Cell Phones and Driving



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Someone posted this on FB the other day and I just had to share.....it's kind of hilarious and a little disturbing.....


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have an app on my phone called "Txt Msg Away Lite". Basically, it sends out an auto-reply to anyone who texts you while the app is in use. You can choose from pre-loaded messages or create your own.

    I turn it on whenever I get into the car, with the autoreply "I'm driving right now and can't read your text. I'll get back to you soon."
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    It is illegal in the UK as already said and so it should be!!! anyone who does it is irresponsible and thoughtless, don't care what reason they think they are a better driver than everyone else or that, they might have gotten away without killing someone so far...SO FAR....

    Using a phone is PROVEN to make you less attentive, in tests carried out by the government. It doesn't stop dumb *kitten* people still doing it, but the law doesn't stop people from drink driving or killing their children either, people who are willing to break the law will break the law, if it stops ONE person from being killed while some a**hole sends a text or chats to their friend then it's worth it.

    No matter how safe you think you are, it's still dangerous to use a mobile while you're driving. Studies have shown that a driver’s reaction can be up to 50% slower than usual and the risk of crashing is increased by 4 times when they are using a mobile phone. Reactions of drivers using mobiles were recorded as being 30% worse than that of a driver who was over the drink driving limit. Texting or speaking on the phone distracts you from what you are doing and you are forced to split your concentration between driving and chatting, when you should be focusing your full attention on the road.

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Almost got in a fist fight with a lady in the wal mart parking lot...

    This one time, I tore the radio out of someone's car because he was changing the radio station while driving. Threw it all the way across the parking lot.

    Again, anecdotal evidence shouldn't define policy.

    I get the feeling your one of those talk and text why driving types...lol whatever
    I think the number of accidents and death texting and driving has caused speak for itself.
    why dont you give your opinion insted of just trying to be a smart *kitten*
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Almost got in a fist fight with a lady in the wal mart parking lot...

    This one time, I tore the radio out of someone's car because he was changing the radio station while driving. Threw it all the way across the parking lot.

    Again, anecdotal evidence shouldn't define policy.

    I think the policy banning cellphones is based on hard evidence of distracted drivers - it's easy enough to tell from the phone records.

    It's probably the same methodology they used when deciding that seatbelts were effective at saving lives.

    Not 'anecdotal' evidence, but good hard collation of data. Sadly from dead people.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    It is a guarantee that if I am in my car I am on the phone. I have a one hour drive each way and I use this time to catch up with my husband, mom, and grandma mostly. Have I been in accidents? Yes. One speeding, when I was 16 and had no phone. One roll over doing 20 mph on a gravel road... no phone. And another roll over on black ice due to a drunk driver... again, no phone. I've never had an accident due to phone use or even near accidents. I also am known for texting, checking e-mail/facebook/MFP while on the phone BUT keep in mind that the majority of my drive is back country roads where there is nobody for miles in any directions.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think it is highly irresponsible and should be treated the same as dui
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is a guarantee that if I am in my car I am on the phone. I have a one hour drive each way and I use this time to catch up with my husband, mom, and grandma mostly. Have I been in accidents? Yes. One speeding, when I was 16 and had no phone. One roll over doing 20 mph on a gravel road... no phone. And another roll over on black ice due to a drunk driver... again, no phone. I've never had an accident due to phone use or even near accidents. I also am known for texting, checking e-mail/facebook/MFP while on the phone BUT keep in mind that the majority of my drive is back country roads where there is nobody for miles in any directions.

    I have heard drunk drivers use the same reasoning....I have never had and accident drunk.....i drive on back roads...the only accidants ive had i was sober,untill they kill someone and then I guess they cant use those anymore.
    When I was living in canyon tx (small small country town) some guy hit a jogger while he was texting killing her.he gave the exact same statement.I was on a country road no ones ever on
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    You never gave your opinion.

    In fairness, you never answered my questions either.
    I get the feeling your one of those talk and text why driving types...lol whatever
    I think the number of accidents and death texting and driving has caused speak for itself.
    why dont you give your opinion insted of just trying to be a smart *kitten*

    I talk on the phone while driving all the time. I'll read and answer texts--hell, sometimes I'll even surf the internet while driving. Most of this while going 12-15 miles over the speed limit, tailgating, and flashing my high beams until someone gets out of the left lane.

    That said, I have never gotten a speeding ticket and I've never been in an accident. And to rebut your very scientific proposal, according to the World Health Organization, the top cause of fatal car accidents is driving at night. Do you believe that night time driving should be restricted by the government?

    Furthermore, thanks to about five minutes of searching the US Census bureau, the number of driving deaths in 2007 was less than 1000 fewer than 2000; in these short seven years, advances to adaptive cruise control, Bluetooth and voice recognition, airbag advancements, blind spot monitoring, rearview cameras, traction control, advanced crumple zones, and airbag advancements have been made; surely you do not believe that cellphone usage counteracts all of these fantastic inventions and advancements that have kept 2.4% more people alive right?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    You never gave your opinion.

    In fairness, you never answered my questions either.
    I get the feeling your one of those talk and text why driving types...lol whatever
    I think the number of accidents and death texting and driving has caused speak for itself.
    why dont you give your opinion insted of just trying to be a smart *kitten*

    I talk on the phone while driving all the time. I'll read and answer texts--hell, sometimes I'll even surf the internet while driving. Most of this while going 12-15 miles over the speed limit, tailgating, and flashing my high beams until someone gets out of the left lane.

    That said, I have never gotten a speeding ticket and I've never been in an accident. And to rebut your very scientific proposal, according to the World Health Organization, the top cause of fatal car accidents is driving at night. Do you believe that night time driving should be restricted by the government?

    Furthermore, thanks to about five minutes of searching the US Census bureau, the number of driving deaths in 2007 was less than 1000 fewer than 2000; in these short seven years, advances to adaptive cruise control, Bluetooth and voice recognition, airbag advancements, blind spot monitoring, rearview cameras, traction control, advanced crumple zones, and airbag advancements have been made; surely you do not believe that cellphone usage counteracts all of these fantastic inventions and advancements that have kept 2.4% more people alive right?
    Seems like it's just a matter of time for you. Better start saving for a good lawyer now. Think of something nice to read aloud to the victim's family in court during your sentencing. Ooooh, that's harsh, isn't it?
  • This is starting to get absurd..I'm making my popcorn now.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This is starting to get absurd..I'm making my popcorn now.

    I love absurd:tongue:
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Seems like it's just a matter of time for you. Better start saving for a good lawyer now. Think of something nice to read aloud to the victim's family in court during your sentencing. Ooooh, that's harsh, isn't it?

    How macabre. Also, a woeful example of abductive reasoning.
  • Someone posted this on FB the other day and I just had to share.....it's kind of hilarious and a little disturbing.....


    Wow! No comment :noway: :huh:
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    IMO Talking on the phone is different than texting. I occasionally take a call on my phone while driving. But I am completely and totally against texting/checking email/facebooking/etc while driving. Let me rephrase that. While MOVING. I have been known to check a text message while at a red light or stop sign. Other than that I will pull over if the need arises. I also have a downloaded app that is called HeyTell that allows me to record my voice and send it to other HeyTell users as a text message...no typing required, if needed. I try not to use my phone at all, even for talking, while driving because I've seen too many people killed because of it.

    Alex Brown was a 17-year-old Texas girl who was texting and driving, alone, on a country back road with nobody around and she ended up dead. One car accident. It devastated her family. read here: http://www.rememberalexbrownfoundation.org/ or here http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/The-Parents-of-Alex-Brown-Share-Their-Story-Video

    Also I saw a segment on 60 minutes that showed kids actually talking to the host and they were begging their parents to stop texting and driving. The kids were saying that their parents often swerved, were inattentive, etc and it scared the kids. These were not teens, they were kids.

    I used to text and drive and I will be honest and say that I did not always stay in my lane nor was I attentive. I have completely stopped for several reasons, but the most being that my son asked me to stop. He said he didn't want me to be hurt or killed, nor did he want me to go to prison for hurting or killing another person due to my inattentiveness to the road. That was enough for me.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    You never gave your opinion.

    In fairness, you never answered my questions either.
    I get the feeling your one of those talk and text why driving types...lol whatever
    I think the number of accidents and death texting and driving has caused speak for itself.
    why dont you give your opinion insted of just trying to be a smart *kitten*

    I talk on the phone while driving all the time. I'll read and answer texts--hell, sometimes I'll even surf the internet while driving. Most of this while going 12-15 miles over the speed limit, tailgating, and flashing my high beams until someone gets out of the left lane.

    That said, I have never gotten a speeding ticket and I've never been in an accident. And to rebut your very scientific proposal, according to the World Health Organization, the top cause of fatal car accidents is driving at night. Do you believe that night time driving should be restricted by the government?

    Furthermore, thanks to about five minutes of searching the US Census bureau, the number of driving deaths in 2007 was less than 1000 fewer than 2000; in these short seven years, advances to adaptive cruise control, Bluetooth and voice recognition, airbag advancements, blind spot monitoring, rearview cameras, traction control, advanced crumple zones, and airbag advancements have been made; surely you do not believe that cellphone usage counteracts all of these fantastic inventions and advancements that have kept 2.4% more people alive right?

    Good Luck. I hope you continue to have a clean and accident free driving record.

    As for answering your questions. I'm guilty on all counts. I diidn't mean to start a debate. I just wanted opinions.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Just ask any firefighter who has had to pull dead teenagers out of a demolished car.

    *****warning: VERY graphic material*****
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I don't text while driving, and try not to talk on the phone....I realize it does tend to make me pay less attention. I live in a college town now, and teach and go to school there, so I'm around it ALL the time! It seems that everytime someone cuts me off or isnt paying attention....they're on the phone.

    It's soooooo annoying! And I don't want to be stereotypical...but it seems that high school, college kids, and in the under 35 group tend to do it most. Just a thought...may not be true, but from what I've noticed...seems like that.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Good Luck. I hope you continue to have a clean and accident free driving record.

    As for answering your questions. I'm guilty on all counts. I didn't mean to start a debate. I just wanted opinions.

    Thanks. The only opinion I have really taken from this is that empirical arguments don't really hold any ground on a message board.

    I think the best way to look at this is that there are always going to be distractions while driving. If you are an attentive driver, with good-to-great situational awareness and you stay within your limitations, you will be okay.

    P.S., I wish HTML coding worked on these message boards.
  • Anyone who thinks it's ok to text and drive please watch this video.

This discussion has been closed.