
sham0968 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I am hypothyroid and this is why I am having trouble losing and maintaining. Hopefully meds will help with my problem. On the plus side. I do see a diffrence when I exercise even if scale doesn't show it. Actually I gain when i exercise but I look better.


  • Medication will do so much to help, though watching your food will end up being the biggest factor, at least it is for me.
  • I have had hypothyroidism since I was 11 and I have always been able to put on the pounds but never get them off. Once you start the meds you will feel a difference but for me it's harder for me to loose weight. It also took them a long time to get the dose right. Be sure you go in for your followups. I didn't have health care for about 2 years and when I finally went to my Dr. She said that She was shocked that I was up and moving and doing stuff. My levels were so low it was very dangerous.

    Good luck to you!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I agree with the others.Medication does help.Still think it`s harder to loose .Have to be very good with food and ex also.
    Go at the pace you can and you will see results.It may not be as fast as you want .It will happen.good luck!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    It seems like there is no "wiggle" when you have hypothyroidism. Others can have a cheat day but if I do, I will gain! For me, exercise is almost a necessity too!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Medication, with diet and exercise is the key. I started thyroid meds about 7 mths ago. I am on a low 25 mg dose. Prior to that I was exercising daily and continued to gain. I did find out that I wasn't eating my exercise calories back on was on a 1200 calorie daily goal and was burning at least 300 calories a day(so my body was only getting 900 calories). Once I joined MFP and learned a few things the weight has been coming off. I have lost about 15 lbs. in 45 days and feel so much better.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    is it Hashimotos Hypothyroidism? (auto-immune) If it is, you should consider being tested for celiac , Celiac disease/ gluten intollerence has been linked to this and many other auto immune diseases, you'd be surprised at how much better you will feel on a gluten free diet!
  • sham0968
    sham0968 Posts: 17 Member
    I had thyroid cancer in 2001. I had half of my thyroid removed. When I was put on thyroid meds. The low dose was fine. My doctor kept moving the dosage up. I got where I couldn't function. So I quit taking the meds. I had to get my levels checked every six months. I have done well until now. I actually believe that my thyroid started messing up after my baby but my thyroid test was normal but all the symptoms I have been having since then points to it even though my test were normal at first. I do always exercise unless my heart is acting funny. I am not over weight but could stand to lose a little weight. My weight goes up and down on it's own. I think that it is water weight though. I see a big diffrence when i exercise.
  • b_hobbs
    b_hobbs Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same issues outlined in this thread. My doctor just adjusted (UP) my meds, but I still don't feel a difference. I also feel like there is no room for slip-up days. It is hard, but I'm trying to stay on track. Good luck!

    We should start our our support group .... Hypothyroid Dieter's Success Group.
  • I was always at low body weight when I was younger. When I got married in 91 , I was at 117 lbs. CW 181lbs. About 10 years ago I had a full blood workup. My dr called me in and did not understand how I was staying awake and still being able to function. For the past 20 years I have had a very active job. I found that since I was constantly on the move I was Ok. BUT when I sat down I would start falling asleep...even at friends homes. I was just raised last month to 125mg dosage of unithroid. Losing weight is twice as hard and takes longer than those without this issue. I do notice that if I avoid carbs such as...bagels, cookies etc (which are easy to crave) it does help and the cravings do go away. I think a support group would be a wonderful idea!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I too find that a cheat day just is not for me! I also find that I gain muscle tone well but even after a few days of less intense workouts I have lost tone that fast! It is terrible. I just went back on my meds and I am sleeping better, not as moody, and just overall feel much better. If you don't like to take meds, there are some herbal treatments some people swear by but I have not tried them.

    And I agree, support group for sure! :love:
  • peaches6311
    peaches6311 Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with everyone else. It is easier to gain weight, harder to lose weight, and I lose muscle strength faster. I am happy with the way I feel on my meds, but it doesn't solve all the problems.
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I have been diagnosed since i got back from iraq 2010, i am on 125mg of synthroid. can feel a difference but energy always sucks. i also must work out alot. bad thing is this disease might get me kicked out of army eventually if dr.s cant make a decision. make sure you get a good dr. mine is very knowledgeable but it seems like he dont really care to fight for the answers for me.I work out 2-3 times a day very hard and i eat less then 1900 calories for months and barley see a loss can gain muscle but thats it. i wish you luck it can get irritating
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Sorry if you know this already but yes, your doctor should be kept in touch with anything 'herbal' etc you are adding as it can impact on any meds you are taking and not necessarily positively.

    You will be able to loose, it will take some work (as you know), and may be slower but it can happen. Good luck!
  • I had thyroid cancer in 2001. I had half of my thyroid removed. When I was put on thyroid meds. The low dose was fine. My doctor kept moving the dosage up. I got where I couldn't function. So I quit taking the meds. I had to get my levels checked every six months. I have done well until now. I actually believe that my thyroid started messing up after my baby but my thyroid test was normal but all the symptoms I have been having since then points to it even though my test were normal at first. I do always exercise unless my heart is acting funny. I am not over weight but could stand to lose a little weight. My weight goes up and down on it's own. I think that it is water weight though. I see a big diffrence when i exercise.
    Hi, I had my Thyroid removed in 2008 as the drs thought that I had Thyroid Cancer and I am on 125 mcg of Thyroxine each day and I have also strugggled with weightloss but since doing this calorie counting i have lost 9.5 lbs in 2 weeks, i really do think that smaller portions and with exercise is the way to lose weight, I am so motivated and nothing is going to stop me now.
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