Giving up diet coke:(

It's like giving up crack. I lOVE it. But I keep hearing bad things about aspartame, so its probably time to give it up. Yesterday I went until the evning, and then dealth with a 6-hour long migrane. I dont know if its from not having the poison, or the lack of caffeine. but I had to drink one just to fall asleep. Ridiculous! Any advice?


  • jenninsocal
    It's like giving up crack. I lOVE it. But I keep hearing bad things about aspartame, so its probably time to give it up. Yesterday I went until the evning, and then dealth with a 6-hour long migrane. I dont know if its from not having the poison, or the lack of caffeine. but I had to drink one just to fall asleep. Ridiculous! Any advice?
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I used to drink a TON of diet coke...went for two weeks without then went to a movie and drank an XL diet coke while watching Batman with Heath :love: ....I thought I was going to crawl out of my skin :noway: and scale the walls!!!! Way too much the heck did I used to drink almost a two liter of the stuff daily!!!??? Well, I may have approximately 3 glasses now per week and it was a tough habit to break...I try to drink 8 cups of water but find that I've replaced diet coke with crystal light drinks....has no caffeine but still that nasty imitation sugar crap....I bet that migraine was from the lack of caffeine....try ramping down off of it instead....that might be better for you :)
  • girldeese
    I just gave it up 3 weeks ago....I slipped once and had one the first week off, but then, miraculosly.....I didn't miss it any more, and now it sounds repulsive! And I am talking about a LIFE long addiction to coke and then diet my parents practically bottle fed me on it!! - Well not really but we always had it in the house in unlimited supply! I promise it will get easier!!:wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I have the same problem. I get MASSIVE migraines when I give up caffiene all together. I've found though if I ween myself from it and then only have one when a migraine kicks in, then the next time it happens is a little longer each time. Gradually reduce your amount, don't give it all up at once. Now if I really want one just to have one I make sure that I have had at least my 64 oz of water first :)
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I don't know how much you've been drinking, but maybe if you're getting headaches it's too hard to do cold turkey. How about 1 a day for a week and then go to one per week. I still have one a week and it's a real treat. When I drank them every day I didn't think of them as a treat. it's better now. I might give them up altogether, but that day is not today.
  • blueenvy
    blueenvy Posts: 31 Member
    water did not exist in my life. My mom would tell me she's surprised I can even poop. Anywho diet caffine free coke was my sun up to sun down elixer so ya been off the elixer for three weeks now.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • jamdblake4
    more talk of sodait's been 3 months:sad: no soda not even a taste:sad:
    who can tell me what dose it taste like?:flowerforyou:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    :laugh: Its bad Jam, you don't want it.

    No, it sounds like caffeine withdrawal. Next time you feel the headache coming on make yourself a cup of tea - green or black or something with caffeine not herbal - and see if that doesn't help. :drinker:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    I haven't had a diet pepsi or any other form of "pop" in about 3 years. I know headaches can suck when you are without them at first. I think it is easier when you taper off and your body can gradually adjust. I have had a sip here or there about 4 times and I now can't stand the flavor at all.... It's gross :sick: One sip and I am so grateful I gave it up. I don't have sleeping issues, I don't crave the caffeine, etc.

    Don't beat yourself up over not being able to give up cold turkey. It is tough on your body. Just remember that in the long run, you are doing a world of good for your body and you will be able to appreciate that soon enough. :flowerforyou:
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I agree with the headache being from lack of caffeine. I get them if I don't have my coffee.

    My daughter went to a b'day party last week and came home bouncing off the walls. I asked her what she ate....and she said she had 4 fantas (orange soda). She doesn't drink soda very often, so she was 'drunk' on sugar / caffeine all night.....LOL. It was cute.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    more talk of sodait's been 3 months:sad: no soda not even a taste:sad:
    who can tell me what dose it taste like?:flowerforyou:

    YAY for you!! Great job!!!:smokin:

    ...I used to be a 'popper' years Mountain Dew by the case to be more productive at work...the more I drank the more I drank..the more I DRANK. Now I drink an occasional diet pepsi (actually it' smore like once in a blue moon) when there is no alternative like water when I go out somewhere...but I find it's pretty easy to find water available most anywhere.

    Then again, I've always got my water bottle nearby 24-7 if not in my to my bed while I'm sleeping so I can sleep drink to my hearts content.:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I haven't had a diet pepsi or any other form of "pop" in about 3 years. I know headaches can suck when you are without them at first. I think it is easier when you taper off and your body can gradually adjust. I have had a sip here or there about 4 times and I now can't stand the flavor at all.... It's gross :sick: One sip and I am so grateful I gave it up. I don't have sleeping issues, I don't crave the caffeine, etc.

    Don't beat yourself up over not being able to give up cold turkey. It is tough on your body. Just remember that in the long run, you are doing a world of good for your body and you will be able to appreciate that soon enough. :flowerforyou:

    Funny how it works that way isn't it! You think you can't live without it..once you stop and then try a can of it again...WHEW:noway:'s some nasty tasting stuff all the sudden then. :drinker:

    I think our bodies are far more intelligent than we often give them credit for....they know the good stuff vs. the crap we put in our bodies.:laugh: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • Juliebean
    It's like giving up crack. I lOVE it. But I keep hearing bad things about aspartame, so its probably time to give it up. Yesterday I went until the evning, and then dealth with a 6-hour long migrane. I dont know if its from not having the poison, or the lack of caffeine. but I had to drink one just to fall asleep. Ridiculous! Any advice?

    Oh man, I can sympathize with you... Nothing beats an ice-cold can of diet coke. I'd give up my first-born for that morning hit of caffeine! I'm like you and LOVE it. I used to drink approx. 6 cans a day. :noway: :frown: After a trip to the dentist (who told me I was wearing away the enamel on my teeth from all the carbonation and acid) and a trip to the chiropractor (who told me that the chronic pain in my hip could be attributed to the Diet Coke sucking all the calcium from my bones) I decided to seriously cut back. I still have 1 diet coke a day, first thing in the morning, but I've cut a lot of it out. Eventually, I would love to cut it out completely. My advice to you is to make sure you're getting caffeine from somewhere else, obviously not as much, but maybe iced tea or coffee. Make sure you drink plenty of water too! :drinker: Hang in there -- it can be done! :flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    It's like giving up crack. I lOVE it. But I keep hearing bad things about aspartame, so its probably time to give it up. Yesterday I went until the evning, and then dealth with a 6-hour long migrane. I dont know if its from not having the poison, or the lack of caffeine. but I had to drink one just to fall asleep. Ridiculous! Any advice?

    I still haven't commited my self to giving up my diet pepsi. I just can't do it. I think they need to make a patch for it. Then we need to get a ticker like the ex-smokers, that says we've been so long with out a diet pop.
  • Juliebean
    It's like giving up crack. I lOVE it. But I keep hearing bad things about aspartame, so its probably time to give it up. Yesterday I went until the evning, and then dealth with a 6-hour long migrane. I dont know if its from not having the poison, or the lack of caffeine. but I had to drink one just to fall asleep. Ridiculous! Any advice?

    I still haven't commited my self to giving up my diet pepsi. I just can't do it. I think they need to make a patch for it. Then we need to get a ticker like the ex-smokers, that says we've been so long with out a diet pop.

    :laugh: :laugh: It's funny because it's true...! Where's my DC (Diet Coke) patch? Careful it's not one of those lick and stick patches, otherwise I'd probably try and suck it dry for an extra hit of caffeine! :embarassed: :laugh:
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Hooray! Kudos for giving up the Diet Coke!
    A lot of people probably don't realize how hard it is.. when you are addicted to anything it is a hard process to give it up... you go through withdrawals, cravings, etc. I mean, caffeine is a drug... and for some people I think giving up soda is as hard as quitting smoking. So, way to go! *high fives*
  • seebee
    I gave up soda of all kinds over a year ago, and lost about 6-8 pounds without changing anything else. Even though what I was eating back then wasn't nutritionally the best for me, the weight drop from no soda was enough to get me motivated to keep on going.

    Soda's also really bad for your teeth, too - the phosphoric acid eats away at tooth enamel, even the diet soda does this.
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    3 months, I haven't had a coke in 12 years!!! Y'all can do it!!
  • monica5237
    more talk of sodait's been 3 months:sad: no soda not even a taste:sad:
    who can tell me what dose it taste like?:flowerforyou:

    I gave up my diet coke i was a 3- 44 oz diet coke drinker a day and I slipped and drank one drink of one last week and OMG it was wayyyyyyyyyyy tooooooo sweet. i went from diet coke to tea (unsweet) and I love my water and tea now noooooo diet coke for me:drinker: :drinker: tea in one water in the other

    BTW i drank diet coke for 20 years
  • JanLarea
    Congratulations!!! Though I was never a soda of any kind drinker, do know how harmful soda especially Coke is to the body. Of course for that matter most water is not all that great either. That is why my son and I started drinking alkaline ionized water about a year ago. :happy: My son is a personal trainer and volleyball coach and the difference we have experienced is GRRRRRRRREAT:flowerforyou: What a gift it has been to my blood pressure and my aches and pains. My girl friend is no longer enjoying:ohwell: PMS and her husband is no longer suffering from sleep apnea. Hope you hang in there and keep up the good work.