Anyone else hate the eliptical..or is it just me?



  • I absolutely hate the elliptical, but I've found myself on that machine the longest while I'm at the gym. Since I hate it so much, I make sure I do it the longest. Another reason is it gives me the best work out and I burn the most calories doing the elliptical than anything else.
  • The same arm and leg on one side goes in the same direction, if that makes sense. You burn more calories that way.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I do not care for them either. The movement feels unnatural to me and I just didn't like it. It could be that I had the same problem my legs felt sore within minutes.

    That said the last time I had a gym membership I did work up to 20 minutes at once.
  • I love the elliptical I normally aim for 1 hour but at the least 30 mins sometimes I will do resistance which is a good workout. The machine told me i burned 700 calories in 1 hour but I know that probably isn't right.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I love the elliptical I normally aim for 1 hour but at the least 30 mins sometimes I will do resistance which is a good workout. The machine told me i burned 700 calories in 1 hour but I know that probably isn't right.

    I burn about 700 calories in one hour. I would say that is correct. 10 calories a minute is about average so doing 12 calories a minute isn't a streach.

    I can do an hour or longer on there too. Its an awesome calorie burn to see!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I also get bored even with great music but I like to change between the machines. I'll start off with 15-20 on treadmill then switch to the elliptical for awhile 10-20 if I work up to it then on to the bike for awhile before I do some lifting(if it was the day for it). Oh how I wish I could afford a gym membership.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I hate, hate the elliptical!! It's so boring and I also feel kind of lazy when I'm using it. It just doesn't take enough effort for me.
  • I love it! When you exercise you heart rate is SUPPOSE to climb. If it stays normal you aren't getting any benefit. What does "heart rate problem" mean anyway? Most machines do NOT measure you heart rate or calorie count correctly.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I love the elliptical I normally aim for 1 hour but at the least 30 mins sometimes I will do resistance which is a good workout. The machine told me i burned 700 calories in 1 hour but I know that probably isn't right.

    I burn about 700 calories in one hour. I would say that is correct. 10 calories a minute is about average so doing 12 calories a minute isn't a streach.

    I can do an hour or longer on there too. Its an awesome calorie burn to see!

    My spin instructor always announces the calories that he burns after a class and I go by what he says. Though I know it'll be different for me. He is usually around 800-900, one hard class he announced a little over 1000. Who knows if it's right but they all seemed OK with that number.
    The elliptical, for the 10 min that I do, is usually around 100-120 calories.
  • I forgot to mention I put in my weight (240) and my age (20) and they also have a bar you grab to see what your heart rate is.

    spin class would kick my butt. I think i may try it soon!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I prefer the elliptical, but I get bored easily. So I do not stay on it more than 10 minutes at a time. I try to push hard while I am on there to maximize my heart rate and calorie burn. Then I hop off and go do my strength training. After strength I might come back for another 5- 10 minutes, most times I don't though. The 30 minutes I spend seems to be working fine so far. I want to run outside eventually, but I'm still to heavy for that I think.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    hate it. it's not a natural movement. i think it has it's usefulness in people starting out with knee injuries but other than that it's treadmill all the way. not to mention those machines over exaggerates calories burned more than any other i've seen
  • mmcgille
    mmcgille Posts: 60 Member
    I love it. Do what the other posters mentioned and start slow at the lowest resistance. I tend to change up what I do frequently while on it to combat boredom (and to help me push through). I have tried doing the C25K program on the ellpitical which has worked well. Now I typically do 2 minutes forward (no arms), backwards for 3-4 minutes, and then forward using the arms for about 6 minutes. I do this in a rotation so I'm never doing the same thing for more than 6 minutes. I use the non-arms segments as opportunities to slow my heart rate, too. I get a little overzealous using the arms! When I was first starting I would change every 2 minutes to make it be more manageable. Also, upbeat music helps! Start slow and work up from there. It really is a great workout.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    Nope- hate it with a passion. Maybe you are doing it wrong- cuz I've never had a heart rate problem, just a "blech" issue of boredom. :-)

    I agree about the boredom. I used to love the elliptical until I started really getting into running. Now I think it is the most boring thing ever. I've tried watching the TV and listening to my ipod but I just get so bored so quickly. Put me on a treadmill and I can run ans run. I will say that if my friend is with me at he gym, I will do the elliptical. It's not as bad when talking with a friend.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hate the elliptical. I can do almost any other machine-treadmill, stair climber...heck I'll even use the rowing machine. Just can't get on board with the elliptical. They sure are popular at my gym though. I'll probably end up getting one though husband has bad knees.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I saw loads of people raving about these, saying they coud do it for hours etc. So I bought one :O Big, big mistake, I never ever use it, hate the thing, boring and it hurts and I would like to think I was fairly fit.

    Anyone want to buy one :D
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    So i think i must be doing it wrong. I see where people spend what seems like hours on those dang things

    I get on one and 30 seconds later my heart rate is so through the roof im about to pass out.

    I think i must be doing it wrong..i just get on and start moving.

    What should i be doing to make sure the eliptical becomes my friend.

    thanks for any help here :)

    Actually, you're doing it exactly right. The people who can stay on for an hour have worked up to it. Keep at it and your cardio-
    vascular system will catch up to the rest of you.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I saw loads of people raving about these, saying they coud do it for hours etc. So I bought one :O Big, big mistake, I never ever use it, hate the thing, boring and it hurts and I would like to think I was fairly fit.

    Anyone want to buy one :D

    No but I'll move it for free!
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    Don't torture yourself! Exercise should make you feel good not like your doing something wrong. I have found I really love yoga its peacefull.:flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I hardly ever use ellipticals. They are sooo dull.

    They are an absolute last resort for me, for example if I can't run for whatever reason, and even then I would much rather do spin or use the C2 for a bit.
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