Exercise Goal


Just had a thought after reading a post about goals -
My exercie goal is set to 3 x 60mins per week as this is what I aim to do as a minimum.

In reality, if I am on track, I do
3 - 4 x 50-60min workout per week
anywhere between 1 - 5 x 30-60min brisk walks per week - weather permitting!

My question is - does it matter that my exercise goal is less when what I tend to do on the average week - am I hindering my weight loss or anything because of this?

Hope this is not a stupid question haha,
any advice or opinions are appreciated!



  • Maztastic
    Good question. I don't understand this either.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    No that is just a goal. MFP doesn't add in exercise calories until you actually log the exercise, so what you put as you goal doesn't impact on how many calories it gives you.
  • MissMeaganLyn
    MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member
    I think as long as you stick to your calorie intake goals you should be fine. Adding in cardio and strength training will just give you more calories to eat during the day and it will create more muscle and muscle burns more calories at a stand still than fat does. So no, it won't hinder your weight loss but if you stick with a workout plan it will help with keeping the weight you lose off.
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    As KATE_UK said, it's the amount of exercise you actually do that counts. The goals are something you use to measure the amount of exercise you did against what you wanted to do.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for all your replies :-)
    I'm doing a mixture of cardio and weights and it's deffo working!

    Havn't lost weight in a while, but y body is getting tighter - I love the feeling of having muscle again!
    slow and steady does win the race :-)