cheat day / carrying calories

jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I am new to this and just wanted some opinions. I've been seriously doing this for a week now and I've noticed this week I've had about 400 calories left over a day. I've done weight watchers and we had flex points where we could use them. Last night we had mexican and I'm sure you know what that entails...chips, cheese and drinks so I went over almost 1200 calories (that stuff adds up) but with all my left over calories during the week it evens out. Question is do any of you have a "cheat day" do any of you think calories carry over and you can bank calories for "cheat days" and still have positive results? I hope this makes sense


  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    good just curious as well
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    While MFP doesn't incorporate "roll over" calories, your weekly weight loss is going to be based on your weekly activity/calories. If you are over/under by a couple hundred calories now and then it should all wash out in the end. Just don't go to the extreme and only eat 200 calories one day so you can splurge another. Everything in moderation, right? :wink:

    You can always work out a little more when you have eaten over your calories too. Good luck!

    One other comment, I'm not sure what your daily goal is but make sure that you don't go way under it consistently. Your body needs a minimum number of calories to function eat day and continually eating below that is not good. Your body may start to retain the fat in an effort to fuel itself if it thinks you aren't going to feed it enough each day!
  • Halochic
    Halochic Posts: 12 Member
    Yes and no. All those extra calories left over after a day = weight lost! Hopefully most days you'll have leftover calories. On the days you don't exercise and go out to eat (for me it's on the weekends sometimes) you'll probably be over. So long as you burnt enough to be at or over your weekly goal, you're good. But I wouldn't go and eat extra because you have extra calories for the week. Otherwise it kind would negate the hard work you've done so far.
  • Well, i am down a total of 15lbs (I started tracking MFP in January, so it only says I've lost around 10lbs from when I started then). I can say that I think it's ok to have a cheat day. I use Sundays as my "cheat" day and still I have lost 15lbs! I eat whatever I want, but I don't gorge on it and I still exercise. So for me, cheat days are great and give me something to look forward to at the end of my week! :) Hope this helps!
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    I don't know if I have the answer for ya. But like above I am curious. I think that the answer is maybe? One thing I have learned on MFP is that 3,500 calories is equal to 1 pound. So between burning 'em off and lowering your intake it should equal to weight loss. right? calories in, calories out. Good luck and report back! Regarding "cheat days", a lot of people who come from WW have that concept in their head. I am not a subscriber. I don't want to "cheat" myself. I try to work harder as you pointed out, and "earn" my way to whatever I feel like, but the key here, is to feel good about it. I don't like the idea of I just "stole" something that didn't belong to me. Earn your keep!:drinker:
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I agree with kao; its the average over the week that matters, but dont go under too much each day as your body wont function properly and your metabolism may slow down.

    Good luck
  • Our bodies love routine. If we aren't consistent, the numbers on the scale are going to be chaotic. It's not necessarily what the scale says, but what your body fat % is.
    Another thing about cheat meals. People are under the impression that you can cheat one whole day. That's just ruining all your efforts from the previous week. 'Cheats' should be kept for one meal for one particular day if you are serious about losing weight and eating clean.
  • Sometimes I give myself a cheat day, if I've been under my personal calorie consumption that week. My cheat day basically consist of going over the calorie consumption about ~200-300 calories (including exercise). It has been working out for me so far..but I've just started.
  • jojospero
    jojospero Posts: 92 Member
    While MFP doesn't incorporate "roll over" calories, your weekly weight loss is going to be based on your weekly activity/calories. If you are over/under by a couple hundred calories now and then it should all wash out in the end. Just don't go to the extreme and only eat 200 calories one day so you can splurge another. Everything in moderation, right? :wink:

    You can always work out a little more when you have eaten over your calories too. Good luck!

    One other comment, I'm not sure what your daily goal is but make sure that you don't go way under it consistently. Your body needs a minimum number of calories to function eat day and continually eating below that is not good. Your body may start to retain the fat in an effort to fuel itself if it thinks you aren't going to feed it enough each day!
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    Great advise...I want to clarify...I didn't mean a cheat day, I guess I really mean a cheat meal....and looking back at it now it wasn't that good :)....yes the margaritas were but I could have eaten less chips and cheese :)...its a learning process and I will use that for the future.....
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I don't roll over calories like WW. I follow a strict diet all week, staying right at or slightly under my requirements. Then I have one cheat MEAL a week - usually Friday or Saturday. Just a meal, not a day. Helps keep me motivated. And I think it revs my metobolism too after a week of eating consistant calories. Good luck!
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