Creative Breakfast Ideas?

Along with my determination to keep eating healthy, I have ate myself into a rut, so to speak. I find that my breakfast is the same everyday that leave me craving some of my old favorites, like bacon and eggs and biscuits and gravy. I am having a hard time branching out for fear that I will blow my calorie intake. Any suggestions on ways to add some variety to my breakfast menu?

I appreciate all the help and support!! Thanks everyone in advance!!



  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    try a variety of omelettes or wraps, butterball turkey bacon, or a low fat bacon, in the eggs try a 1/3 cup cooked spinach with some tomato and some smoked paprika, or top with medium salsa. I do a 4 egg omelette with 2 whole, 2 whites like this and its a very filling meal.
  • AleciaMarie21
    I'm big on Multi Grain Cheerios w/ fresh strawberries right now. Or the Thomas' Skinny Wheat Bagels w/ peanut butter :)
  • Anna19911
    I eat the same this almost everyday for breakfast.

    1/4 cup egg beater
    1 morning star sausage pattie
    1 slice kraft american single
    2 pieces diet bread

    Very yummy breakfast sandwich! And it keeps me full till lunch!
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    This is very savory and filling, but pretty lowcal.

    oatmeal - 1/2 cup
    put on some sriacha (rooster sauce) - maybe two tsp - i like it spicy,
    tumeric power (maybe a tsp or two, eyeball should look pretty dang yellow when done)
    splash of soy sauce
    several shakes of cumin
    1 tbsp of nutritional yeast

    cook it to directions in the microwave.

    It's great because it's all things that you can keep in a pantry, low cost, and will always have on hand.
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    I have smoothies, oatmeal, fiber one bars, blueberry eggo waffles with strawberries on top, light cheese sticks, fiber one bars, or poached eggs on toast. Most are under 300 calories and really yummy.
  • amandarusco
    For breakfast I usually eat 1/2 cup of egg beaters made in the microwave, a granola bar and some fruit. It adds up to be about 220 calories depending on the type of granola bar you eat.

    I also love peanut butter and banana toast.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    What are you eating now? I usually eat oatmeal mixed with various forms of fruit for variety. eggwhite omeletes, protein pancakes, waffles, or french toast, protein shakes, whole wheat english muffins, with eggs, and canadian bacon, etc.

    I probably eat more of a variety for breakfast now, than I did when I ate regular. Before it was usually just a bowl of cereal.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    i personally like a packet of grits and one egg.

    you could try making some light pancakes in batches. You can place them in the fridge already cooked or batter can hold for about 3-4 days as long as it is covered well.
    and if you are in a hurry get some Boost high protein drinks.
    you could also try lean pocket breakfast ( my son enjoys these)
    Fruit salad
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    i buy those egg beater egg whites.
    for 1/4 cup of egg whites, its 30 calories, so i tend to mix 1 large egg with 1 cup of egg whites together so i feel like i get more..
    with that i can make omelets, scrambled eggs, even like fried eggs and such.
    One breakfast that i've been loving lately is like a pseudo egg mc muffin
    1 whole wheat english muffin
    1 egg
    slice of kraft american low fat cheese
    little bit of half fat mayo
    *its only like 250 ish calories, but it keeps you full for a long time*

    1/4 of egg whites
    slice of kraft american cheese
    a little bit of butter for the pan (or non calorie cooking spray)
    *any other veggies*

    I spray the small rounded pan (or butter)
    i put the egg whites in, let it form a circle, make a base for an omelet.
    I flip it over once the one side is cooked, i lay down the cheese.
    in a separate pan i fry the veggies and then add it onto the omelet.
    and then slide it on the pan in a half moon shape.
    Sometimes i add some like Canadian bacon, or turkey bacon into the omelet to get meat.
    Only about 120 calories, depending on what you put in it.

    I also like making steel cut oats for breakfast with a teaspoon of brown sugar, cinnamon and a little bit of milk
    about 300 calories per 1/2 cup

    I LOOOVE breakfast, its probably my favourite meal of the day, I'm always experimenting :)
  • s704a191
    That sounds yummy, Do you buy fresh spinach and then cook it or do you so something like frozen spinach?
  • s704a191
    Right now my breakfast consists of special k ceral and some article of fruit (nectarines, plums, and oranges are my favs). I love eggs and have never tried using just egg whites are egg beaters, is it worth it? What I mean is, does the taste fulfill the craving for a "real egg". These are all awesome suggestions! Keep em coming, thank you!!

  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I like to mix 3or 4 whites with one yolk. The yolks are healthy for you, but contain a lot of calories. One yolk will give you enough of a feel like regular eggs, but won't overdo your calories.
  • davesnow77
    davesnow77 Posts: 14 Member
    Funny I was just looking for some different ideas myself! Here's my easy Egg White Omelet. I make 3 or 4 at a time since I've got all the stuff out anyway and then put in fridge in some tupperware and just take one out and nuke it in the AM. They keep 4-5 days easily.

    1/2 cup All-Whites egg whites,
    2oz Honeysuckle White Lean Turkey Sausage,
    1/8 cup Kraft Four-cheese Mexican Cheese.
    Top w/ 1Tbsp lite sour cream & 1Tbsp Picante sauce after nuking.

    TOTALS: CALS=218 / CARBS=6 / FAT=10 / PROTEIN=26.

    It ain't Eggs Benedict or Chicken Fried Steak & Eggs but for weekdays it's really pretty good and it helps get you where you want to go!

    I'm gonna take some of the other responses to your post and do the same so I have some variety too!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    My favs:

    Peeled/sliced apple (add a splash of water and a ton of cinnamon, cover with paper towel, bake for 3-4 min until soft)
    Add pkt. instant oatmeal (I use sugar free maple from WM or Quaker fruit & nut medly), more water and microwave 1 min.
    Mix, then add 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries (makes hot oatmeal ready to eat!)
    Top with 1/2 TBSP of chopped walnuts and 45 cal. vanilla yogurt.

    Heaven and tastes like a dessert!

    Instant oatmeal (same as above)
    45 cal.vanilla yogurt
    1/2 TBSP sugar free chocolate chips

    Fresh baby spinah in a oil oil sprayed pan till wilted
    Add 1/2 cup of egg beaters
    Fold over 1 slice of WW cheese
    wrap in a buena vida low carb tortilla

    Pumpkin Muffin Mix (Pillsbury)
    Add 1/2 cup of egg beaters
    1/2 can of organic pumpkin
    3 TBSP of skim milk
    a little water as needed to thin out
    bake as directed

    Best muffins EVER
    Banana Bread Mix
    Same ingred. as above
    +1 banana
    2 TBSP chopped walnuts
    3 TBSP sugar free choc. chips

    INSANE! Yum :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    bagel- usually about 150-200 cals, and then add in extra light mayanaise usually abt 14 cals and some chopped cucumber 0.5 cups is about 7 calories! yummy and filling
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    happy_vegan, that sounds awesome! I've never tried a savory oatmeal before. My hubby and I put rooster sauce on almost everything! :tongue: I bet it would also be great on other hot cereal grains, too. Thanks for sharing!
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    i definitely recommend egg beaters. There real egg whites, so if your scrambling, or making an omelet or something, they are very delicious!
    Its also good for baking too, it cuts out calories. Yolks are where majority of the calories come from in eggs.
    They also have different flavours too if you go and check them out