Is trying to stay motivated! Hoping this website helps me do

jaccismith Posts: 23
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Im 38, mother of three and about 30 pounds overweight. I have been counting calories and exercising for the past two months. I have only lost 3 pounds, 4% body fat, and 6 inches (although I just measured myself and gained 3 inches back???) I was using another calorie counting website that was helpful but didnt really have any accountability. Im hoping this works better for me.

Ive been told I need to do more cardio and less weights so what is you favorite cardio to do? Zumba? Kickboxing? Running? I need a change!


  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    So far I'd have to say running. I started out kickboxing but I got tired of it so fast...I started Couch-to-5k about three weeks ago and it's been awesome! Send a friend request if you want. =)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    running is my #1 choice...
  • I love running but only when it is with someone. I hate to admit it but I stop when I get winded if I dont have someone running along side of me. Ive been doing the elliptical but am bored of that now. Is it true that running sheds the most pounds?
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Welcome here & good luck to you.

    I have been using this site for only a couple weeks and already see success. I lost using Weight Watchers, but lost focus on calories and all the other good nutrition facts. I lost 3 pounds last week totally focusing on this website and paricipating in a one week challenge that I started in hopes to help.

    The challenge helped most who participated reach their one week goal.

    If you like, check the chalenge out and see if it's something you would be interested in. You could focus on cardio minutes or something like that.

    Good Luck!!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Runners always seem to be a lean lot so if you can get into it I'm sure it's the best thing for fat burning. I've tried it several times but unfortunately, find it really boring! I do Tae Bo workouts. Bit old school but I enjoy it, and really good for fat burning.

    Btw when you say you've lost 6 inches, how do you calculate that? Is it an average of waist + hips, etc?
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Running burns a heck of a lot of calories, so if you can do it, do it. It will help you shed lots of pounds if you're consistent. I keep meaning to finish Couch to 5K, but I get bored of running by myself, and I only sometimes enjoy it, so I usually do the program for a few weeks and then give up.

    The most important thing for me on this site is the accountability you mentioned. I am less likely to cheat or skip a workout when I have my friends cheering me on when I do well. Finding friends was the best thing I could have done, here. And the challenges help too, when I can stick with it.

    I get bored easily too, so I have a variety of things I do for exercise, that way I can do what I am in the mood for.
  • Thank you everyone! I calculate my inches lost by measuring my hips, waist, chest, and thighs. I just added up how many inches were lost total. Most were from my waist. Im not sure if thats the correct way to do it though.

    Missdeehere, I will join your one week challenge! That sounds fun!
  • This website has already helped me. My calorie counter is telling me I should only have 24 grams of sugar a day. WIth the other website they just kept track of calories so why I was hitting my calorie goal I didnt even realize I was over in sugar...WAY over. I went back into the last couple of months menus and saw that I was eating 3-4 times the amount of sugar I should have been. NOT GOOD! So I have the exercise down, calories down, so now I will be focusing on my sugar goals.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    This website has already helped me. My calorie counter is telling me I should only have 24 grams of sugar a day. WIth the other website they just kept track of calories so why I was hitting my calorie goal I didnt even realize I was over in sugar...WAY over. I went back into the last couple of months menus and saw that I was eating 3-4 times the amount of sugar I should have been. NOT GOOD! So I have the exercise down, calories down, so now I will be focusing on my sugar goals.

    This is soooooooo true!! I was following Weight Watchers CORE program where lots of fruits & veggies are encouraged. BUT I just NEVER realized just how much NATURAL sugar I was consuming. I think the limits are low, and do go over but most times naturally but I DO pay attention now.

    Hope to see you on the challenge!
  • Shreddinit,
    How do you get your goals on your posts?
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    You have it on there & I updated the list. We are now on page 2.
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