The Magic of the Chia Seed!

I recently switched to a vegan diet and I am LOVING it! It's cheaper, even with spending a bit more on organic veggies and fruits. I always loved lentils and chickpeas and quinoa and all that, so going vegan was easy! I've been living off Isa Chandra's recipes, instead of buying over-priced meat alternatives. Whole, real foods are the way to go! But by far my favorite new discovery is the CHIA SEED! I just had a hearty bowl of steel-cut oats, unsweetened almond milk, half a banana, cinnamon, and a tablespoon of chia seeds sprinkled on top. WOW! Have you guys read about these?! They're full of protein and fiber and I feel like I've been missing out all this time. They're great and such an easy, tasteless addition to any meal. Sorry about the freak-out, I've just been workin' out how I'm going to get all my nutrients and whatnot, and finding these at my local health food store made me so happy. haha, well, happy friday!! :)


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Are you serious? The same Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia given for Christmas when all other gift ideas have expired?

    Who'd have thought! :)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I recently jumped on the chia seed bandwagon myself. They're good in salads, and I've seen smoothie recipes and all kinds of other uses with them. Easy to slip in almost anywhere and surprisingly nutritious!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I LOVE Chia! I make my oatmeal by soaking it overnight in a little bit of kefir and water. After I cook it in the morning I add some toasted nuts, cinnamon a chia to it. I love the crunchiness! And if I need a little pick me up I make a "Chia Fresca" by stirring chia seeds onto a glass of water with a splash of lime. Stir it around every few seconds but don't drink it for about 5 minutes after putting the seeds in the water. This way they absorb some of the water. My kids call it "Frog Eye Fresca" Lol
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Chia hit a popularity drive after the book Born to Run identified it as a super food. It's great added into smoothies. By accident I bought milled chia seeds yesterday, they can be used like a flour or the same way you would ground flax seeds. They are also high in Omega 3.

    The great thing is they swell up in water and make you feel full longer.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Count me in. I started with Chia several days back, and it is great. Pretty much tasteless and adds a bunch of fiber and nutrients for few calories. I eat it in the morning with my cereal, and similarly to what has been mentioned with some water, lemon juice and a little stevia as a refreshing, nutritious drink. I just order 5 pounds which should arrive today. That should supply me for a while :smile:
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    although i'm not sure if it's true, i use them as an energy booster in addition to a nutritional supplement.

    i love them as well :)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Okay, now I totally feel like a bonehead for my initial comment after looking these up.. They sound great! I had never heard of including this in one's diet before. I'm going to have to order some.

    But in all sincerity.. Is this the same thing they use on Chia Pets? That was my first impression, that Chia Pets got their name from the seed. Just curious.

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up on this seed. :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Yes it is the same seeds they use on Chia pets. :happy:
  • reasonablyvain
    Hahaha my aunt and uncle don't know me very well but they do know I am vegan, so guess what I got for christmas? yeah, lol.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Tosca Reno mentions them in her Eat Clean REcharged. I have not found them at my local grocery stores. I really want to get to the healthfood store to get some. Thanks for sharing all your ideas of how to include them!