How to get more veggies in, in a day

Mommyof4ts Posts: 15
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I want to eat more veggies during the course of a day, but we only seem to eat one helping of them at dinner time. Through out the rest of the day it seems to be fruits im eating. I am a picky eater though, I dont like cooked carrots (but i do like them raw), spinach, peas, brussel sprouts, or okra and the list goes on, lol, so it seems the ones I do like are limited. Any suggestions?? Thanks so much!


  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Retry things you thought you didn't like a few more times, what about: green beans, broccoli, cabbage, bell pepper, avocado, bibb lettuce, beans, squash, sweet potato,parsnip, celery. Try some new Stuff!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    You can always have some sort of salad for lunch,or add veggies to an omelette in the morning. I like to snack on little grape tomatoes and mushrooms during the day. I guess since your picky its a matter of trying out a few new things and seeing what you like.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I have a hard time with getting in my veggies too! I drink low sodium V8 on the days I can't get them in. Low calorie, low carb, low sodium and full of nutrients. I gotta have my V8!
  • I'm a horrible picky eater!!! I found that I can tolerate baby spinach and asparagus!! I put spinach in my salads and in my egg white omelet in the can't even taste it.

    Asparagus is so quick to make...ten minutes in pan with tablespoon of olive oil and ground pepper at 400...done!
  • Retry things you thought you didn't like a few more times, what about: green beans, broccoli, cabbage, bell pepper, avocado, bibb lettuce, beans, squash, sweet potato,parsnip, celery. Try some new Stuff!
    Love grean beans, broccoli, and luttuce, everything else on your list I dont like. I have re-tried them, thanks to my husbands nagging, but unless I smother them in something like melted butter, I just cant eat them. Ive been a picky eater since birth and really feel like its hindering my weight loss :o(
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I took celery today with tuna salad to eat it with.

    I eat red bell peppers with humus.

    I put chili powder and garlic salt on cucumbers.

    I made a portobello mushroom sandwich tonight. SO GOOD.
  • I have a hard time with getting in my veggies too! I drink low sodium V8 on the days I can't get them in. Low calorie, low carb, low sodium and full of nutrients. I gotta have my V8!
    I think I will have to try that since im so picky on my vegetables!
  • I try to keep the stuff for salads on hand for lunch or for around the house. Also v8 is really good whenever you don't get a lot of veggies. I actually make a soup with v8 as a base along with fresh, frozen and sometimes canned veggies super good!
  • I took celery today with tuna salad to eat it with.

    I eat red bell peppers with humus.

    I put chili powder and garlic salt on cucumbers.

    I made a portobello mushroom sandwich tonight. SO GOOD.

    How did you make the portobello mushroom sandwhich? That sounds delish and I do love mushrooms! I have never been able to stomach celery though, lol
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    great ideas so far!! something you may not have heard of before is green smoothies. (google Victoria Boutenko if you want to learn more about why and how she thought if this!)
    Basically you take a handful of greens and put them in a blender with a fruit. Amazingly you only take the fruit! even my kids like spinach and apple smoothies. they may not look so good but if you have a good blender give it a try!
  • fluffy831
    fluffy831 Posts: 30 Member
    Ditto the V8 rec - so tasty. I put it in my chili too (you can also add corn to that to get another veggie in).
    Some jarred pasta sauce also has extra veggies in it (I buy it for my picky kids - they don't even realize they are getting veggies in that way) - try serving it over spaghetti squash - yummy and low carb.
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Two more bits of advice...try to get organic, local produce in season, always tastes better
    Try to take out anything processed from your diet
    you might like the taste of veg after your body detoxes from the other stuff

    I also try to think...would I let my daughter eat that/ not eat It? Would I want her to see me not eati g something...
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    if you have a blender, ninja, juicer or food processor you could always make you a smoothie with whatever low calorie fruit you like, ice, and whatever low calorie juice you like or even your favorite crystal light singles packet and do like i do sometimes and sneak in some tomatos, carrots, and / or cucumber into it. kinda like the v8 blend they have in the store but you are making your own without all the preservatives and added salt.
  • Thanks for all the great ideas! I never would have thought about half these things and looks like I need to get a blender! lol
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Maybe a salad?
    I eat baby carrots almost daily with my lunch (or as a snack), and peppers are fairly tasty raw.
  • Maybe a salad?
    I eat baby carrots almost daily with my lunch (or as a snack), and peppers are fairly tasty raw.

    I do love salad and baby carrots, but trying to find ways to eat other veggies, since those are the ones I eat almost daily. Guess I just need ideas to make ones I dont like taste better or something, lol.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I drink the v8 fusion. It has a serving of fruits and a serving of veggies. It doesn't taste like veggies at all.
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    You don't like raw spinach? I love it as a salad (instead of lettuce).

    Have you tried kale? You can eat it raw, but it's a little tough. So I usually steam or cook it a little bit. I usually cut out the stem part and just eat the leaves. Try this: saute a couple of cups of kale with a little olive oil and about a teaspoon of crushed garlic (or garlic powder). Once it gets soft, squeeze in the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Serve it warm or cold! You could also put some sliced almonds on top.

    I make an egg white omelet and put in some broccoli or cauliflower, and or bell pepper, also toss in a handful of spinach at the end (or kale).

    How about some sauteed zucchini, bell peppers, onions and sweet potato?

    - Mike
  • ashlee2407
    ashlee2407 Posts: 65 Member
    Have you tried beachbody's shakeology?? Its like eating
    10 cups cauliflower
    4 cups broccoli
    4 cups mushroms
    4 cups radishes
    3 cups lettuce
    1 cup peas
    7 carrots
    3 raw onions
    :) and its GOOD!! I like the chocolate ones with a cup of skim milk and a little pb...tastes like a milkshake
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    My new love for veggies includes raw zuchini or yellow summer squash chopped up and put in my salad along with cucumbers and tomatos!

    I love avacodos cut in half with salt and peper on it .

    The best guacamole is a mushed up avacado and add your favorite salsa!
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