need more support

I don't have the support that I wish that I had to complete my goal. I know that I can do this alone, but it would be easier and a whole lot more fun if I had someone with me. I desperately need to lose weigh and take charge of my life again. I would like some tips from anyone about food and exercises that are fun but yet effective.


  • widmanab01
    widmanab01 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I am new to this site as well. My main goal is not so much to lose weight, but to get to the gym more often and be more aware of the healthy lifestyle that I want and to take care of myself more. It's hard to go to the gym as much as I want because I am in classes all day and by the time I would get to the gym it would be around 7ish.

    I am here to motivate you as much as you need! I'm still not sure how this site works so excuse me if I don't reply right away :) I can help you with a lot of fitness stuff as well :)
  • Rezal19
    I would check out this blog for inspiration and watch this man's journey here:

    Also, try to set goals for yourself. Small goals at first then once you accomplish them move on to the next goal.

    For example: Goal 1: go for a walk for 20 minutes
    Goal 2: stretch for 20 minutes
    Goal 3: go for a walk for 25 minutes

    I'm not really sure where you're at with your weight or health, but these are just some general ideas. The blog I posted above is also very useful.
  • kaassiia
    kaassiia Posts: 51 Member
    i really enjoy biking and yoga. if you like dancing that always counts!