College Students!

Hey everyone, I'm 20 and a second year at UCSB. Anyone else in college trying to lose weight and get healthy? Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!

A couple questions, what do you think the hardest part about being in college and trying to lose weight at the same time is? Do you eat on campus or off campus?

See ya! :)


  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    i go to a community college, so I don't have the same eating struggles that you may have. but the time issue is a big challenge when losing weight for me. I'd love to friend you and help motivate each other :)

    PS i live in ventura, like a half an hour south of UCSB :)
  • albragg
    Oh awesome, Ventura is so close! And you've lost 43lbs, congrats way to go!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm at a community college... and I eat off-campus. My biggest struggle so far is finding the time to workout... and getting in something healthy to eat during the 30 minutes I am home between work and school. I may be a little older than the general college age (I'm 26) and I'm not full time student, I'm a full time worker/half time student... so I don't share all the struggles college life brings, but I do still struggle. Feel free to add me if you like :smile:
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    I'd definitely say the hardest part about college is the alcohol lol, I go to a college 10 min away from University of Georgia, and live only 20 min away from downtown lol
  • KaleighL
    KaleighL Posts: 159
    I start college next year and I want to be able to stay healthy and avoid that "freshman 15".
  • albragg
    I life off campus in an apartment, and finding time to workout it hard, but not too difficult. I'm pretty good at cooking, (definitely the best out of my housemates... lol) so cooking healthy and low cal is not difficult. I love finding new recipes and ideas to make! Definitely a HUGE issue is my alcohol consumption.... I drink alot hehe.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I go to CSUSB. I say invest in a lunch pail, target sells cute ones and take advantage of the gym on campus! Plus my school has amazing P.E. classes do those too! I'm in "cardio arts" aka kickboxing right now and I LOVE it. It helps with the stress of midterms :)
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    I work full time and go to school 3/4 time. I have a gym buddy and if i didnt i would probably work out a lot less. it helps to have someone else to hold you accountable! I also joined a local running group that i met on facebook and that helps a lot. It is just so hard to still have energy at the end of the day. Coffee and energy drinks keep me going unfortunately.... :(
  • albragg
    I've been taking workout classes my campus offers too -- so fun!

    I feel like I am tired all the time though. Workouts, midterms, runs, papers, finals, mock trial tournaments... it never ends.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I am taking 16 hours at the local community college. I am also a stay at home mama of 3 kiddos, so I do not have a lot of time. I live 35 miles from the school and I have to take my girls to the bus stop before I go to school.

    I do not have the same trouble you do if you live on campus. I eat breakfast in the car on the way to Amarillo, I have 15 minutes between every class and no time for lunch. I only go to school on Tues and Thurs, I usually get in trouble in my diary because I do not eat enough calories on school days.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
  • albragg
    I am taking 16 hours at the local community college. I am also a stay at home mama of 3 kiddos, so I do not have a lot of time. I live 35 miles from the school and I have to take my girls to the bus stop before I go to school.

    I do not have the same trouble you do if you live on campus. I eat breakfast in the car on the way to Amarillo, I have 15 minutes between every class and no time for lunch. I only go to school on Tues and Thurs, I usually get in trouble in my diary because I do not eat enough calories on school days.

    You've lost 19lb though, thats great! Keep it up!

    I live off campus, so I usually cook most my meals. But when the stress starts creeping up, the quick meals from Jack in the Box or Subway start accumulating. You must be stressed trying to feed yourself and three kids! Do you have healthy meals that you all enjoy together?
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Yes ma'am! I cook supper every night. We all eat together as a family. We are supper busy!

    Hubby has to leave for work at 630, I leave to take the girls to school between 715 and 730. We are all home by 5pm and then it is time for homework, flute practice, learning to read, and chores.

    We eat all organic if we can, I only use multigrain breads, nothing white, no sugar. I started this diet Jan 17th. We are all happier and healther.
  • charmingopal
    charmingopal Posts: 49 Member
    I have to second you on the alcohol --- I never ate more in college, but I drink a lot more and thats a whole lot of beer gut!
  • albragg
    Yes ma'am! I cook supper every night. We all eat together as a family. We are supper busy!

    Hubby has to leave for work at 630, I leave to take the girls to school between 715 and 730. We are all home by 5pm and then it is time for homework, flute practice, learning to read, and chores.

    We eat all organic if we can, I only use multigrain breads, nothing white, no sugar. I started this diet Jan 17th. We are all happier and healther.

    That's awesome! Your kids are lucky to have you cooking healthy meals for them. A huge thing I miss about being away from home -- my mom's cooking. Not only is she a great cook, but it's just nice to have someone cook for you! She has never been the healthiest cook though. Your kids will thank you in the future for cooking healthy meals!
  • albragg
    I have to second you on the alcohol --- I never ate more in college, but I drink a lot more and thats a whole lot of beer gut!

    Yeah, you know what I mean! 1 shot is around 100cals.... uh oh!
  • CocoMartha
    Hi! I'm 20 and finishing up at my community college and I'll be going to University of Kentucky in the fall. :) Glad to know there are other college students on here.