
Hello all. I am new here. I once lost 85 pounds and ran the NYC Marathon and countless half Marathons. About two years ago I moved to Nashville and started a new job. Since then, I have gained it all back and become sedentary (read: fat and lazy). However, I know it is possible to rid myself of these pounds if I am committed. I think myfitnesspal is an excellent platform to keep track of everything and I am looking forward to getting to know any Nashvillians out there. I am planning on running the 1/2 Marathon in Nashville this year but I have a long way to go! Please feel free to friend me!


  • Aelyta_Spirit
    Aelyta_Spirit Posts: 3 Member
    Holy Moly! Marathon, that's amazing! All of it. You can drop this all! Commitment. Ahh, as you know. You know what it takes. All it takes is that first step to begin the other steps so that you can get in the groove and habit again! I've just joined a few weeks ago, but finally weighed in officially last Monday. So, I'm doing weekly weigh ins! Here goes. I don't have as much to lose, but I have very few friends here yet, and I'd love to make some new ones!!! Let's do this!!!
  • LisaYoung44
    Hey Nashville! I just sorta joined too. I signed up in November but really haven't done anything. Today is the day I started to track my food and my habits, etc. I am as well. Good for you for making the move...and me too!!!!
  • christinslough
    christinslough Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not a Nashivillian but welcome anyways :) I used to be very fit and energetic and have definitely regressed to fat and lazy. But, I'm fixing that!

    Off we go!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome! I know that MFP when you have friends on here they help out alot with support. Like I just lost 1.2 lbs, but they all was so excited about it. I was What?? its just 1.2 lbss, but then I realized that it was 1.2lbs less andeven though it was little it was a big deal....If you commit to logging in everyday and logging in your diary you will see great results, plus your a man so men seem to lose faster then us send you a friend request. Im not in Nashville, but I love Tennessee!!!
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Hey there! I can't imagine doing a Full Marathon! I'm also training to do the Half-Marathon in Nashville on the 30th. I'm just hoping to finish!

    What is your training schedule looking like?
  • paineb
    Well I am doing the Hal Higdon thing which worked for me before. However, I am way further out of shape than I was then and it is hard to get just the beginning runs out. I am doing a lot of stairmaster hoping to get some weight off and make the runs easier. I am going snow skiing in 10 days and when I come back I plan to be on track. I have to do long workouts on Sunday because my work schedule is very demanding. What about you?
  • paineb
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I've been slightly following Hal's program. But I do my long runs on Saturday and have my CT/Rest on Sun. I also do a lot of interval training. I've never done one before so I'm not sure how it will work out, but going from barely running a mile to finally getting through 7 is an awesome feeling.