Overeating when tired

beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I was wondering if anyone is like me and tends to overeat when tired. It's like I reach for anything just to keep myself awake, especially sugar. I'm sick of my cycle. Any advice on how to break this awful habit?


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm exactly the same, although its taken me a while to figure it out. I'm trying to get to bed a bit earlier if I can, and eating most of my exercise cals back. I wasn't doing this before, and looking at my reports I had 7-10 day cycles of eating well and exercising hard and then crashing and binging from sheer exhaustion. I had also been plateauing since Nov. Its early days yet (4 days in) but eating my cals back is keeping me more awake and I'm starting to loose again too.
  • if you don't get enough sleep your body needs energy so you're trying to get energy from food.
    you should relax and sleep 8h/day.
  • Food is energy. If you can't get enough rest, then try to eat food thats give you sustained energy. Veggies, Fruits, carbs...avoid the high sugar junk food, you'll eat less since you body will have better energy sources.
  • itskristina
    itskristina Posts: 16 Member
    Awhile ago I read that Vitamin C helps boost your energy and can keep you awake. You could research that some more. Then instead of reaching for sugar filled snacks, maybe you could get some OJ or something?
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Try not to stay up late as I find that when I do, that's when I'm likely to over eat. Also, remove all junk food from the house. If it's not there you can't eat it.:tongue:
  • csunmom
    csunmom Posts: 1 Member
    I reach for bread when I am tired, any kind. It's hard when there is junk in the house. DH will bring home donuts and chips for snacks, but I'm the one home all day with the food nearby.
    I have been trying to drink a tall glass of water and then take the dog for a walk, just to get away from the temptation. Or I'll have a little Greek yogurt because it has so much protein. Try chewing mint gum or brushing your teeth. Sugar doesn't taste good after that. Taking a little nap is always good, too. It's amazing what 10 minutes of lying down will do for you.

    Good luck!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    i do the same thing when im tired not necessarily sugar but hungry in general its like i need more food for the energy. If you must eat i would eat something high in protein it helps keeps you full longer. Also try to get to bed earlier if possible.
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    Sugar-free peppermint gum.
  • OMG I used to say that I was eating for energy as a joke, yet I really feel like I am. Or maybe I have a low threshold for boredom!
    I'm always wanting gum or lozengers. It doesn't have to be a full meal, it's not like being hunger, or even to want chocolate. I thought drinking water would be a solution and that doesn't really solve the craving, hunger, whatever it is.
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I've been tired because my 1-year old doesn't sleep through the night. I've literally not slept a full night in a year. I appreciate all the suggestions. I will try to avoid the sugar and get some good food in me. The gum actually might work, I used to do that in the past. Thanks for the input and support. I just hate having so many good days in a row and then going backwards and having one bad day!
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