pregnancy scare! Help!!

So had this scare. i was supposed to get my period friday-saturday. it came about 11:00 am today (Sun). Dont get me wrong i love babies but this would be extremely bad for me in my life since im not in the best situation right now...and i have 2 lttle ones -so ya! anyway i could not sleep last nite thinking i somehow took a pill late and messed up which led me to think that i should really consider getting an IUD. Right now im considering mirena- if anyone has used mirena or any other iud- or even a pill that has few side affects...PLEASE PLEASE let me know how your experience was and if you would recommend it. if you have anything that can help that would be great because i really can not risk forgetting a pill anymore. Thanks in advance!:love:


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Have you tried Nuva ring? It's excellent.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have a is the 10-year, non-hormonal is actually my 2nd one. I had one after my 2nd was born, and had it removed 6.5 years later to conceive #3. After #3, I got another. I love it, no worries, no issues with it at all. Some people have heavier cramping / bleeding, but that hasn't been an issue for me.
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    Usually missing one pill will not effect anything as long as you take it once you realized you forgot it, or at the time of taking the next pill. I have friends who have the mirena and it is very convenient for them, especially if you forget your pills- I've heard good things about nuvaring too. Good luck!
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I have the Mirnena and I love it!!!!!! I got preggo with three of my kiddos while on BC and the Mirnena has been the best thing ever. I had no problems and I had it in for 4 years and a plus side is that I have not had a period for 3 years
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    You should talk to your doctor about the pros and the cons. I know there are some pretty serious side effects.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i have the mirena and like it so far. had it put in jan. was bloated for a few weeks but am no longer
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I use the Nuva Ring. It's great because you can totally forget about it for 3 weeks. Just mark it on your calendar or set a reminder on your phone when it's time to take it out and then put it back in and you're set. :)
  • kaassiia
    kaassiia Posts: 51 Member
    Have you tried Nuva ring? It's excellent.

  • Kdoty
    Kdoty Posts: 12
    I had the meriana in for over 1 year and the pain of them putting it in was no where near the pain that I felt after they took it out it thinned my uterine lining and I was bleeding so bad the clots were the size of golf balls. I have now been trying to concive and has not work it is the worst thing in the world and would not recommend!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    my doc gave me a pamphlet but i read all these crazy stories kind of nervous about the insertion cuz i hear it kills. also as much as i would love to not have a period do you ever get nervous that its pregnancy. if definitely gonna call my doctor this week...
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    i would forget my pill all the time. but never got preggo until i decided ot stop the pill, then i conceived my daughter right away! missing everyonce in awhile isn't that big a deal ad long as you take it as soon as you remember or take it when you take your next one. alos, i found that setting a daily alarm on my cell phone to remind e to take the pill really helped. no problems!
  • Kdoty
    Kdoty Posts: 12
    Be careful when you have it removed.
  • Kdoty
    Kdoty Posts: 12
    Don't get it
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    Have you tried Nuva ring? It's excellent.

    is it like the diaphram cuz i tried that and it didnt work for me-i couldnt figure it
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I was looking into the NuvaRing but was worried that it might fall out while.."having fun".. hah
    Anyone who has it, have had this problem?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I have mirena, I have had it for about a year now and I havent had any problems with it. I really dont have much of a period (flow) but i do have the cramping and cravings and all the other pms symptoms but it is a lot easier than remembering to take a pill everyday, plus i got pregnant on the pill
  • xoDDC
    xoDDC Posts: 33
    i have the IUD in but the copper one i tried mirena and i was always extremely bloated due to my periods stopping after a while, i also gained weight and wasnt able to lose any weight AND broke out alot so i took it out and now i have the copper and LOVE IT!! no hormones which means no mood swings i get my period every month for about a week and there is always a day where it is extremely heavy like i am dying type of thing lol but better than being pregnant thats for sure or bloated!!! i used to take the pill but always forgot to take it and knew if i cont. on it i would eventually get pregnant.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I was looking into the NuvaRing but was worried that it might fall out while.."having fun".. hah
    Anyone who has it, have had this problem?

    One of my friends has the nuva ring and she has had it come out a couple of times during sex, so for me i wouldnt take the risk
  • JulieTX86
    I set a daily reminder on my cell phone. I take my pills at 10pm every night.

    I used to use the nuva-ring but I work for a catholic hospital, so they do not cover birth control. The pills cost $15 a month, and Nuva Ring costs $60, so I had to switch back to the pills. I LOVED the nuva ring though, and it still allows you to have periods, and it's easy to use for 3 weeks, take a week off, then use another one for 3 weeks.

    I priced around for the mirena, but when I was working on one of the hospital units I over heard one of the nures telling a horror story about the insertion causing a puncture, which got infected. She then had to have surgery because of the whole ordeal. Since she works for the catholic hospital as well they wouldn't pay for the surgery because it only happened b/c she used birth control. So that whole situation scared me straight out of using mirena as an option. LOL. Not to mention it was going to cost me like $1,500. I just kept thinking, am I going to pay $1500 and then have to have surgery, etc. and have to pay for that too... yikes!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I was looking into the NuvaRing but was worried that it might fall out while.."having fun".. hah
    Anyone who has it, have had this problem?

    I have been on the Nuva Ring for 6 years. You can take it out for up to 3 years without it affecting anything so during "fun" I just take it out and it isn't an issue.