
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    Thanks for sharing. It helps me to feel better about the little losses I have each week - and to know their results are crazy!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    wow, what a fantastic article...thank-you so much...I've always hated the BL...and the Village on a Diet doesn't look any better...
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    that is horrible. Ive never watched the show and after reading this i never will
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I could never watch the show. When I saw the advertisements and they had ppl on the stage in just their spandex...I thought that was not needed. And then to promote people losing lots of pounds in a week? And to have someone who is very overweight doing hard core exersize for hours on end? Not to mention on the commercials they showed the trainers yelling and screaming at the people. I had heard before they were involved in hours upon hours a day of working out. And I have heard that their mind set is to 'kick start' their losing so they will continue. I just never thought it was realistic for their future. Its not even healthy to work someone really out of shape that hard. I was just curious how no one ever had a heart attack. Hearing this come at no surprise to me.
    I know allot of other people will say 'well then...they should have just left it'. On the surface that seems to be logical. But if you are being manipulated and brow beaten it goes far deeper emotionally. You have to have some compassion for these people. They didnt get that way over night. I am sure that some time in their life someone has said mean and nasty things to them about how they look. I would think the screening process would weed out the more secure and stubborn, logical thinking, people. hahah...hmmmm No way would they let my foot in the door eh? :laugh:
    I just hope that people on here will work toward their goals in a steady MAINTAINABLE lifestyle change. It didnt take me 2 months to get like this, so I wont expect it to take 2 months to get healthy. Slower and steady has been proven to be the way to keep it off in the long run. Isnt that what we should set our minds to accomplishing?
    Just my rambling ;-]
    love, kisses, and carrots to all my friends :flowerforyou:

    I concur. :bigsmile:
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    This just confirms my suspicions. I was just telling my husband a week in the realworld and a week in "reality tv" are two totally different time frames. I knew they were dehydrating. What its going to take (and this really sucks) is when someone drops dead on the show before real questions start being asked by the public.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    bumping for later!
  • I heard about this a long time ago. Biggest Loser was not happy with her.. But you know what, she showed the truth... they are constantly talking about doing it the "right" way, the "healthy" way. That's why so many of them put the weight back on. It's a shame, you go into this in hopes of changing your life and they treat you like freaks.
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Realistic expectations are important. I just spent the last 2 weeks sick as a dog with something flu-ish, totally unable to exercise and drinking way more tea with honey than is good for anyone trying to lose weight. Today was my first day "back" and I was only able to accomplish a very mild walk as a workout. I will show a weight gain this week. I seriously would not want or need anyone yelling at me about it.

    Healthy attitudes are at least as important (and actually more important) than healthy eating and exercising. Quick weight loss, unrealistic expectations about food intake, exercise, or ability to lose are not at all helpful to us. I once lost 56 pounds only to struggle with borderline anorexia. When I finally began to gain weight again it was so demoralizing to me that 10 post-baby pounds became a total gain of 135 pounds (please note that I am only trying to lose 115 of those pounds), which have stayed with me for YEARS.

    There is more to this than eating and exercising, but everything we do needs to be done with honesty and realism.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    yeah read the whole I don't feel bad when I lose a lb or less at a time
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    also bumping for later
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I always knew that show was bogus in the fact that they are not using legit and safe methods for loosing weight, it's a TV show and ratings are all that matters.

    Some of the experiences that Kai details in the first part of the article sound an awful lot like boot camp when I was in the Army. Isolation from mail, phone, no contact with the outside world and TONS of exercise.

    We ran EVERYWHERE, exercise was how you started your day, and throughout the day you were constantly punished with exercise. I slipped in a puddle of my own sweat working so hard once, smashed my head on a tile floor and just kept going, because you had to. All the while the Drill Sergeant rolled around in a wheeled chair drinking a nice big orange soda, taunting us with it.

    But our Drill Sergeants also made sure we were eating the right things and hydrating constantly, to the point where you hated water.

    It makes sense in that environment, but for a TV show and the unsafe way they did everything just plain sucks.

    I lost about 45lbs (or so, can't remember exactly) in about 2 months and left there at about 165lbs at 5'11", wearing a size 29-30 pants.
  • Bump
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    its sick isnt it?!!! there is also some account by the winner of season 1 Eric- i think- another crazy story. if anyone has the link the can post that is a wonder no one died on that show yet-seriously. im wondering if any fainting while dehydrating themselves, but they only show what they want. also for all the talk about teaching them to eat healthy- yeah not so much. i hardly see any mention of WHAT THEY ACTUALLY EAT ON CAMPUS- only temptation foods and in some challenges Also i just saw the new show shredding for the wedding--- looks exactly like the biggest loser and with the weight loss numbers it probably is
  • bump for later
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Heavy is a lot like this also except I think the trainers are slightly nicer. Just unreal what they can pull off on TV and have believed. I have only watched one episode since I don't have TV but didn't care for what I saw.
  • bump
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I have two reactions. First, as with most "reality TV" obviously what they are showing on TV isn't going to be an accurate portrayal of what really happened. Of course they want drama, and will create for the viewer when they can/need to. I think it was always pretty obvious that they were using fairly extreme diet and exercise regimens to get the people the lose the weight. I'm also not a fan of the trainers (especially Jillian) who's expertise is questionable but they use the show to market their name and profit on products of questionable quality.

    That all said, I think it would be rash to just believe everything Kai says on its face. She's obviously upset with her experience either on the show or after, and appears to have an axe to grind. Does that mean I think she's making it all up? No, but it doesn't mean I'm going to buy her story 100%. Are the contenstants treated as a commodity? Yes, obviously, but you know that going in.
  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
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