Scared to start P90X



  • i have it too for about 6wks and have not used it yet either, VERY nervous about starting
  • The best advice I can give is to just to do it. Push play on the DVD and do your Best. If you feel you need to go with the lean version till you feel ready to take on classic. I was out of shape when I started but made it all the way through classic. Dont feel bad if you have to pause of stop the dvd. Do what you can, it is a lot better than what you are doing watching it it collect dust.

    It is a tough program but it is not an impossible program to do. At first you wont be able to do it all but as you progress you will get better at it.

    Join a group and get some support from other people who can help motivate you. I am on my second time through so if you want feel free to add me and we can help motivate one another.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Exercise programs, equipment and gyms live off people who pay upfront and don't use it, they are like leeches. Use it as extra motivation and stick it to them. Scream, yell, be an animal. Show them who is boss. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • SirJFK
    SirJFK Posts: 49 Member
    I am going to concur with a couple of the guys on here that suggested rather than start P90x definately do the Power 90 set. I tried P90x and got thru 10 mins before feeling I was going to have a heart attack (thats how out of shape I AM. So I started the Power 90 program 1-2 and he really makes it easy to follow and you get a great workout, working every part of your body. I am just finishing 4 weeks, and by the 2nd week of doing P90 I went to the 3-4 set b/c I was barely breaking a sweat. I started being only able to do 2 pushups and no lunges to most of the pushhups and all the lunges and Squats... my body hurts in every area, but its a good hurt and I am a 1/3rd thru and have lost 12 lbs. Yes you could start P90x with some effort, but trust me Starting at Power 90 and being able to Complete a whole class (or most of it) is SUCH a good feeling it keeps you motivated to go further... You can do this...b/c I was able to and I'd wager that I am one of the least flexible ppl on MFP (well I was ;) )
  • I started P90X COMPLETELY out of shape. I didn't even bother looking at the fitness test. (I also didn't do the lean version, I found for me and what I read that Classic gave better results.. but that's just my personal opinion).

    I did what I could do and I modified the rest. Now, I'm almost at the end of phase 2 of my first round and have incorporated doubles. You'll be surprised at how quickly your body adapts. There are still some things that I struggle with but I do what I can do, or modify modify modify.

    I think either doing what another poster suggested and doing the cardio and abs for the first couple weeks could be a good jumpstart, or just go for it and do what you can.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    It is tough but if you do what you can and keep working at it you'll see improvement. If you do nothing, nothing will change. :) I've just completed my first week and there were many things I couldn't do. I adapted the exercises and did modified forms or only did as many as I could and caught my breath while they finished. I know I've gotten a good workout in spite of my modifications because I've been sore a lot this week! (In a good way!)

    I'm in better shape than my husband and he's been doing it too. He just modifies a little more than me but he'll catch up soon. His other issue is he has a shoulder injury that keeps him from doing certain things. He just doesn't do those exercises. He'll jog in place or do a completely different exercise while they do theirs. We're not going to physically injure ourselves for the sake of keeping up with a video!

    I'm almost 40 years old and about 65 pounds overweight. My husband is almost 42 and like I said, in worse shape than I am. If we can do it, so can you! Do your best and forget the rest. :)
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