Depressed and Unmotivated

MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Joined this site yesterday and hope that the extra accountability will help keep me on track with weight loss and fitness goals. There is a great deal of stress in my life and even though I try to eat well the scale keeps going up instead of down.

I admit that I am lazy and have always been a couch potato. I lack motivation to go exercise and really need local buddies that will come drag me out of the house! Anyone near me in Harrisburg PA (West Shore) area? Please say hello.

Also looking for tips on non-traditional types of exercise that might be interesting and fun. I have some friends that I'm taking some exercise classes with trying to get in shape for the Warrior Dash in June and am scared that I will not be able to get through all the obstacle challenges. So far I have taken an intro to belly dancing class and am in the middle of a water aerobics class. Zumba is on my list of things to try. I'm not a gym person - too intimidated by all the fitness hardbodies and equipment I don't know how to use. I feel so uncoordinated! Going to classes in public is really pushing myself out of my comfort zone but I'm doing it... Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


  • Bobcgirl8
    Bobcgirl8 Posts: 30 Member
    You can do this! Just keep thinking about your goals and go for it :)
  • I am in a similar predicament. What I did was I bought some DVDs to do in my apartment and then I don't feel intimidated at the gym, but I also don't have a gym to join. Add me if you want some extra support!
  • therena
    therena Posts: 6 Member
    Used to be just like you and then I tried Zumba. Now you cant keep me out of the gym. The pounds started coming off and gave me more energy than I ever had. Good luck and keep it up it will pay off.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Make small goals for yourself and take it a day at a time...a meal at a time. If you're going to do the warrior dash, you may want to take up walking and strength training. The obstacles used in the one here look like they would zap the energy right out of you. I'm not in the PA area, but feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • I just joined this week and I have found that keeping up with what I am eating is helping me. I have been staying under my calorie limit and getting my exercise in. Stay away from the scale and just concentrate on YOU! :smile:
  • Add me as a friend if you want! I know how you feel. I recommend trying yoga at home. Start with some basic stretching and poses and eventually you will want to do more. Keep it simple and don't over~do it. Work from there with some harder poses and add flow then weights. I bought my own elliptical so i wouldn't have to leave the house and could do it when I wanted. Keep your head up!
  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    if there's an all women's section in your gym i find that more inspiring than discouraging! I was always a couch potato too- eating entire bags of chips, candies, and complaining that I wanted to lose weight but didnt want to work for it. Once you find something you love, you will stick to it! especially once the pounds start coming off! I'm sure this will also help burn off some of that stress! good luck! :)
  • Personally, I don't think ANYTHING will work for you until you're READY. I've gained 20 lbs in 6 years (since I met my hubby), and have tried the gym, DVDs, etc a bunch of times, with NO success. I decided just over a week ago that I'm tired of the "mushabelly" as I call it & have worked out on my own for 6 of the past 9 days! :)

    MFP is VERY helpful (even if you don't have a bunch of friends on here), as you can track everything. I go over my cal's pretty frequently, but not as bad as I used to. Its so helpful SEEING things in B & W. Hubby hasn't started working out yet, but logs all his food, & it has really helped him make better food chioices. Neither of us are health food freaks, but he'll go for chicken vs. a burger now, etc.

    ANYWAYS! I hope you find something that works for you! Don't give up on MFP yet!
  • Used to be just like you and then I tried Zumba. Now you cant keep me out of the gym. The pounds started coming off and gave me more energy than I ever had. Good luck and keep it up it will pay off.

    OMG! I downloaded Zumba yesterday.......YEAH RIGHT! LOL! Major kudos to you and anyone else who can do that! I am SOOOO uncoordinated! Looks like so much fun, but I just can't do it.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I am totally uncoordinated. Seriously. I have been told by my African American friends that I am "the whitest girl ever" about dancing, but I love Zumba! My Zumba doesn't look anything like the instructor! But the music is so fun and there are always new people there that haven't tried it (and even after several months, I fit in more with them than I do people who do Zumba all the time) so I don't feel out of place. Hey, you are working out, kudos for you! I still burn TONS of calories even though my body just does NOT shake like that in certain places =)
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I love my new Zumba DVD's! The latin beat keeps me going and lifts my spirits. If you lived near me I would kidnap you and take you dancing with my other gf's. We try to get out as often as possible for 2hr straight dancing to regain our hot mama status (most of us married with children). It's fun. I hope you find local friends to go out and walk, run or have fun with.
  • joanie775
    joanie775 Posts: 24 Member
    Do you have a curves near you thay work with you and show you how to use the machiens theres only about 10 you get a good workout and your only there about 40-60 min, and thay have a weight management class to and thay have zumba to Try it out im glad i joined curves
    Add me as a friend for support
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Used to be just like you and then I tried Zumba. Now you cant keep me out of the gym. The pounds started coming off and gave me more energy than I ever had. Good luck and keep it up it will pay off.

    OMG! I downloaded Zumba yesterday.......YEAH RIGHT! LOL! Major kudos to you and anyone else who can do that! I am SOOOO uncoordinated! Looks like so much fun, but I just can't do it.

    I'm personally intimidated to go to the gym to do Zumba with a crowd. I'm having fun at home and probably look rediculous but am burning a load of calories all the same. I'm glad I don't have a mirror around to see myself while I Zumba. Those girls on the DVD's move in ways I don't think I ever can.
  • Used to be just like you and then I tried Zumba. Now you cant keep me out of the gym. The pounds started coming off and gave me more energy than I ever had. Good luck and keep it up it will pay off.

    OMG! I downloaded Zumba yesterday.......YEAH RIGHT! LOL! Major kudos to you and anyone else who can do that! I am SOOOO uncoordinated! Looks like so much fun, but I just can't do it.

    I'm personally intimidated to go to the gym to do Zumba with a crowd. I'm having fun at home and probably look rediculous but am burning a load of calories all the same. I'm glad I don't have a mirror around to see myself while I Zumba. Those girls on the DVD's move in ways I don't think I ever can.

    LOL! One of my friends TEACHES Zumba classes.....I may go to one, one of these days, but who knows. I'll stick to the gym, I think. Don't have to have coordination for that! ;)
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