For those of you that have so much faith in the FDA.......



  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I don't have faith in them at all. The fat cats are doing favors and passing money around while we continue to get fat and unhealthy. Oh, but there are those that don't want our government to step in and regulate. So whatever folks, whatever.

    That IS your government "regulating".

    That's why it's up to US to regulate as a population by not buying the crap. Like aspertame (fully approved by the FDA)!

    It's also why I refuse to buy anything GE, with the mutual back patting they are doing with the current government. They've really got themselves lined up to stamp out any competition, being in a certain someone's good graces.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I think Edorice and you would benefit from looking at the situation differently. You said its all about regulation and that the food situation is the way it is because the free market system is run amok. Well I'm not certain that should be the end of your quest for knowledge on the subject.

    If you look into the FDA and the revolving door it has with Monsanto for example, the bigger picture should begin to materialize. My view of the situation is this: Its not the free market system run amok that is the problem but the corruption in our government. Large food corporations lobby, pay off politicians and give lucrative jobs to former government officials (every corporation does this actually) . In exchange these government officials, while they are in office in whatever bureaucracy, pass laws that benefit these corporations.

    I'm sure I'm telling you nothing new. All I ask is that you see this game for what it is. You said regulation is key but I honestly feel that if you do your research into how the FDA operates you'll find that they are operating in the interest of the big corporations rather than us; you can't just stop at "regulation is the key" and hope they'll save us. We have to save ourselves by understanding their game and voting with our dollars because that, my friends, is the only vote we have that matters.

    Heres a place to start!

    I agree.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    I'm on the board of the Permaculture Cooperative in The Netherlands: we have found that the only reliable way to make sure there are no unwanted additives in your food is to grow, and make, your own, cooperatively. Even in the EU this is a problem, notwithstanding the EU's directive on food colorings. We're having genetically manipulated produce that's being introduced here, bit by bit. More than anything it is our belief that our current system of agriculture is unsustainable if you want to reduce your dependency on oil.

    So, the best bet is to

    start making more of your own food, or find suppliers whose production method you know, in your area
    buy directly from organic farmers or from a community supported agriculture project
    form cooperatives or groups to do collective buying for the foodstuffs you can not get a supply of nearby.

    Getting control over food is enormously important!
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I might be weird, but, I think there are certain colors that should not be put into your body. All of those 'neon' colored foods at the grocery- I would never let my kids eat that!
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    Great movies. I also try to eat all organic foods - whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, grass fed meat, wild caught fish, etc.... Since I started eating organic and exercising, I lost 80lbs in 2 years.

    I like these websites:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    Great movies. I also try to eat all organic foods - whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, grass fed meat, wild caught fish, etc.... Since I started eating organic and exercising, I lost 80lbs in 2 years.

    I like these websites:

    Yes, I am on both of those websites also. I use them as learning guides as I progress my career in Wellness and Nutrition
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    I'm on the board of the Permaculture Cooperative in The Netherlands: we have found that the only reliable way to make sure there are no unwanted additives in your food is to grow, and make, your own, cooperatively. Even in the EU this is a problem, notwithstanding the EU's directive on food colorings. We're having genetically manipulated produce that's being introduced here, bit by bit. More than anything it is our belief that our current system of agriculture is unsustainable if you want to reduce your dependency on oil.

    So, the best bet is to

    start making more of your own food, or find suppliers whose production method you know, in your area
    buy directly from organic farmers or from a community supported agriculture project
    form cooperatives or groups to do collective buying for the foodstuffs you can not get a supply of nearby.

    Getting control over food is enormously important!

    Hi! I am from Holland myself!
    I am starting to buy food that's not only organic, but also local.
    This can be a bit difficult, as I am in Fairbanks Alaska, and we just can't grow fresh veggies year round.
    Also, we have about 5 huge coal plants in this area. they are using their waste products all over built parking lots, roads, you name it! Supposedly this waste is the same as dirt....But I know better, it has all kinds of metals and poisons in it..
    So...who knows what's in the soil they are growing my local "organic" food in.
    On top of that, I'm breathing the particles in the air......they mention often that the air is "unsafe"...what do they want me to do...stop breathing?
    I'm so frustrated...
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I've not watched any of these documentaries, and I'm slower to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon, but I DO believe that there needs to be a more conscientious approach in regards to what we consider "food", how we grow food, and where our food comes from...literally starting from the ground up. As an avid gardener I find the disconnect from "farm" to table astounding.

    But let's get on to my rant:

    While I find the use of dyes in candies concerning, I find that there are so many more damaging actions taking place literally in our back yards. Do you know where that most pesticides and chemicals are used each year?! Yep! You guessed it: your lawns. More pollutants are dumped into our yards, which kill the soil, all organic material inside the soil, all the beautiful and useful bacteria inside the soil, rendering it useless. Those chemicals then leach into water supplies and do the same thing there. The result: a dead and useless plot of land that needs MORE chemicals to look good. And your yard uses MORE chemicals and pesticides per acre than the most "dirty" of industrialized farms. Now that, in my opinion, is some food for thought.

    Oh, btw, there are many environmentally friendly ways to get your yard beautiful, if that's what you wish!!

    I don't know why it's called a "conspiracy" ...these things are actually happening, they're not making this stuff up.
    I would suggest you do watch these movies.....
    And there are others. I watched one called "dirt" talks about how all life comes from the soil it's grown in, and how we should treat it.
    There's a movie about water...fascinating as well...forgot what it was called.
    The only way we can turn this around is by MANY people getting involved, and getting upset.
  • foreverstarstrukk
    The FDA also allows a certain # of fly eggs in tomato sauce, rodent hairs in peanut butter, and etc. The list goes on and on.

  • Shaye85
    Shaye85 Posts: 107
    we can always grow our own and then we know what goes into it........i'm not trying to be mean, just in case it came out that way....but growing your own food maybe less expensive, definately less additives, and takes time and energy making us healthier! i don't do it yet but that's one of my goals (to get my own land and grow my own foods). good luck to everyone on their journey.

    I tried that ones...complete failure...nothing grew and if it did it was so small!!
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    I'm not 100% on board with organic foods but I am slowly working myself there. I have watched the above documentaries and they have definitely made me more compulsive in checking labels (especially the HFCS). It's sites like these that make me appreciate the wealth of information. I will be looking into possibly starting my own garden. I have started to buy locally so it's a start!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Any government agency that says it's OK for children to go into a store unaccompanied by an adult and buy the morning after pill with no questions asked has no business telling me what is healthy or not.

    I really see no point in your statement. You must be at least 17 in order to purchase the morning after pill (I hardly think that is a child's age) any one younger must have a prescription from a doctor, and I believe you can only get those with a parent!

    Do some research before posting irrelevancies.

    Agreed with Daisy..if I wanted to put in the same type of invective I could of ranted about how I couldn't trust our government since they start wars like petulant toddlers....
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I think Edorice and you would benefit from looking at the situation differently. You said its all about regulation and that the food situation is the way it is because the free market system is run amok. Well I'm not certain that should be the end of your quest for knowledge on the subject.

    If you look into the FDA and the revolving door it has with Monsanto for example, the bigger picture should begin to materialize. My view of the situation is this: Its not the free market system run amok that is the problem but the corruption in our government. Large food corporations lobby, pay off politicians and give lucrative jobs to former government officials (every corporation does this actually) . In exchange these government officials, while they are in office in whatever bureaucracy, pass laws that benefit these corporations.

    I'm sure I'm telling you nothing new. All I ask is that you see this game for what it is. You said regulation is key but I honestly feel that if you do your research into how the FDA operates you'll find that they are operating in the interest of the big corporations rather than us; you can't just stop at "regulation is the key" and hope they'll save us. We have to save ourselves by understanding their game and voting with our dollars because that, my friends, is the only vote we have that matters.

    Heres a place to start!

    This is why everything..needs to changed about big business and how they have so much access directly with your government and deep pockets to change anything practically!!!

    Re: Dyes and other things:

    I just think that we as a culture need to start looking at foods totally differently. I've watched some of those movies, and I didn't even have to, I have been aware of the food issues for a long time just from reading around. I think we need to just get back to teaching our kids what real foods look like :\ skip dyes for most things if not all, just feel like we need to run away full tilt from trusting major corporations with our foods!!
    I don't have all of the answers and altering the way you feed your family and yourself is a monumental task if you try to get beyond just 'healthier' and start trying to get to the *truest* purest forms of food that haven't been tainted. It's daunting.