends were the only time I actually lost weight after that. So, yeah, I believe in them, and am giving myself the same cheats again. : )
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Hubby and I have a "Weekly cheat" not a whole day. Last week it was potato chips, I'm not sure what it will be this week. Just one thing or one thing at one meal that we shouldn't be eating. We did the cheat day on Superbowl Sunday and it was a digestive disaster for both of us. We decided not to do that again. Nothing wrong with a deliberate cheat but I'd find it too hard to get back where I belong after a whole day of eating whatever I wanted in whatever quantities. And there would be leftovers to deal with. Nope. One cheat a week.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I think it really depends on the person... It's good to not deprive yourself but for some people giving them a whole cheat DAY can send them right back off track. I would shoot for a cheat MEAL, that way your not undoing a whole day.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    The over-arching theme is here is that yes, an Off Day can be beneficial if you understand why you're doing it. It's not for you to eat as much *kitten* food as you's to keep you sane. If someone told me today that I could never have slice of pizza, or a medium rare NY strip, or one of my choclolate chip cookies ever again there is zero percent chance of staying with it. So, once you did have one of those, you have essentially failed, opening the door to old habits and ways (i.e. fat and lazy).

    So, the Off Day gives me sanity. During my Off Day...I much prefer that over "cheat"...considering I'm not cheating, I'm doing as I planned - so no cheating involved, just a scheduled diet change. I typically take Saturday evening through Sunday lunch off. During this time, there is no way I want to ruin my progress by over indulging, but I do want to satisfy any cravings. I'll have a couple glasses of wine and a gorgeous prime NY strip...but I'll skip the bread and butter. In the morning, I'll eat some serious bacon and a bloody mary, but no waffles for me.

    Does that make sense? Kill the urges with a reward not ruin your progress with gluttony. Also, this is a REWARD for me. If I have not hit the majority of my goals for the week in terms of fitness, I consider my Off Day was already used, and I bust my butt and eat clean through the weekend as well.
  • traceytoo
    I think that when you are in the diet zone even on cheat days / meals you make way better healthy choices and you tend to exercise more to compensate :bigsmile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think it depends on the person,I dont have a day I consider a cheat day but if I feel like a cookie I have one.Or if I know were going out to dinner I usally get what I want withen reason
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Yes I do this every thursday for datenight.just one meal and it keeps me very motivated for the week.:bigsmile:
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    My "cheat day" is a friday night. I buy a very small bottle of wine (250mls - just one glass) and have that with my dinner on a Friday night, after my daughter has gone to bed. I have given up drinking pretty much at all, so restraining myself to one glass is a week is a big thing for me!
  • wiglitt
    Maybe it’s just me, but I have found that when I eat foods that I know I shouldn’t, it makes me even hungrier. I have tried the cheat days and they are just not worth it. I had to get into the mind set that just because we go to one of my favorite restaurants doesn’t mean I have to eat badly. Yes, I want the whole basket of rolls, but I know I can live with just one. Cheating and going crazy for the day is just not a good, at least for me. Eating those " Cheat " foods just leaves me bloated and feeling guilty. I don’t really care for that feeling anymore.

    Just my two cents ;-)
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    I have a cheat meal. But more so its for me to enjoy something and not go crazy but not worry about logging it in.

    I fully believe in this, because even though they say not to use food as a reward, I truly look forward to my cheat meal. That encourages me to do good the days of the week leading up to my cheat meal. This weekend for dinner one night I am going to have pizza and wings. =]

    However, I believe that if you cannot control how much you eat, then cheat meals are not the best idea until you gain self control. I know this from experience. I had a cheat meal in the begining of January that turned into a cheat weekend because I ate so much at my cheat meal that for the rest of the day I thought "What the hell??" The next day I did the same thing. It was pathetic. I felt disgusted. I promised myself no more cheat meals for a month. Friday was when I had my first cheat meal and I did not go overboard. Actually it was at a birthday party and I ate till I felt full, and my friend and I before hand agreed to eat half a slice of cake and to tell you the truth we couldnt even finish that one slice between ourselves. It wasnt a big slice either. I surprised myself =] Because honestly and truthfully no food could ever make you feel the way that someone complimenting you on your weight lost feels. All the hard work would just go out the window if I lose self control.

    So my advice: Learn self control and then have a cheat day or a cheat meal. You'll feel so much better by the end of your meal knowing that you controlled yourself and ate something delicious.

    Good luck!
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    I dont really like cheating at the moment because it's too easy for me to think "sod it, i'll start again on Monday" and it just makes it sooooo much harder to get back on track!

    Like i said in my earlier post, just the one tiny treat which i allow for in my calories is all that i need to keep on track.
  • ellen1980
    Awesome responses guys! Thanks so much!! I think one meal/snack would be enough for me. I am always so conscious of what I eat so that I probably wouldn't be able to go full force for a full day anyways. I don't really crave much as I've been able to find pretty healthy options for the foods I typically love (pizza, pasta, etc). But one night of chips & dip or a few glasses of wine would be enough. I just don't want to hinder things too much, then I guess I would also need to ramp up theH2o intake after the cheat to get rid of all the water rentention from the saltiness/alcohol!!

    I just may give this a go! :) And I think my self control is pretty good....I've been at this weight loss thing far too long to fall off completely, but sometimes I feel as though I should just be able to eat one thing and not feel guilty!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    If I want it I can work off the calories before I have it. Its worked well so far. Managed to work off a whole pizza before I ate it recently.