I failed the 30 day shred...

EecakYelsom17 Posts: 31
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I tried it... couldnt even finish the first day. I know Jillian Michael's is big on not stopping... but Idk if its because of personal injuries (was in a bad accident a few months ago... knee and hand were severely injured and havent completely healed) or if it was just that my over 200 pound body couldnt handle it.

BUT!!!!! i refused to let that be my downfall

I saw a video at WalMart and decided to pick it up
The Biggest Loser 30 day jump start....
its seriously ten minutes a day....
in ten minutes I had my heart racing and sweat pouring...
but when i was done I didnt have to crawl to the shower and after I washed and felt all fresh I was able to say honestly that I CAN DO THIS!!! & even though with work I may not be able to do the video every single day I will do it for AT LEAST 30 days =)

its a very logical work out and the dvd has motivational tips, diet tips, 7 training tips that I cant wait to check out (;


  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Your amazing!! Don't give up and just do as much as you can....I know at first it was really hard for me but, it does get easier :)
    The moment you know OMG I can do this! It is a great feeling:wink: Hang in there you can do it:smile:
  • BTW... this post was kinda to tell people who feel defeated by such intense workouts that there are ones made for big people trying to lose weight that are doable and I personally dont blame you a bit for taking the slow and steady route =)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I am on my 5th day on the shred and I still can't do every second of exercise that they do on level one, but I have been able to do MOST every second on level one... it'll come in time! But maybe the shred is not for everybody. Good luck on your new endeavor!
  • When I did 30 Day Shred the first time, I barely completed 7 minutes. The next day I made it through the first two cycles. I got a little better every time I did it.

    Don't totally give up! Good luck!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    You succeeded by wanting to get it and putting it in and pressing play.

    Don't stop. Push pause when you have to.

    Push play when your ready.


  • good for you! keep at it and dont give up!
  • Your amazing!! Don't give up and just do as much as you can....I know at first it was really hard for me but, it does get easier :)
    The moment you know OMG I can do this! It is a great feeling:wink: Hang in there you can do it:smile:

    THANKS! yeah with every bone in my hand broken and my knee gashed open the push ups and certain exercises that required a lot of weight on either I just felt defeated. the 30 day jump start (start partially jillian michaels inspired) however allowed me to complete my goal and feel successful and ready for the days ahead =)
  • Please keep us posted on how you feel in 30 days after you use the new video.
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    you should stick with the shred and just try to modify some of the movements to help with your injuries.

    I broke my ankle back in September and had to have surgery on it.

    I felt like giving up the first day too but i pushed through it (i am only on day 4 of level 1) my quads were super sore the next couple days after day #1 so i gave it a rest for a couple days.

    I wish you luck on whatever you decide to do!! :flowerforyou:
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I had the same problem with the shred was ok right up to the bicycle crunches at the end and couldn't do them being 220lbs its not easy, I stuck with it and am now on day 8 I can complete it and at the higher intensity but everyone is different having an accident can't have helped you but at least you haven't given up entirely maybe in 30 days doing this DVD you can try the shred again and will probably find that you can do alot more of it. the key is keeping focused on your goal and your doing theat so to me you have failed at nothing x
  • Thanks for all the support guys!!
    I have no intentions of "giving up" though... I'm just choosing to do something my body can handle for now and after these 30 days are over and I dont have as much weight to carry through the workout I'm gonna start the 30 day shred
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    i cant do those videos for more then 10 minutes. The warmup makes u out of breathe. The only video i can really do is Leslie Sansone. I hate workout videos. I think there for ppl who are already in shape and they are just to make money,. Like the kin kardashian one. Yeh , come on!


  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    Eh... I did the 30 day shred for about three days before giving up. As much as I wanted to like her workout as it's the "IN" thing these days I just couldn't. It wasn't that I couldn't complete the exercise, because I could if I took a break every so often to catch my breath, but I realized it wasn't the jumping jacks I hated or even the lunges, it was her. She just didn't make it fun and fun for me is key to exercising.
  • Thanks!! hearing that you guys think im successful as is really puts a smile on my face =)
    I will keep everyone updated on my progress (also feel free to add me if you want a more regular update hehe)

    Just so those of you who are interested know I wrecked a four wheeler into a try and rolled off a 35 foot cliff...
    My knee was cut open and required over 200 stitches. They told me if my bf wouldnt have reacted the way he did I would have lost everything from my knee down. I shattered EVERY bone in my hand and had to have numerous surgeries and months of occupational therapy. I was in the hospital for a while and couldnt walk for months. After all was said and done I gained 40 pounds (what do you expect when you lay in bed literally and do nothing else for months haha)

    So thats when I decided to get rid of those 40 pounds and the 30 extra pounds I didnt want before hand =)
    70 (or more) is a BIG goal for someone who was addicted to food and mountain dew and I know that I want to do this slow and steady and I WILL reach my goal... as I progress Ill speed up on different aspects and step my game up. But the support from this page helps in every step!!!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    BTW... this post was kinda to tell people who feel defeated by such intense workouts that there are ones made for big people trying to lose weight that are doable and I personally dont blame you a bit for taking the slow and steady route =)

    I really like this one as well:


    I have a reconstructed ACL and find the squat/lunge intense workout that is Shred a bit much so I do what I can with it. Personally I like Bob Harper's kettlebell workout better. Thanks for the heads up about the other BL DVD; I'll check it out.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    i cant do those videos for more then 10 minutes. The warmup makes u out of breathe. The only video i can really do is Leslie Sansone. I hate workout videos. I think there for ppl who are already in shape and they are just to make money,. Like the kin kardashian one. Yeh , come on!

    I can only do the leslie sansone too. The 2 mile one for now. I have a couple more for when i'm fitter but right now the 2 mile walk is enough for me. I am puffing and panting like i've run a marathon after that. It'll be a year before i'm up to the shred.
  • i cant do those videos for more then 10 minutes. The warmup makes u out of breathe. The only video i can really do is Leslie Sansone. I hate workout videos. I think there for ppl who are already in shape and they are just to make money,. Like the kin kardashian one. Yeh , come on!



    I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!!! my bf (army for four years and never even failed a pt test) can barely get through some of the work out videos for weight loss. like seriously? some of em you need 200 pounds of muscle just to handle lol
    but thats whats GREAT about this video i just tried. I mean it was only ten minutes total and they have people doing everything in a more moderate way that you can watch and follow. AND it was created for weight loss! not muscle building! =) you may like it!

    PS THANKS!!!! ive had LOOOOOONG solid color hair my whole life. when i decided to make this big change i went for short and high lights im loving it (;
  • I tell everyone of my friends when they ask me about the shred is this: The first day is the hardest, after that it flies! Seriously! Now that you know what you have to do it will fly through it. I think in Level 1 the first circuit is the hardest, get past that and your good. Just keep at it. You have to build endurance and each day it gets easier. I am doing Level 2 twice a day now - if you would have asked me that 18 days ago when I started I would have laughed in your face, haha :) Keep at it, you'll master it!!

    PS: The soreness goes away by day 4 give or take, push through it! It really isn't that bad once you get going. :)
  • Eh... I did the 30 day shred for about three days before giving up. As much as I wanted to like her workout as it's the "IN" thing these days I just couldn't. It wasn't that I couldn't complete the exercise, because I could if I took a break every so often to catch my breath, but I realized it wasn't the jumping jacks I hated or even the lunges, it was her. She just didn't make it fun and fun for me is key to exercising.

    i understand that too!
    its hard to find exercises that are fun (for me at least) lol
    i did like the fact that about half way through the ten minute video i tried today the instructor was trying to talk and goes ughhh give me a second and took a breathe. it was nice to know that she was getting a work out too (:
  • Eh... I did the 30 day shred for about three days before giving up. As much as I wanted to like her workout as it's the "IN" thing these days I just couldn't. It wasn't that I couldn't complete the exercise, because I could if I took a break every so often to catch my breath, but I realized it wasn't the jumping jacks I hated or even the lunges, it was her. She just didn't make it fun and fun for me is key to exercising.

    i understand that too!
    its hard to find exercises that are fun (for me at least) lol
    i did like the fact that about half way through the ten minute video i tried today the instructor was trying to talk and goes ughhh give me a second and took a breathe. it was nice to know that she was getting a work out too (:
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