Ways to not get sick..Have any??

So this marks the 3rd time since before christmas last year that I have gotten sick..Im soo tired of it. I am hoping that losing weight and getting in shape will help me not get sick so much..But does anyone have any suggestions on things you do to avoid getting sick?

When someone in our house (theres me, hubby, and 3yr son and 10mo son) gets sick we all get it no matter what..


  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Well honey, to be honest I've looked through a few days of your diary and I'm just not seeing enough fruit and veg in there. You should be eating plenty of fruit and veg portions every days. I haven't been sick since I started eating more of these great natural foods. Best news is they're low in calories so you can eat LOADS of them and they're easy to work into your day!

    Give it a go and see if it works for you x
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i was getting sick on and off every two weeks for over a month, i started doing the following and havent gotten sick:

    take plenty of vitamin C tablets
    if you start feeling ill drink an emergen-C packet
    if you get sick all the way take alkaselzer cold/flu (or whatever you have) it works FAST! and very effective!
    for when you start feeling sore throat coming gargel (sp) warm salt water and if thats too nasty for you - use mouth wash - always use the salt water over mouth wash if you can handle it.
    cary hand sanitizer with you - in your purse, at you desk, in your bathrooms, and around the house. (this was the most effective thing ever sine i touch my face a lot out of habit.
    tissue - use antiviral tissue by Kleenex
    eat alot of vitamin rich foods

    hope this helps!
  • GooneyAngel
    I would suggest taking Vitamin C 1000mg everyday, without fail. And if you do start feeling a little under the weather, increase it to at least 3000 - 4000 mg a day until you are back to normal and then decrease it back to 1000 mg a day.
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    an apple a day. ;)
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Aside of living in a bubble, frequently washing your hands. Don't use antibacterial stuff that much...makes you more susceptible to "superbugs" (MRSA). Use Lysol or alcohol and wipe down EVERYTHING!!

    Pretty much, when one gets sick, you're going to get it because you live in close quarters and share germs. By the time one has it, you've been exposed. You (or others) get it later due to incubation time of virus/bacteria.

    Definitely, getting healthier makes a difference. If you're getting sick that often, you may want to see your doctor and check your immune system. If your children go to daycare...well, there you go. The more you're around others, ups your probabilty of getting sick.
  • Drea1713
    Fruit, veggies esp those high in vitamin C which are oranges, kiwi, mangoes, pineapple strawberries and as far as veggies go bok choi, broccoli, squash and pepper. Or you can take over the counter supplements. I also recommend a multi vitamin while trying to lose weight. But the most IMPORTANT this is to make sure everyone washes their hands. You would be surprised with kids not washing there hands can get mommy and daddy very ill.
  • jenniix
    Make sure you're getting plenty of vitamins, plenty of rest/sleep if you can, eat healthy and exercise, drink water, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, disinfect commonly used objects such as doorknobs, phones, faucets, your children's toys, etc., and wash/sanatize your hands regularly. :)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Wash your hands frequently and also get your hubby & kids to wash too! Your 3yr old probalby touches everything.. so, it's a good idea to get him to keep his hands clean. (you don't want to be a freak about it though). After playing outside, or with other kids, etc. And your 10mo old probably picks up whatever toys your 3yr old does. So, washing his hands a few times throughout the day will help.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and lots of water...
    everyone believes hears vit C all the time but D also is very good for immune system and help the body absorb vit C better so take them together.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    If you're doing the supplement thing, Take at least double the vit c dose (seeing as someone said your diet didn't have many fruits and veggies) take 1 zinc tablet per day and echinacea as directed. Taking the 3 in combination will boost your system. I usually take at the first signs of cold coming on and rarely have one hit me full blown and I have 3 kids - 2 in high school and 1 in college and working plus I work in a closed office with small cubicles so we're all on top of each other most of the time. Use the sanitizers sparingly like if you're at your desk and you sneeze into your hands or something but otherwise, it's best to use hot water and regular soap.

    Keeping surfaces clean is important too and hitting hot zones (door knobs, appliance handles, remotes, etc) with a lysol type product will help. I cannot remember the last time actually had a case of the flu but I've never had a flu shot. I tend to get more colds when I'm not sleeping and eating well. If you're feeling sick, listen to your body and eat or don't eat, but don't worry about a diet at this time. You need the energy to fight the germs. Even though you think you're just lying in bed, your body is waging war and wars take energy!!

    Good luck.
  • saeatmon
    Everything that everything that has already been posted sounds great with regards to Vitamines, water intake, sleep/rest, and handwashing. The one thing that Ihaven't seen is adding more fresh garlic to your diet. It's flavorful and has great immune boosting properties acting as a great natural treatment for the common cold. Garlic has natural blood thining properties too, so frequent use may cause a risk you or any family members are taking any blood thinning medications.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Start taking echinacea supplements immediately when you start feeling run down

    Zinc supplements such as Zicam are also a life saver
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Become a teacher...after a year in that germ laden environment you'll have built up a resistance to colds and the like to be proud of!

    One thing that one of my teacher co-workers swears by is changing his pillowcase every night. Swears by it.
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    Washing everyone's hands more often is something I can do.. As far as the fruits and veggies..I try to eat as much as I can..I would love to eat more but it is super expensive..
    Sleep....thats a big one...My 10month old has reflux and still does not sleep thru the night..We were sleep training and as it turned out, He had his 3rd ear infection..so I had to back off the training for a little while. He is doing better now that he is on Antibiotics. I have drank more water this week than I have probably in the past 2 months...I HATE water but since I know now that if i keep drinking so much soda I will stop losing weight..Water is becoming more tasty. lol

    Thanks for all the suggestions.. It is very unlike me to get sick this much so hopefully I will try to incorporate all this and stop getting sick!!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I stopped catching colds and stuff when I cut out caffeine.
    I was having 4-5 cups of tea and 1-2 glasses of soda a DAY and got 3 or 4 colds every winter.
    Now I hardly ever feel sick, and if I do it's just a mild irritation for a day then it's gone. Even when the kids get sick or hubby, I don't catch them.