MFP Runners-September 18

Good morning!

No run for me today. I did my upper body and abs strength training this morning and my arms are like Jell-o.

Have a great day!


  • FitMomof3
    Good morning!

    No run for me today. I did my upper body and abs strength training this morning and my arms are like Jell-o.

    Have a great day!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning fellow runners. Ran an easy 3 miles this morning. My shin continues to go back and forth.

    I have decided to do the 1/2 marathon on Sunday so wish me luck.

    I do have a question for the more experienced runners. I bought new shoes last week to help with my shin splint and it seems to be helping my left leg (my shin splint) but since the arches are little higher than my previous pair of running shoes my right foot is not used to it. It does not bother my left foot but it bothers my right foot. I was thinking of running with my new shoe on my left and my old shoe on my right for the 1/2 marathon. Fashion sense be damned. When I mentioned it this morning to my fellow runners I got a weird look. Has anyone done this? I am not sure I could 13 miles with my new shoes on the right foot since they really aren't broken in and I am sure I could not do 13 miles with my old shoes on my left foot because I know it would aggrevate my shin splint. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member

    I'm going to try and jump on the elliptical today.

    Question: For those who wear their HRM faithfully, do you get blisters from your chest strap? I always get a blister on the right side of my body. So 2 days ago I had a brilliant idea and wore a band aid over my blister (to avoid the burn and pain). Yesterday afternoon I started feeling really sore at that spot, removed band aid and now I have a cluster of blisters. WTH!

    It is so sore and I don't imagine it will feel really good when I start sweating. Has this ever happened to you?

    No HRM for me for a while. :sad:
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    I went to spinning this morning. I might get a small run in tonight.

    I taught my first class last night and it was awesome! can't wait for next week!
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    I got 5K in this morning. I had to really talk myself into getting out of bed, but it was worth it. Did a spin class yesterday for the first time (still a little saddle sore). I'll probably do it every Wed. morning with a couple of friends. Elliptical and some weights tomorrow morning.

    Mir - are you having a reaction to latex? It can show up as blisters. Maybe try some antibiotic ointment (like neosporin or a generic equivilant), a square of gauze and some latex free medical tape for a couple of days. Then, once healed try gauze under the strap instead of a bandaid. Lets the skin breath more and keeps the strap from rubbing. Just my opinion....

    Happy Thursday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    My kids school have started a Marathon Kids challenge where from October to April, the kids have to walk/run 26.2 miles and they fill out this sheet as they do it. So the kids and I, after school, are going to do our three minute run/one minute walk routine and build ourselves up for it.
  • granola_girl
    No running for me today, it is a x-training day. I think I will go to lap swim and do the stairmaster. Zumba was fun last night!

    Mir- I also have problems with blisters and my HRM mine seems to be more with the really long runs, I finally got some a chaffing stick (it looks like deodorant) that seems to help a bit.

    I hope everyone has great runs today!
  • Slender1
    Hey everyone!

    Running 3 miles with a friend this evening ... hurray for FALL WEATHER!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Good morning!
    Did a 5.5 mile (not quite up to) tempo run this morning. Only 73 degrees, so it felt good.

    Mireille - I agree with Granola Girl - I would try a chafing stick (Body Glide) - it works wonders for preventing blisters. I would avoid dry gauze, it is actually rather abrasive at a friction point, and would really chafe. If the bandaid didn't give you enough protection, try moleskin. It is a bandage material that is super-soft, but tough enough to give you some protection. You should be able to get it at any drug store.

    Sherry, running in your new shoes is risky, because they are not broken in (as you said). I would run in my old shoes, but if your shin splints are that bad, that may not be an option either. The problem in running in different shoes is that, assuming they are significantly different in style (because if they are not, why are you changing?), I would worry that it will alter your stride enough that you finish with two sore legs. (Long way of saying I don't have a good solution!! Sorry!).

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning!
    Did a 5.5 mile (not quite up to) tempo run this morning. Only 73 degrees, so it felt good.

    Mireille - I agree with Granola Girl - I would try a chafing stick (Body Glide) - it works wonders for preventing blisters. I would avoid dry gauze, it is actually rather abrasive at a friction point, and would really chafe. If the bandaid didn't give you enough protection, try moleskin. It is a bandage material that is super-soft, but tough enough to give you some protection. You should be able to get it at any drug store.

    Sherry, running in your new shoes is risky, because they are not broken in (as you said). I would run in my old shoes, but if your shin splints are that bad, that may not be an option either. The problem in running in different shoes is that, assuming they are significantly different in style (because if they are not, why are you changing?), I would worry that it will alter your stride enough that you finish with two sore legs. (Long way of saying I don't have a good solution!! Sorry!).


    Tom, thanks. The only difference with the shoes are "models" I guess. They are both Nikes (Bowerman series) but the new ones just have a higher arch support. The guy at the running store thought these would help support my foot a little better than the previous pair.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello Runners!! No run for me, I ran 3 days in a row! I am doing a new Killer AB workout from Tony Horton (One on One series) today. I did Back & Biceps (P90X) w/ my dh last night... arms are sore already!!

    Mirielle ~ Body glide is great (it's like a deodorant stick that you rub on) for straps, rub spots.

    Sherry ~ Tough situation. I would try a run w/ the different shoes and see how it feels. I would hate for it to throw off your stride and cause another issue! Good luck!

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Maybe I will do a short run tomorrow or saturday and do some testing.
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    No run for me today. Did Yoga X, trying to stretch out the back, to stop the spasms.

    Sherry: Ever think of going to a podiatrist? i did and found out I had shin splints, though I never felt them. (I went because my toes would go numb and the next day they were painful) I now am the proud owner of orthotics, which I can slip into any closed shoe, including my runners. Toe numbness is gone, and it is supposed to resolve my shin splint issue.

    Mireille: I was actually thingking the same thing, an allergy to the strap. Funny it is only on one side though, is it? Anyhow polysporing and gauze should do the trick.

    Jess: What was the one on one abs like.? Mine is on the way, though I never got disc 2, which is now also coming!

    Have a great day all!

  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I am using an antibiotic cream called Fucidin. I hoping it will clear up in a few days. I can't believe how painful it is (I'm a suck tho). I've try the body glide sticks and I still got the burns. I don't think I'm allergic to the strap but I'm thinking it's a latex thing too. Between the sweat and the latex band aid, I somehow reacted and made my normally small blister into an open wound.
    I love my HRM and I can't imagine running without it. Obviously I'm going to have to let this heal completely. When I'm ready, maybe I'll wrap my HRM with a piece of cotton material in the small area needed.

    Thanks all! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    If the shoes are that similar, you may get away with running with one of each. Take them out for a test run and see how you feel. (I am assuming from the discussion that skipping the race to rest up is not suitable option)
    Good luck!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,399 Member
    No run for me today. I did strength training this morning.

    The marathon for kids deal sounds really neat. I would like to hear more about that. I'll bet my 8 year old would love to do that with me:wink:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member

    I'm going to try and jump on the elliptical today.

    Question: For those who wear their HRM faithfully, do you get blisters from your chest strap? I always get a blister on the right side of my body. So 2 days ago I had a brilliant idea and wore a band aid over my blister (to avoid the burn and pain). Yesterday afternoon I started feeling really sore at that spot, removed band aid and now I have a cluster of blisters. WTH!

    It is so sore and I don't imagine it will feel really good when I start sweating. Has this ever happened to you?

    No HRM for me for a while. :sad:

    If you can't get body glide deodorant in a pinch works wonders... I have to do that with my sports bra.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    If the shoes are that similar, you may get away with running with one of each. Take them out for a test run and see how you feel. (I am assuming from the discussion that skipping the race to rest up is not suitable option)
    Good luck!

    Sadly no. I was cocerced into it and I have issues about feeling guilty if I back out. (I know I need to work on being a little more ascertive). I think with rest tomorrow and saturday I should be ok. I feel ok now after this morning's run so a little ice will do good at lunch time. After this race though, I am taking some time off from running. There are a few 5ks in Oct the group wants to do but I have not committed to anything. Besides, I can use the rest thing as my excuse. :bigsmile:
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    Good afternoon runners!
    Had a good run/walk this morning -40 minutes around the greenbelt! So beautiful here! YAH FOR FALL!