new and excited!!!

Nlbrooks76 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
hey everyone! I am new to the site and I love it so far. It is really helping me see what excatly I eat and helps with other program I am on. I don't know if I am allowed to say but I am doing WW too.
I am an Army wife stuck in Fort Drum NY. My goal is to get skinner while my husband is on his first deployment. I have lost a total of 22 pounds since he left and 2 sizes!!! Since I have started fitness pal I have lost 2 pounds so I am excited.
I have 2 little girls and can't wait til spring so we can start playing outside and they can see how much more energy I have.
I'm from Texas and miss the south very much.
I hope to meet some wonderful people that can help me with my weight loss journey. :)


  • Ive just joined too!

    What a great incentive to surprise your husband! Well done for the 22lb, with two little ones it must be hard. Good Luck !!

  • Hi and welcome, its great to have you here!
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