
So I really have been motivated to exercise and have been doing the treadmill everyday for 20-35 mins once or twice a day...I bought a new scale (digital compared to the old dial scale i use to use and i weight a hell of alot more than i thought i did!.... this past week the number goes up instead of down on the scale.....I gotta keep pushing food choices werent so great do yu all stay so motivated and "perfect" at losing and exercising?


    me with to scale going down. i had a hard time till i got a hrm now i use the treadmill for 1 hr and atleast 45min of that has to be with my heart rate at 65% or higher. if you are haveing a hard time i would try that instead of doing twice a day. 30 min a time is only about 15 min of fat burn if you get your heart rate up there and anything over 30 min at a heart rate of 65% or higher you will burn more fat. that is what i do and i burn about 4 to 6 lbs a week.
  • ram58miller
    I sympathise with your battle. I too am having a hard time fluctuating between the same 7 ponnds. Perhaps we could keep each other motivated.
  • NiftyNancy
    NiftyNancy Posts: 26 Member
    Great topic! I am also having trouble staying motivated. Would love to hear others' feedback.

    I just started trying the electronic food diary and I love it!! It really helps me get off the couch when I've noticed I ate too many calories for the day.

    The toughest part for me is getting off my butt to prepare meals. I also get so hungry that sometimes I don't want to take the time to make food and just want to grab the quickest easiest thing I could find.

    In terms of exercise...that one is tough too. It helps me to plan ahead. I check out what classes are available to night before and schedule it on my calendar. It also helps to have alternative quick workouts for lazy days. For example, I will go for a 15 to 30 min walk or I will do a dvd or I will just dance to music in my living room. A heart rate montior helps me keep track of how many calories I'm burning. Every day is a challenge. Let's help each other stay motivated:)