Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    3 glasses of red wine and dinner at Bertucci's equals 845 calories over my daily allowance!!!! Ouch!!! But it was all SO good!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Monday=1 vodka soda
    Tuesday=1 glass riesling
    Wednesday=2 glasses riesling (I forgot I had 2 when I was recording the other day)
    Thursday=4 shots vodka
    Friday=0 After seeing a high school production of MIllie, I was ready for bed!!

    Today...we'll see. We haven't seen our posse (the neighbors) in a while and hubs had the week from hell, so I know he'll want to get his drink on tonight. So, only 2 nights this week drink free, but last week it was 3 or 4.

    Congrats to everyone that's had little victories!!
  • Hey lushes! Just checking in as February winds down to let you know I'm still alcohol free! Honesty didn't have much confidence that I could do this, used to be getting to Friday night without a drink was a long shot. But here I am, almost to 60 days and now feeling like I will succeed with 90 abstinence! I turn 46 on 3/31, that weekend will coincide with my goal end ;);)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hey lushes! Just checking in as February winds down to let you know I'm still alcohol free! Honesty didn't have much confidence that I could do this, used to be getting to Friday night without a drink was a long shot. But here I am, almost to 60 days and now feeling like I will succeed with 90 abstinence! I turn 46 on 3/31, that weekend will coincide with my goal end ;);)

    Wow! Congrats!!!!
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I like my wine!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wow, Christy! that is impressive.
    I started last night, like, it's friday, i need to have a vodka-soda. Then I had a dos xx amber and then a agave wheat ale.
    Sushi tonight!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Not too bad Amy!

    Well, so much for me not drinking...Hubby had a ****tay day so he's drinking his dinner and when he's in a bad mood and drinks and I don't we get in a fight. Lame but true. So, I'm having a pineapple Skyy-s.f. red bull so his whining doesn't piss me off. :laugh: :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 3 margaritas, 2 Sam Adams
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 6.5 drinks...yep, I broke down
    Saturday, 0 drinks

    Total: 11.5
    Goal < 12

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend...take care
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow, I wish I had found this thread earlier. Alcohol consumption is the biggest reason I gained 50 lbs in 2 years. Add to that the fact that I wasn't doing any more physical activity than absolutely necessary during that time. The evidence of how bad an idea that was is all over my body.

    During February I have gone about two days on average without a drink. I still haven't managed to go two weeks dry for about a year now. Still, I'm I've made a large step in comparison to where I was over a year ago, when I had boxes (yes, plural) of wine and bottles of liquor in a week.

    Dry forever would be better for my health, but where I would personally like to be is drinking no more than a bottle of white wine a week. Gettin' there has been slow work, but it can happen!

    Thanks for this thread and I look forward to being part of this group of lovely lushes. :)

    Sunday: 2 beers and a shot of tequila.
    Monday: 3 shots of tequila (yipe!)
    Tuesday: Nada
    Wednesday: 3 glasses of Chard
    Thursday: Nada
    Friday: Nada
    Saturday: Day isn't over yet, but most likely nada. Possibly a couple of glasses of chard again.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats and well done to those who have achieved their goals this week. I hope everyone is having a great weekend :happy:

    Monday - 1.5 bottles wine
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0
    Thursday - 0
    Friday - 0
    Saturday - 1 bottle wine
    Sunday - 0

    Here's to another week :tongue:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    My challenge this week is to cut down to spritzers, need to get some soda in. I put on 3lbs this week, weigh in due again Monday, but cant help thinking even altho I count them. my wine shots are hindering my loss. Gonna TRY make them 50ml spritzers and see how it goes..
    I dont get any buzz anyway from couple of glasses if wine, I just LIKE my wine. I have succeeded in banning the red (which i LOVE but will put away a bottle at a time if I have it in the house), but think the whites gonna have to be cut back too:cry:
    Starting a new week Monday...
    Happy Sunday all!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Payday binge on Friday - two pints of beer, a Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer, two bloody Marys and a glass of wine :blushing:

    A mere 2/3 bottle of wine yesterday. It'd be a waste not to finish it with my roast dinner later.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    lushed out on Red Apples (about 4 of them)last night so I fell "asleep" at 6 and didn't eat any dinner. I didn't really have lunch either becaause I was sort of saving for dinner. No lunch could be why I fell "asleep" at 6:blushing:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    After my one red bull vodka, I didn't drink anything else. So...not too bad I guess.

    Week's totals:
    Monday=1 vodka soda
    Tuesday=1 glass riesling
    Wednesday=2 glasses riesling
    Thursday=4 shots vodka
    Saturday=1 vodka red bull (it was probably a double)

    Drink total=10...meh
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Ugh. Hockey weekend. There were kegs of PBR at the rink, so I had one 12 oz with my lunch yesterday - logged it in and found it has 153 calories. Ok that might not sound much to you guys, but I drink Bud55 - so I could have had 3 beers :noway: instead. I was bummed. Had 2 more beers during the afternoon (my own!) and brought a 6 pack to the rink at 6 pm. I only drank 3 while we were there untill about 11 pm. Came home starving!!! So I made a snack, took a shot and had another beer. Didn't get to bed until midnight or so, and didn't fall asleep untill after that. I'm tired, kinda grumpy too. Have to head back to the rink this morning, all the girls there running the booth will be drinking red beers - all the hockey guys will be too. Husband probably won't drink untill his game is over, but that just means he's going to be tired this afternoon. I am not going to drink today, I don't really have a reason - and I have too much housework to catch up on after being out of the house most of the weekend. Ugh, sorry for the rant.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Rant away!

    Hubby woke up last night at 11 and was ragey over the stuff that pissed him off last night so he got up at I went to bed and proceeded to drink some shots of Jager, some beers, and who knows what else. I made him get up at 8:30 so I didn't have to take the girl to go get the boy from his dad's house and now he's back in bed. Ugh...I think I'm going to try and be drink free for the week to prove a point. :explode: :angry: :grumble:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    How many cals in a crabbies??? I LIKE them :-)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 3 margaritas, 2 Sam Adams
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks
    Friday, 6.5 drinks...yep, I broke down
    Saturday, 0 drinks
    Sunday, 0 drinks

    Total: 11.5
    Goal < 12

    Made my goal for the week...IDK...they just see to add up so quickly
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Friday- 2 oz vodka, 2 beers
    Saturday-3 beers
    Sunday-2 beers

    tonight was dinner at Euclid Hall for restaurant week. really good if you're in Denver! 4 courses plus beer for $26 and their whole menu is available.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Drinking a little tonight, and I'm totally ok with it. Feel like my weekend was taken away from me with the hockey and all. Happy - smiling and ready to hit the treadmill and kettlebell tomorrow.
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