Do relationships make people fatter?



  • gazbo1986
    yeah because people get lazy.

    i wouldn't accept that if a partner of mine started putting on weight when i married them.

    Well, what would you do? Force them to lose weight or take off on them?

    Dunno. I wouldn't be an *kitten* about it, but i sure as hell wouldn't stay quiet.

    Maybe just throw out all the junk food around the house when she's not looking and act innocent when she can't find anything to snack on lol

    maybe she'd chew on one of your 18 abs!! hahaha okay im just playing - thanks for being a good sport :O)

    18 abs? where did the extra 12 come from haha?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    ummm nope i i lost 188 pounds with mines (every one say it was love i and too full to eat ) and im the slimiest i every been. my babe is very active and slim and love to move. he made me feel like a ex fat Cinderella. he supports me on my activity level and im looking out for his eating. it works. but nice to know that my babes loves me fat or slim. but im happier slim and it nice when he want to go to the beach i can go and not worry too much about how i look.

    You look fabulous! Great job!! :drinker:
  • charmingopal
    charmingopal Posts: 49 Member
    i think most guys eat badly and when you're with them, so do you. don't think i could convince any man to eat some quinoa and a salad over a steak!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Getting married made me want to be healthier so I could live long enough to properly enjoy (torture) my husband. My wedding was in August and the dress is several sizes too big (US 16 and I'm now a UK 10/US 6-8.) They don't have to make you bigger! We should all want to be at our best while in a relationship, to keep things alive.
  • StaceG1986
    Uh-huh, another one who gained the weight (a lot of it!) 6 years ago when I met my now hubby! Mainly through eating out and cosy nights in... We still do that., but make much better choices and control portions! :happy:
  • elischanicole13
    My ex told me that I put on too much weight and I should find someone who loves me all the time (from 5000 miles away mind you)

    I left him that day ... he saw me in divorce court a year later 50 lbs lighter ...

    Maybe he did me a favor?

    LOVE this!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Well, I was very thin throughout my last relationship prior to meeting my husband. Too thin. I was too thin when I was single, too. Never really tried to be thin. It just happened.

    But being in a live-in relationship, then marrying him... I cooked real food, and ate real food, and discovered NEW foods. Add that I was getting older, and had a sit-down job... well, of course I gained weight. Then later, depression & anxiety took their toll, too.

    But I'm also now at my healthiest and strongest. Maybe not my thinnest, but I don't want to go back there. And I am back to the size I was when we got married nearly 10 years ago.

    So... yeah, I'd say most people do gain weight in a relationship, but it's not unavoidable.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    ummm nope i i lost 188 pounds with mines (every one say it was love i and too full to eat ) and im the slimiest i every been. my babe is very active and slim and love to move. he made me feel like a ex fat Cinderella. he supports me on my activity level and im looking out for his eating. it works. but nice to know that my babes loves me fat or slim. but im happier slim and it nice when he want to go to the beach i can go and not worry too much about how i look.

    You look fabulous! Great job!! :drinker:

    oh thanks hun!

    i think most guys eat badly and when you're with them, so do you. don't think i could convince any man to eat some quinoa and a salad over a steak!
    i took alot of his favorite meals and revamped them and he enjoys them either way now when he eat something that bad he feel like crap for a few days so he way better with his food these days.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Studies have shown that yes, couples tend to cumulatively gain together. Nope, I'm not going to search for that study and cite it etc but I remember reading that. But the important thing to remember ultimately is that the same inertia that can cause two people that love each other to assemble a dysfunctional cruise toward the future can be changed into providing synergy to be healthier. Of course it is a lot harder to do a reverse and get everyone on the team on the same page..but if you started out as a couple dedicated to eating right and being healthy and placing a *healthy* priority about will work for you.
  • gymjunkie1985
    yeah because people get lazy.

    i wouldn't accept that if a partner of mine started putting on weight when i married them.

    Well, what would you do? Force them to lose weight or take off on them?

    Dunno. I wouldn't be an *kitten* about it, but i sure as hell wouldn't stay quiet.

    Maybe just throw out all the junk food around the house when she's not looking and act innocent when she can't find anything to snack on lol

    maybe she'd chew on one of your 18 abs!! hahaha okay im just playing - thanks for being a good sport :O)

    18 abs? where did the extra 12 come from haha?
    Perhaps it's just my eyes, but I can't see any... lol
  • peteyTwang
    That's smart! ... not just for your individual health but the health of the relationship too, because active elevated heart beats will make you fall for each other that much deeper :happy:
    But now that I'm single again, I've lost all of that weight and then some, and I've been pushing the men I'm currently dating to do more active things with me
  • chickybabe05
    yeah because people get lazy.

    i wouldn't accept that if a partner of mine started putting on weight when i married them.

    Lol sounds harsh but fair enough, as long as you go about it the right way.

    And yes i think it ppl tend to get comfortable in a relationship and therefore put less effort into apperance....not just weight, its everything...I remember back when DP and i first got together, i would always make the effort to look nice for him, but now 8 years later i spend alot of time in comfy not so flattering clothes :S so guilty as charged here!!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    This is soooooo true. Its unfortunate but it is what it is. At the end of the day we have to make a hard choice that we have to do the right thing, eating right, working out etc. I still struggle but as of late am doing better. He knows my goal and that this is the right thing to do.
    good luck!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I definitly think complacency sets in. You feel loved and attractive,and co dependent. And food/drink is an enjoyable pastime to share together cuddled up all cosy, not sweating your *kitten* off in a gym!

    For me, eventually, reality bites tho and I regain my independence.

    Single at the moment, so trying to get back to my goal weight ................just to start all over again!! :laugh:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Yes! My guy has gained 25 over 4 years living together, but he is still within his BMI. I gained a bit more. I now weigh less than I did when I met him 5 years ago. My guy pretty much insists on going out for at least one meal during the weekend. He thinks since I make his lunch/dinner for work every day and fix him good food on the weekends I should get AT LEAST one meal a week that I don't cook. When I do cook at home on the weekends he insists on doing the dishes. He does laundry, cleans the bathrooms, and can cook too. No you can't have him!
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Oh, yes...yes they do! Since I could only pretty much see my fiance' at the bar and late at nights when we first got together we both put on quite a bit. But he's since dropped his rather quickly and I'm still fighting the fight! Although most of mine was from before we were together.

    I saw this post and immediately thought of one of our favorite youtube videos, it's called "Wilbur explains love." Whenever we go out now I always ask him if we're going on a date, because I'm going to order something called a salad! LOVE IT! (yes, yes, we're goofy, we know it!)
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Yes! My guy has gained 25 over 4 years living together, but he is still within his BMI. I gained a bit more. I now weigh less than I did when I met him 5 years ago. My guy pretty much insists on going out for at least one meal during the weekend. He thinks since I make his lunch/dinner for work every day and fix him good food on the weekends I should get AT LEAST one meal a week that I don't cook. When I do cook at home on the weekends he insists on doing the dishes. He does laundry, cleans the bathrooms, and can cook too. No you can't have him!

    Awe, he sounds a lot like mine! Definitely a keeper! Mine is a professional cook, and a damned good one! He cleans, does laundry and when my back is really bothering me he even cleans the bathroom too!
  • 7RandomNames
    Eating habits change, levels of physical activity change. It's especially difficult if you marry a guy who is UNDERweight. How do you work on plumping your guy up and slimming yourself down?
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I put on weight when I had a relationship with Burger King, LOL.

    But yea, people tend to get lazy about their appearance after settling into a relationship. Well, maybe not lazy, but priorities change, I think.

    It's easier to keep in shape if both halves are involved. If it's just one, it's harder.
  • traceytoo
    :flowerforyou: I had lost 6 stone when I met my partner and had kept it off for over a year - food was not the main focus in my life anymore, but when I met him, you go out drinking more, restaurants, suddenly cuddled up in front of the TV with a take away becomes the norm and over 6 months I put on 2 stone - was disgusted with myself, been working since Christmas to get it off - another stone to go ... funny thing is, he's lost over 2 stone since we met lol ... go figure that one :sad: