Questin about being under calorie goal-starvation mode

I did my food tracker yesterday and at the end of the day i was under my calorie intake goal. I was about 500 calories under my goal. I'm afraid my body is in starvation mode. It says I should get a minimum of 1200 calories daily and I was 500 under if not more. Is that bad? Could my body be storing up fat due to that? I eat about 1 meal a day and usually snack on small things. I thought I wasnt losing weight due to the fact I ate too much bad stuff but now I'm wondering if my body is in starvation mode. I'm not trying to starve myself. Please help. I'm kind of confused.


  • megan_mp
    I don't think one day will hurt you...

    I wouldn't recommend doing it consistently though. There's lots of topics on the subject here in the forum, you may want to do a search for it? It's really confusing, I know. I've been here for 6 months and I'm still trying to get a handle on it!

    Good luck to you! :)
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    IMHO, you need to make yourself eat more than one meal a day, yeah, you may be in starvation mode. . only time i've ever been that few calories was being sick. don't worry, it's not permanent, you can fix it :)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    One day isn't going to do any harm, but do not make it a habit. 700 calories is far too low to survive on.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I did my food tracker yesterday and at the end of the day i was under my calorie intake goal. I was about 500 calories under my goal. I'm afraid my body is in starvation mode. It says I should get a minimum of 1200 calories daily and I was 500 under if not more. Is that bad? Could my body be storing up fat due to that?

    Yes, if you do it often, but not one day. After a few days of under eating your metabolism will start to slow down, and your body will store calories as fat to keep it alive longer as it does not know when it will be fed next or if it will be enough. Even longer can have much more negative side effects it is essentially. Try eating all the calories MFP suggests including exercise calories. MFP is set up this way for a reason, and will lead you to meeting your weight loss goal.
  • Kelly2251
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Eat 3 mealsa day and 2 snacks or you can eat 6 small meals a day....dont not eat cause it will hinder your weightloss....Step one is touse this to eat healthy and not over do it....but ya gotta fuel your body to run.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    Make sure you are snacking every 2 hours....animals are lean because they graze all day. we can learn alot from their example
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I tried to go and look at your food diary and it is private. Is what you ate yesterday typical? If it is, then, yes, you could be in starvation mode. You will need to work at breaking that and eat more. You may gain at first, but then you will lose and be healthier.

    If it was just a one time thing you should be ok, just don't make it a regular habit.

    You should make sure those snacks you are eating are good healthy snacks with enought calories to meet your days goals. A lot of people try to make smaller snacks and eat 800 calories in one meal. That not a good way to do it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    If I understand this then you are fine. You want to eat back enough calories to get back up to at least 1200. And if you go under some days then try going over some days.

    I might not have understood this correctly - no I didn't. Go with Erik. He knows what he is talking about.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    also,if your trying to lose alot of weight in the long run, dont eat ALL your exercise calories back....eating exercise calories back is to maintain your current weight....I eat 25% of mine back as my trainer told me to do and Im doing just fine....and losing inches.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    ...eating exercise calories back is to maintain your current weight....

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. MFP gives you a caloric intake based on a caloric deficit from maintenance to lose weight without exercise. The only way to lose your goal weight (same caloric deficit) is to eat all of the calories including exercise calories. What you are saying would only be true if her goal caloric intake was to maintain weight, but more than likely she already has a goal to lose 1-2lbs/week.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist

    wrong wrong wrong, your nutritionist is basing this on the assumption you are eating maintenance calories before you workout, MFP already puts you lower. If your MFP goal is to lose 1 lb/week (500cal/day deficit) and it gives you 1300 cals your maintenance is 1800 (1300+500) and you will lose 1 lb/week without exercise. Now say you burn 400 from exercise you must eat 1700 (1300+400) to keep your caloric deficit at your goal of 500 cals to lose 1lb/week. If you ate maintenance of 1700 and burned 500, you would not have to eat the cals back as your exercise is what creates your deficit. MFP already does that for you as it take cals away from maintenance without you exercising.

    If you burn 400 cals everyday and your nutritonist tells you to eat 1700 cals/day that is the same as MFP telling you to eat 1300 and to eat your exercise cals. as 1300 +400 = 1700 and 1700-400 = 1300. You can get to the same place but MFP takes the workout out of it and calculates you calorie intake to meet your goal whether you workout or not, so if you workout you eat those back to meet your net calorie goal.
  • Kelly2251
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist

    wrong wrong wrong, your nutritionist is basing this on the assumption you are eating maintenance calories before you workout, MFP already puts you lower. If your MFP goal is to lose 1 lb/week (500cal/day deficit) and it gives you 1300 cals your maintenance is 1800 (1300+500) and you will lose 1 lb/week without exercise. Now say you burn 400 from exercise you must eat 1700 (1300+400) to keep your caloric deficit at your goal of 500 cals to lose 1lb/week. If you ate maintenance of 1700 and burned 500, you would not have to eat the cals back as your exercise is what creates your deficit. MFP already does that for you as it take cals away from maintenance without you exercising.

    I'm loosing weight just fine...I don't force myself to eat, occasionally if I am really low I'll eat just to get the numbers up, but I eat 3 healthy meals a day and maybe a snack... I make sure I eat at least 1200 calories a day, and I exercise every day for about 40 minutes... and it's working for me... Who knows...
  • Kelly2251
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist

    wrong wrong wrong, your nutritionist is basing this on the assumption you are eating maintenance calories before you workout, MFP already puts you lower. If your MFP goal is to lose 1 lb/week (500cal/day deficit) and it gives you 1300 cals your maintenance is 1800 (1300+500) and you will lose 1 lb/week without exercise. Now say you burn 400 from exercise you must eat 1700 (1300+400) to keep your caloric deficit at your goal of 500 cals to lose 1lb/week. If you ate maintenance of 1700 and burned 500, you would not have to eat the cals back as your exercise is what creates your deficit. MFP already does that for you as it take cals away from maintenance without you exercising.

    I'm loosing weight just fine...I don't force myself to eat, occasionally if I am really low I'll eat just to get the numbers up, but I eat 3 healthy meals a day and maybe a snack... I make sure I eat at least 1200 calories a day, and I exercise every day for about 40 minutes... and it's working for me... Who knows...

    First, what is starvation mode? I found this direct answer on --

    A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist

    wrong wrong wrong, your nutritionist is basing this on the assumption you are eating maintenance calories before you workout, MFP already puts you lower. If your MFP goal is to lose 1 lb/week (500cal/day deficit) and it gives you 1300 cals your maintenance is 1800 (1300+500) and you will lose 1 lb/week without exercise. Now say you burn 400 from exercise you must eat 1700 (1300+400) to keep your caloric deficit at your goal of 500 cals to lose 1lb/week. If you ate maintenance of 1700 and burned 500, you would not have to eat the cals back as your exercise is what creates your deficit. MFP already does that for you as it take cals away from maintenance without you exercising.

    I'm loosing weight just fine...I don't force myself to eat, occasionally if I am really low I'll eat just to get the numbers up, but I eat 3 healthy meals a day and maybe a snack... I make sure I eat at least 1200 calories a day, and I exercise every day for about 40 minutes... and it's working for me... Who knows...

    Just be careful as you may be losing just as much muscle as fat if your deficit is too large.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Is that with or without exercise??? I know that I have been under a lot too, but I don't worry about it too much as long as I am close to my normal "daily" allotment... basically I don't count the calories burnt by exercise when I am low, I just eat to make up for the original amount...

    That can still lead you to lowering your metabolism and storing fat. MFP is all based on a caloric deficit, and if your deficit gets too large you will have issues. If you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week and you burn 700 in exercise your deficit is not 1700 on the day, much too large to sustain and your metabolism will have no choice but to slow down.

    eating ALL your exercise calories back is to maintain current weight......eating SOME back is for per my nutritionist

    wrong wrong wrong, your nutritionist is basing this on the assumption you are eating maintenance calories before you workout, MFP already puts you lower. If your MFP goal is to lose 1 lb/week (500cal/day deficit) and it gives you 1300 cals your maintenance is 1800 (1300+500) and you will lose 1 lb/week without exercise. Now say you burn 400 from exercise you must eat 1700 (1300+400) to keep your caloric deficit at your goal of 500 cals to lose 1lb/week. If you ate maintenance of 1700 and burned 500, you would not have to eat the cals back as your exercise is what creates your deficit. MFP already does that for you as it take cals away from maintenance without you exercising.

    I'm loosing weight just fine...I don't force myself to eat, occasionally if I am really low I'll eat just to get the numbers up, but I eat 3 healthy meals a day and maybe a snack... I make sure I eat at least 1200 calories a day, and I exercise every day for about 40 minutes... and it's working for me... Who knows...

    First, what is starvation mode? I found this direct answer on --

    A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires.

    Yes so if your maintenance is 1900 and you burn 700 from exercise this gives you energy needs of 2600 so eating less than 1300 would be a starvation diet according to your source. It isn't that simple though. The less you have to lose the easier it is to hurt your metabolism as you don't have as much fuel (body fat) to live off of.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    you will find out what works for your body....
  • Kelly2251
    But I'm not, I need 1200 calories a day, I exercise about 400 calories each day which is 1600 needed calories, than I eat at least 1200 calories.. puts me at 75% for the day...