

  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    never have watched that crud! or any reality shows... i came across jillian on
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Oh wow....I never imagined....
  • exercisesucks
    Amazing story. I always tell my wife that the show is rigged. I have all confidence that this interview is true.
  • bridetobe91
    bump so i can read later when I'm done with my workout!
  • hilaryferejohn
    hilaryferejohn Posts: 3 Member
    That's crazy!
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    People might hate me for this, but I don't see anything "wrong" with what was done. People should not be subjected to what those contestants are being subjected to, BUT they are contestants on a game show. It goes with the territory. People should be clear that the show is about entertainment and profit and not about being nice to people. If people want extreme results, they need exposure to the extreme. Football players going to football camp go through ****. People who join the military are berated and made to feel inadequate to get them to perform. It happens in so many instances where someone has to hit rockbottom before they recognize that they need to do something for themselves. Just getting on a gameshow will not make someone lose weight.

    As for the show not wanting anything to do with Eric once he won....why would they? I don't remember the last time I watched Price is Right where Bob Barker called old showcase winners up to see how they were enjoying their new washing machines.

    Is it nice that TBL treats its contestants like garbage? Nope. But they aren't treating non-contestants like that. These people signed waivers and contracts and if they didn't want what was being dished out, any of them would be free to leave whenever they chose to.
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I always knew that show was bogus in the fact that they are not using legit and safe methods for loosing weight, it's a TV show and ratings are all that matters.

    Some of the experiences that Kai details in the first part of the article sound an awful lot like boot camp when I was in the Army. Isolation from mail, phone, no contact with the outside world and TONS of exercise.

    We ran EVERYWHERE, exercise was how you started your day, and throughout the day you were constantly punished with exercise. I slipped in a puddle of my own sweat working so hard once, smashed my head on a tile floor and just kept going, because you had to. All the while the Drill Sergeant rolled around in a wheeled chair drinking a nice big orange soda, taunting us with it.

    But our Drill Sergeants also made sure we were eating the right things and hydrating constantly, to the point where you hated water.

    It makes sense in that environment, but for a TV show and the unsafe way they did everything just plain sucks.

    I lost about 45lbs (or so, can't remember exactly) in about 2 months and left there at about 165lbs at 5'11", wearing a size 29-30 pants.

    I read it all and was thinking the same thing. I went through Army basic as well. At least they broke you down to only build you up - on BL, I see no build up.... it's sad....
  • flossicle
    OMG. I am totally shocked n @ a loss 4 what to say.. i did love that show but now i know it's all false n how they treat their contestants i think it's disgusting..
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    People might hate me for this, but I don't see anything "wrong" with what was done. People should not be subjected to what those contestants are being subjected to, BUT they are contestants on a game show. It goes with the territory. People should be clear that the show is about entertainment and profit and not about being nice to people. If people want extreme results, they need exposure to the extreme. Football players going to football camp go through ****. People who join the military are berated and made to feel inadequate to get them to perform. It happens in so many instances where someone has to hit rockbottom before they recognize that they need to do something for themselves. Just getting on a gameshow will not make someone lose weight.

    As for the show not wanting anything to do with Eric once he won....why would they? I don't remember the last time I watched Price is Right where Bob Barker called old showcase winners up to see how they were enjoying their new washing machines.

    Is it nice that TBL treats its contestants like garbage? Nope. But they aren't treating non-contestants like that. These people signed waivers and contracts and if they didn't want what was being dished out, any of them would be free to leave whenever they chose to.

    i'm tending to agree with you. no one's putting a gun to anyone's head to be on this show. you sign up to be on the show to do just that - be on the show. you can lose weight by dieting and exercise with a personal trainer in the privacy of your own home. i don't agree with "torture" (neither physical nor mental), but having been on a reality show i do know that you have to sign waivers and there are no "suprises". and if you don't like it, you are free to leave. these people stay in the hopes of winning the grand prize. losing weight is a bonus and may be their motivation for initially wanting to be on the show, but if the conditions are so poor and they continue to stay and subject themselves to that treatment, you know their eyes are ultimately on the prize.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    bump :)
  • aeryn69
    aeryn69 Posts: 35 Member
    The problem I have with the show (and I haven't read the article yet) isn't that these people are being treated this way because in way yes they signed up for it. My problem is that the show implies that what they're doing is a normal, healthy way to lose weight. It makes people feel bad for losing weight at the recommended pace because hey these people on the show are losing 15 pounds a week! Add in all the product endorsements and commercials throughout it - hey eat these cereal bars, go to Subway for lunch, try this for a great low cal drink - and it makes it seem like all you have to do is exercise and eat these things and you can lose 15 pounds a week too! It's just not true. Nothing about it is true. Even if you sequestered yourself on a ranch and worked out all day every day with personal trainers and medics surrounding you and managed to lose 15 pounds a week, it still wouldn't be a healthy way to do it.
  • RocketsGirl75
  • ajh2011
    ajh2011 Posts: 89 Member
  • MissJennaBelle
    Bump for later...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    The problem I have with the show (and I haven't read the article yet) isn't that these people are being treated this way because in way yes they signed up for it. My problem is that the show implies that what they're doing is a normal, healthy way to lose weight. It makes people feel bad for losing weight at the recommended pace because hey these people on the show are losing 15 pounds a week! Add in all the product endorsements and commercials throughout it - hey eat these cereal bars, go to Subway for lunch, try this for a great low cal drink - and it makes it seem like all you have to do is exercise and eat these things and you can lose 15 pounds a week too! It's just not true. Nothing about it is true. Even if you sequestered yourself on a ranch and worked out all day every day with personal trainers and medics surrounding you and managed to lose 15 pounds a week, it still wouldn't be a healthy way to do it.

    here here...but I never sat and thought about behind the scenes of most people. I know that what they're doing is extreme, and the chances of them keeping the weight off is very slim (no pun intended)...but the humiliation and portrail of the people on it are disconcerning. I cry every time I watch the show because I feel their objectification and torment. Yes it was their choice to be on the show, but did they really anticipate how horrible it could be, or did they get sucked into the "reality tv" of it all. They're promised professional help and counselling, doesn't sound like they're getting it, they're just being left to wallow in their own mind so that drama can be created for ratings...I hate Jillian Michaels, I think she should be banned from all that is good, she is nothing but a money grubber who uses scare tactics and embarassment to make her BRAND look good. I'm not in the military because I don't want to go to boot camp! Jillian Michaels is nothing but a product endorser. And now I'm all worked up lol...I feel sorry for the people that feel the only way they can succeed is by subjecting themselves to this show.
  • monicaP413
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    bump for later
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    it actually sounds a bit over exagerated to me, if it was as bad as she said then it is bordering on criminal and they should be investigated.

    i cant beleive that it is as bad as she said.

    a friend of ours auditioned for biggest loser here in australia. she didnt get in but she never said it was a negative experience.
  • DawnBelle
  • MyBeautyIsSkinDeep
    Well Dag On !!!! I MEAN REALLY!!!! Heck my feelings are hurt....I have to honestly say I really like that show !!! And was a faithful watcher, but that artical but things in a new light for me....I know one thing I am happy I found this site !!! when I mention this site to one of the doctors I work for ... he was so excited cause he was on it as well... and refering his patients I got to be doing something right!!! I doing it with the help and support of my MFP Family!!! LOVE YALL!!!:bigsmile: