7-week challenge... any takers?? :)



  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    10 LBS in 7 Weeks?
    I'm IN!
  • I am in...I really need this challenge to help me get started!! Good Luck to everyone!
  • I'm in as well and if anyone wants to add me as a friendf feel free
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Northeastern, Pa. :happy:
  • I'm so in! :) x
  • Somebody's gotta start the trash talk: WEST COASTERS RULE!!

    The Right Coast Rules!!
  • jitterbug89
    jitterbug89 Posts: 64 Member
    Update!! Everyone up until this point has been put on the list for this challenge. YAY! I'm not exactly sure when this group will cap off but right now we have 77 people so if anyone wants to join before Sunday, go ahead and post that you want in and your location.

    So now what's going to happen is after I get the last few people to give me their location I can even up the groups (So far they are looking pretty good!). Hopefully the 8 unknowns will become Easterners so that the East U.S. team can pack some punch (right now we are only at 8 people while the other teams have 13-18) But don't worry, we will even them up to have a fair competition. The remaining people on the list without a known location have until 2pm CST tomorrow to send me information or we'll just put you in a random group and then once I get the info I'll move you to the corresponding group.

    Once the groups are set, I'll go ahead and assign team captains (you'll need to friend your team mates) and then we'll go from there. Thank you all so much for wanting to be apart of this! It's going to be FUN! :)
  • I'M IN!
    P.S What's the prize if we win... oh I know, I'm taking myself to get a message!
  • I am so in friend me
  • WOOOO, I can't wait to start!!!! GO WESTERNERS!!!!!!!
  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in..so does the challenge start Sunday??? If so I'm ready to go...
  • I am on my second week of excercise and changing my eating habits and counting calories. I have gained 5 lbs since I made the changes in the first week, very frustraging but I've lost a few inches.

    However it's very frustrating to work so hard and see the scale go up!

    Good Luck!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks for organising it :-)
  • Is that third spot taken????Indiana here, first month here, first challenge op. Lemme know:)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hello, please could I join? Am in the UK. Nikki x
  • I just emailed you my location back, also.... ONce it offically starts an you post a new thread , because this one is way big and I have no clue whats even going on at this point!
  • im so excited! go team uk! ha xx
  • jitterbug89
    jitterbug89 Posts: 64 Member
    Alrighty! We have all of you on the list now. we are still waiting on a few location confirmations but I'm going to be making preliminary groups in the meantime and then just change people up as soon as I get that info. Once the groups are set I'm going to make a group thread (besides this one) in order to have weekly weigh-ins goal assessments, etc. When I assign team captains you'll need to discuss what time of the week your group will weigh-in and how the group members will discuss their goals, weights, etc. before the communal meeting.

    And technically the challenge started yesterday like as in working out, eating healthier, but the group part of this challenge will be official by tonight. So if you already started, awesome, if you haven't that's alright you can still start today or tomorrow. And as far as winners compensation, the winners will lose weight (which is the best prize) and will get a little badge to put on their signature that will signify that they were apart of the winning group. :)
  • In the interest of record keepery, I weighed myself yesterday morning and I was 179.5lbs. Had a slight slip up last night by inhaling a bag of chippy chips, but I did a good stint in the gym this morning, and I've spent all day building wardrobes and tidying the house, so hopefully the chips didn't do too much damage!
  • jitterbug89
    jitterbug89 Posts: 64 Member
    In the interest of record keepery, I weighed myself yesterday morning and I was 179.5lbs. Had a slight slip up last night by inhaling a bag of chippy chips, but I did a good stint in the gym this morning, and I've spent all day building wardrobes and tidying the house, so hopefully the chips didn't do too much damage!

    Awesome!! Way to go! Keep record of that and then you can apply it to your group once they get goin!
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