Are you naughty?

Its my first day of starting my new lifestyle and I have been doing well all day but Ive just went and had a few onion rings. Im still well under my target of daily calories but I still feel bad for doing it.

How does everyone else deal with spur of the moment cravings or how do you feel about still having "treats" daily?


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Try logging a treat before you eat it....seeing how it affects your day may make you decide it's not worth it. But if you do cave, you've just got to tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day, and start again.
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I still "treat" myself as long as I stay under my calorie goals. It isn't realistic for me to give up everything I crave. I just make sure to eat only 1 serving or a half serving. I don't want to blow it! :-)
    Good luck and don't beat yourself up about it. If you only had a few and are going to be good the rest of the day, you will be fine!
    as long as I'm under my calories, or even just barely over, I'm fine with it. Like lately, I've been craving cheese sticks, but I wont let myself have them because they are a bazillion calories, BUT today I'm well under, so I'm treating myself :)

    if you dont let yourself have treats, you go crazy and eat everything. Trust me. Let yourself eat what you want, as long as its occasionally .
  • harleyquinn1504
    harleyquinn1504 Posts: 45 Member
    If I still have calories left, I dont mind eating that extra biscuit or whatever. There are occasions were I do go over too. It happens, and I try not to dwell on it too much, or let it happen too often. Overall, I've done pretty well with keeping within my goals, and losing weight. Counting calories has just made me more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth, and reminding myself that maybe I dont need 10 cookies, when 4 will do just fine and keep me within my goal.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    Wow from the subject line I thought this was a spicey thread OO

    I think a technique that helped me quit smoking 20 years ago may help you overcome weak moments.

    Keep a notepad and pen handy. For a week, before you indulge, log the date, time, place, and mood.
    Do the same for the next week, but write 3 things you could do instead of indulge
    The third week, stop indulging and do the other things.

    This gave me a very surprising insight on triggers I needed to avoid or overcome.

    For me, there's never any onion rings within reach is how I avoid the problem
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Well, great job for starting your new lifestyle. Don't worry too much about giving in...just keep trying to do better.

    My suggestion would be to be prepared. For instance, when I am at work I make sure to bring a healthly lunch and snacks.

    Planning ahead is major! But sometimes we fall and that's ok. I want a healthier lifestyle, but for me, that will include not so healthy food choice once in a while.

    Good luck!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I don't deny myself foods. It doesn't work for me. If I want onion rings I'll do like you and just have a few and move on. I'm planning on this being for life and there are no foods (at least ones that I like!) that I don't plan on ever eating again!!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    speaking of spur of the moment.. this morning i had my coffee, and hadn't had food for breakfast yet, i walked into one of the break rooms at work to get some water, and i see three white boxes.... filled with kolaches! i love kolaches! so i grabbed one :( i got to my desk, took a bite.. chewed... swollowed a lil bit of what i chewed... THEN ... i threw the rest of it away... i chewed some more... THEN i spit out the rest of what i had in my mouth! i was so proud myself for catching my spur of the moment no no... i feel good about that. now i won't feel guilty for eating my entire salad for lunch!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I try to keep my indulgences to my two days off every week. It helps keep me strong during the rest of the week. And now that I'm far enough into the healthy eating I don't tend to go for junk food anymore on the weekends (except for my TOM).
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    you have to treat yourself every once in a last week i made a BOMB oreo cheesecake...but instead of eating like 5 servings at once like i really wanted too, i ate .5 a serving and i ate it REAL SLOW and enjoyed the hell out of it!
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I still splurge from time to time, BUT I've noticed that when I actually wait (maybe a week or so), my splurge actually seems like a treat (no longer part of my daily menu) and tastes so much better (or worse, depending on what it is). I went three weeks before having a burger, and I searched for the best burger in town- go big!
  • jmabley
    Don't feel bad, and don't deprive yourself of the foods you love.

    Just spread them out and portion control!

    If you deprive yourself of foods you love then you might find reaching your goals a little more challenging then it should be. Maybe use these "treats" as a reward after have a few good days, think of it as something to look forward to.

    Best of Luck
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm always naughty! :wink:
    I feel so guilty when I cheat. I spend all day at college and the junk they sell is sooooo tempting! It has been taking some time for me to improve my eating habits. It didn't happen over night. Now on the (almost daily) occasion that I still cheat I carefully think about it FIRST. I walk away from it and if I still need/want it I weigh the options and their calorie counts and go with the lowest-cal option. Then I make sure I take the stairs and the longest way to class to get a few extra steps in. You need to 1) understand that it takes approximately 20 days to make new habits, changes don't happen overnight, 2) think about the "bad" foods before you mindlessly eat them and if you still want it go back later, and most importantly 3) don't beat yourself up when you slipped up occasionally because it's bound to happen. Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    speaking of spur of the moment.. this morning i had my coffee, and hadn't had food for breakfast yet, i walked into one of the break rooms at work to get some water, and i see three white boxes.... filled with kolaches! i love kolaches! so i grabbed one :( i got to my desk, took a bite.. chewed... swollowed a lil bit of what i chewed... THEN ... i threw the rest of it away... i chewed some more... THEN i spit out the rest of what i had in my mouth! i was so proud myself for catching my spur of the moment no no... i feel good about that. now i won't feel guilty for eating my entire salad for lunch!

    oh, my point was you can treat yourself but you dont have to ruin your whole day.. eating a few onion rings isnt bad.. eating a whole basket just because you had one... is bad. lol even if i had swallowed that bite i took and left the rest, it would have been fine. i think its an issue when people think that just because they ate one "bad" thing that the whole day is ruined. so not true. move on and make better choices.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Ha Ha,I had three onion rings on tuesday night.I was well under my calories and hadnt even thought of it as naughty....until now that
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    as long as I'm under my calories, or even just barely over, I'm fine with it. Like lately, I've been craving cheese sticks, but I wont let myself have them because they are a bazillion calories, BUT today I'm well under, so I'm treating myself :)

    if you dont let yourself have treats, you go crazy and eat everything. Trust me. Let yourself eat what you want, as long as its occasionally .

    Kraft 2% Snackables String Cheese is only 70 calories per stick and there are lowfat/lowcal recipes for "fried" (baked) cheese sticks online. and they're actually pretty good LOL
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    There really aren't any 'banned foods'. There's room for some 'fun food' in everyone's diet.

    As you are just starting out, you might want to consider setting some goals around your eating to help build healthier habits, rather than ruling out whole classes of foods.

    For example, a goal might be to eat X servings of vegetables every day for a week or two. That way you have some focus and learn how to get veggies that you enjoy eating into your diet.

    Another goal might be to reduce fried foods in your diet to X servings a week or a month. Again, gives you something to focus on and you'll learn how to enjoy some of your old foods prepared in healthier ways.

    It's tough to get going if your goal is basically "I can't eat anything that isn't superhealthy ever again". Setting some short term goals around the types of things you want to add to your diet or reduce in your diet gives you some focus and time to build healthier habits. Might be less frustrating for you.

    You might even just want to log your normal eating for a week or two and then take a look at it, before jumping into a calorie goal.
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    Thanks for all your replies.

    Luckily I could have ate the whole basket but I left the majority so Im proud for that and Im still with 500 cals left for the day. Its the end of the day now so I cant see me eating anything else so I guess I just need to look at it differently.

    Im going to take it as I can eat what ever I want and nothings banned. Then at least I know if I want it I can have it. Hoping that way since its not taboo I wont crave things as much. And like said above I just need to know that its not the end of the world.

    And if the end of the week I have kept under the cal recommendation and also lost weight then I will know there is nothing wrong.

    Yous are defo right when saying portion control as if I had ate all of the rings I would have basically been at my limit at least now Ive had them also had my dinner so Im full and Im at 1122 / 1640 so thats quite good :)

    I meant mozzarella sticks, the deepfried kind :)
    as long as I'm under my calories, or even just barely over, I'm fine with it. Like lately, I've been craving cheese sticks, but I wont let myself have them because they are a bazillion calories, BUT today I'm well under, so I'm treating myself :)

    if you dont let yourself have treats, you go crazy and eat everything. Trust me. Let yourself eat what you want, as long as its occasionally .

    Kraft 2% Snackables String Cheese is only 70 calories per stick and there are lowfat/lowcal recipes for "fried" (baked) cheese sticks online. and they're actually pretty good LOL
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The title of this topic was misleading lol:sad: