Just thoughts on my status today

Just felt the need to publicly make my feelings known. I have been working out and tracking calories all week like a good girl, in part because I know I have been way overboard lately, and in part because I knew I had to make weight this week, but I'm a little disappointed. Today was the first time I have weighed in and been right on my top weight...and almost have to be taped. I've gained 4 lbs in the past 2 months and I'm okay with that, but when it comes to my job I'm a little disappointed in myself. What I do know is that even though I'm sore and tired, my legs feel strong and I am thanking my body every day for what it CAN do. I am taking steps every day to making it better. So, thanks for listening and letting me get it out of my head so I can focus on more progress :)


  • alex51026
    Keep working hard and the rest will happen.

    I'm sure you know, but if you are doing it just cause you have to vs. you want to, then it won't happen.

    Shoot for better than a boot camp body, not just your boot camp body. Afterall, you are in the coast guard!

    haha, j/k, good luck!
  • entropybaby
    entropybaby Posts: 12 Member
    LOL I get that CG thing a lot, and trust me it is embarrassing to prove people right about how slack our weight and PT standards are! That alone makes me want to lose it...I hate looking terrible in my uniform, and I hate representing my service that way. Thanks for the joke, it's actually motivating, LOL!