Dropping by to say hello!

I'm Tony. Newbiee to all of this and really trying to lose weight. Need some support so please friend request! I'm a really cool and funny guy. Choir kid also! Whats up!? lol. Well anyways, send a request! Later!


    Hi Tony & Welcome to MFP!!! How are you? Ive been on here since Tues 1/25/11!!!! Its AWESOME, its been a True Blessing, have met lots of Kind, Loving, Wonderful, Supportive, & Encouraging Peeps on here!!! When it comes to Dieitng/Wking-Out some Days are harder then others, those are the Times:bigsmile: when we need the Support & Encouragement the MOST!!! I will most def "Friend Request ya"!!! May your Time here on MFP be Happy, Healthy, & Blessed!!!! TC, & GOD Bless!!!!!
  • Morninoonight
    Hi Tony...

    Welcome! I'll send you a friend request. Feel free to check out my friends list, I've come across some cool and encouraging people. I'm sure they can offer you the same encouragement. My name is Tamika, let's do this Tony!