Have not lost anything in the last two weeks & Im...

jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
FRUSTRATED! Granted it was my TOM, but still, its so aggervating to work my *kitten* off in the gym 1hr+ a day, 6 times a week and not even a budge. How do you stay focused and motivated?


  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    Im right there with you honey..
    dang TOM does it everytime
  • Don't give up, you've done great. 47lbs! Wow. Im just starting. I'm sure we will hit plateaus on the way but dont get discouraged. You can do it!!
  • Screw the scale for now.. i am guessing you FEEL so much better right now... just try to feel the appreciation your body (the thing you are with every moment) is sending you for making it feel soooo much healthier.. and try not to worry about that inanimate scale. It's time will come. (i say this t you as much as my self) xoxo ~g
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    i'm with you too, TOM sucks.

    Have you gone down in inches?
  • I was stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks! That's hard to take. Like you said, I was exercising, staying under my calorie count and absolutely nothing! I wasn't even eating 1200 calories, and still nothing. Then I thought to myself, maybe my metabolism slowed down because I'm not eating enough. I started to eat two pieces of toast as breakfast. Still no weight loss! I had my regular check up with my family dr. and I told him. He said don't eat more just exercise more. I'll be honest, I didn't listen. But after two weeks, the third week I was down 3 pounds. I was stuck in the 250's, now in the past two weeks I've zoomed through the 240's and am 1 pound away from the 230's! I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter what, don't give up on yourself! I mean look at you! You've lost almost 50 pounds so far! That's amazing! Hang in there....good health is just around the corner!
  • Vtrembacki
    Vtrembacki Posts: 49 Member
    I see that you're normally at your goal or below your goal for caloric intake. Why don't you try eating your maintainance calories for a few days and then go back to your deficeit. You might need to jump start your metabolism. You've been at this for a while!
  • I have been like that for almost a month. I FINALLY lost weight this last week and really hope that tomorrow shows more.

    I just worked through it (and stopped drinking pop which was my weakness).

    My issue was I lost it great, then hit the holidays and gained 5 pounds, and cant seem to lose that 5 stinking pounds.

    Just keep doing it! Maybe changing up the workouts a bit?
  • One thing you might want to try is calorie zig zagging. Basically, you total up the number of calories you would eat in a week. Eat high one day and low the next. You're still taking in the same amount of calories over the course of the week, but it will shock your body out of its normal routine and take you off the plateau. There are a lot of calculators online to help you figure how many calories to eat per day. I did it with Weight Watchers points one time and lost 5 lbs in a week. People that have never had to lose weight EVER in their lives do it normally without thinking about it.
  • One thing you might want to try is calorie zig zagging. Basically, you total up the number of calories you would eat in a week. Eat high one day and low the next. You're still taking in the same amount of calories over the course of the week, but it will shock your body out of its normal routine and take you off the plateau. There are a lot of calculators online to help you figure how many calories to eat per day. I did it with Weight Watchers points one time and lost 5 lbs in a week. People that have never had to lose weight EVER in their lives do it normally without thinking about it.
  • The only thing I can say to motivate you is PROGRESS. If you have busted your butt for 2 weeks, trust me your body knows and you have made progress. Maybe it's not on the scale but you have grown. If we had it our way, we would all lose the gut right away, and have the 6 pack show. However the body has other ideas. Keep up the fight and watch your body respond. With that said, check your diet. If nothing is coming off, maybe something changed there that's causing this sudden halt.
  • I know how you feel. I'm stuck at the same weight for few months now. I don't know what else I can do to start losing weight again. I've tried everything from working out 2hrs a day to not working out at all, eating 1200 cal to eat a lot more and still nothing. Please any advice???
  • During the time that I wasn't losing... I looked at the success stories forums alot and continued to remind myself "If you continue this lifestyle, there is no way that you will not lose." Seeing others make progress is such good motivation!! And measurements. I lost about 2" during the time I wasn't losing lbs.
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the advice. I haven't taken my measurments in a while.. maybe I will later to see if Ive had any progress there. I have switched up my exercise routine too. I was on the 30 day shred for the 2nd time but decided to join the gym. Now Im doing lots of cardio and strength training. I guess I was just used to losing a lot at first and now Im gradually losing. I just want it to happen quicker! =)
  • I agree with your advice I tried myself and it worked for me:wink:
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