5'11" and would like some advice from other tall ladies



  • I'm clinging to 5 "11" and I weigh in at 179...my goal is 160ish but I would really like to be 155. People would **** if I told them how much I weighed because like the rest of you I carry it very, very well. All of my friends laugh at me when I tell them I'm watching what I eat or I'm on a restricted calorie diet...lol...they tell me I'd be skin and bones if I lost 10 pounds. I wear a size 31/32 jean and fit into a size 8. I gained my 10-15 pounds because I quit smoking over a year ago and started snacking instead :angry: I never even had a food problem till then so I really need to find a way out of this mess! I go up, then I go down, then I go up again. At first I had my calorie goal set to 2 lbs a week and was STARVING, which meant I ate everything in sight. I have just switched my goals to 1 pound a week so hopefully I will feel more satisified. Anyone else have this problem? Feel free to add me if you like! I always like to make new friends :)
  • I'm 5'10 and weighed 244 three years ago! So far I've lost 60 lbs (give or take)...at 186 today. My goal is 175. It took a lot of time, but I did it (a divorce in the middle of it all didn't hurt the weight loss!!!!). That said, it's completely feasible. I feel like I could be at 165-170 as my ultimate goal weight. I just uploaded a recent full length pic.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    This is great! I'm 5'10 and I'm currently 180. I was at my best health-wise and size-wise 6 years ago after my divorce and weighed in at 138. I loved it! I could literally walk in to any store and try things on and look fabulous. But unfortunately, I gained almost 50 pounds since then. So 135-140 is my goal right now. But that is what I want personally.

    I think whatever weight a person is comfortable with and it's healthy for them that is what they should maintain.

    Now I must say the only downfall to being 135-140 is that I had a lot less "cushion" which made it painful to sit for long periods of time. But I'll give up sitting for a long time to looking fabulous!
  • jamgal789
    jamgal789 Posts: 51 Member
  • This is a very eye opening conversation..
    I'm really on the low end of the range compared to you women..I'm merely 5' 8". However it is my goal to be around the 125 range. I must say that I'm not so entirely focused on that number but rather my body fat percentage and how much muscle I have etc. I have a very slender frame..I can be at the lower end of my BMI range and be perfectly healthy. I'm kind of shocked by women that are only in the one inch range above me that can fit in a size 6 or something at 155! When I'm 125 I can fit into a size 2.
  • I am about 5'8" and my start weight was about 183. My goal weight is around 150, I say go front! Do what makes u happy not everyone else! It's your life, live it your way!!! Be comfortable in your body and good luck!
  • JoanCG
    JoanCG Posts: 22
    I am 5'11" with a start weight of 177. Wanting to get down to 140.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    :bigsmile: Im 5'9+"...I might be 5'10", but I keep forgetting to take an accurate measurement :)
    Highest weight: 179
    Lowest Weight: 139 (I was "skinny fat" though...no tone, just flesh and bones)
    Starting MFP: 176
    Current Weight: 164.8
    Goal: confusing, haha
    I'd love to fit into my 4's again, but the further I get into my 30's, the harder it is to lose the weight. I am a very comfy 10 right now, and could possibly pull of an 8 if I wiggled around a lot and really stretched them well :happy: I'd LOVE to be a solid 6, which is about 150lbs for my frame. Or at least it was when I was "skinny fat". Now that I am building muscle, I am noticing that I might weigh 164.8, but I LOOK like I did when I weighed 155 in the past. I just have more muscle/tone/definition than before.
    The number on the scale helps keep me accountable on a daily basis, but its not where my goal will be achieved. My closet has cute clothes waiting for me and thats where my victory will happen:bigsmile:
    If I had to pick a weight range I'd feel really satisfied with, I'd probably say 145-155.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Excellent that there are so many statuesque ladies on here!

    Interesting question: After reading Robin's post above, a question to others: does tallness run in your family? I have five sisters (including a twin) and none are over 5'5". No one really is that tall in my family, except maybe a great grandfather. Just wondering if you are like me and are an exception in your family's gene pool!

    As for the jeans, I have to buy Talls because I have a 36" inseam. I can usually find longer pants at Dillard's but have also found other stores like Liz Claiborne and JCPenney that carry longer inseams.

    my sister and i are around the same height but she got all the skinny genes and has never struggled with her weight she was even one of the those cute pregnant people, sickening i know... anyway dads side of the family everybody is tall mom's side everyone is 5-1 5-2 so we definately get it from our dad
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Hi, I'm also 5'11"... it's awesome to see so many tall ladies on this forum... IRL only my sister comes even close to my height! I'm taller than almost all the men I know. :smile:

    I'm currently at 184 and comfortably fitting in a size 12 jeans. My first goal for MFP purposes was 170, but that's just a more-or-less random number on the scale based on my BMI. My real goals are to be a size 6 (tho I'd settle for 8), and to be fit. I'd like to get my body fat percentage below 25% but no lower than 21%. I'm prepared to update my goal weight as needed.

    I've been bugging DH for three days to help me get new fitness pics. I haven't done any in almost five months!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I am 6 feet tall (may be closer to 5' 9.75" now with age). I weigh 158lbs. I have 17% body fat... and a good amount of muscle. I am shooting to get to 15% body fat and add another 2lbs of muscle. My B&W pics on here are from when I was at 19% BF and had about 3lbs less muscle.

    Once you get to a point that starts to look good and feel good, I wouldn't bother relying only on the scale. Go with measurements.

    And don't worry about what other people say. It's what YOU are happy with. It's YOUR body.

    For the poster who asked about tall jeans: Victoria Secrets Online! It's the only place I can get size 6 with a 34" inseam.
  • I am 5'9" and 50 years old. I use to hover around 175-180 before marriage and now weigh 231. Married 23 years ago. I made my goal 175 also. I think it is reasonable and once I get there I want to see how I feel. Sometimes people have to reduce their eating so much to take off more I'm not sure it's necessary. That's reasonable to me. I'll send a picture later if I figure out how to do so. I read some of the other ladies posts and they are in a different point than me. Best of luck.
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 5'11" and I'm shooting for about 160-155... but it more depends on the size. I'm shooting to get back into a 9.
    I just want to be toned and comfortable so I don't really know what the weight will be since I want to be much more toned than when I was at 165 last summer.

    Right now I'm at 193.

    I'm hoping to have a loss this week... my first weigh in. :)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I'm also 5'11" and looking to get back down to the weight I weighed after my first son was born (133). I have a small frame, and therefore being at the low end of my BMI works for me personally. I don't think I would recommend that BMI for women my height who have large frames because it might be to little. Bottom line, I'd consult your doctor as you go through your weight loss journey. I never struggled with weight at all until I got pregnant with my second son. I put on a lot of weight compared to my first pregnancy, and I just couldn't seem to get it off completely. Whereas my first pregnancy, I was able to fit back into my size 9 jeans and was back down to 133 lbs. in two weeks. They say the BMI for a 5'11" woman is 133-179. When I was at 133 I was not overly skinny with "knobby" knees or elbows or sunken in cheeks. I have long legs and a long torso, so I'm pretty evenly distributed. Over the years, I've just tacked on pound after pound and I'm miserable where I'm at. I kept telling myself "lies" during my weight gain. So many people said, "You look great!" while others said, "You carry your weight well!" I really do carry my weight well...really well, from my face to my feet, and I'm looking to make it go away! The well meaning people who made those comments helped me to feed the lies I was telling my self about the way I felt and ignore the pounds I was packing on until one day I was shocked at the pictures of myself and was upset when trying on new clothes because I looked frumpy! Not a good experience for me. I want the real me back :-) Everyone is different...all uniquely created. So, I think it's difficult to compare yourself with others. I think when you get there, where ever "there" is, you'll know it. Best wishes on your weight loss goals :-)
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I am 6'1" and I currently weigh 155. I'm pretty sure this is the lightest I've ever been at this height and I reached this height at 14 years old. Right now I'm pretty much a size 8, I have a few size 8 skirts that a a bit snug and others that are very loose. I have several pairs of jeans in size 8 and all are a little looser than I would like especially after I wear them for a few hours. I just bought a pair of Gap size 6 jeans in 36" inseam and thought I was in heaven! They fit so much better than any of my other jeans and I thought they were long enough until I just saw a picture of me wearing them and they are BARELY long enough. They'll look better with sandal.

    I would be ok losing a little more body fat, I'm currently at 20%, which I thought I would be really happy with, but I still have some extra fat on my belly and a little on my upper thighs. I was geared up for another 5 lb loss, but have just decided that I'm going to change my focus. I've been doing cardio almost everyday and I have been doing a lot of Yoga, but I haven't done strength training since before Thanksgiving. Now, I'm planning to totally change and start focusing on strength training 3-4 days per week, cardio 3-4 days per week and Yoga 4-6 days per week. But, who knows my plan may change tomorrow. But, I think at this point I really need to focus more on toning and adding muscle will help me burn off more fat and get my body fat percentage a little lower.

    Really, I just want to be as healthy as I can. I want to do regular exercise that are good for my body and I want to be able to eat healthy and maintain this healthy weight without even having to count every calorie!!! I'm working on being happy with my current really healthy state and trying not to focus on my still slightly flabby belly!!!
  • I'm also 5'11" and looking to get back down to the weight I weighed after my first son was born (133). I have a small frame, and therefore being at the low end of my BMI works for me personally. I don't think I would recommend that BMI for women my height who have large frames because it might be to little. Bottom line, I'd consult your doctor as you go through your weight loss journey. I never struggled with weight at all until I got pregnant with my second son. I put on a lot of weight compared to my first pregnancy, and I just couldn't seem to get it off completely. Whereas my first pregnancy, I was able to fit back into my size 9 jeans and was back down to 133 lbs. in two weeks. They say the BMI for a 5'11" woman is 133-179. When I was at 133 I was not overly skinny with "knobby" knees or elbows or sunken in cheeks. I have long legs and a long torso, so I'm pretty evenly distributed. Over the years, I've just tacked on pound after pound and I'm miserable where I'm at. I kept telling myself "lies" during my weight gain. So many people said, "You look great!" while others said, "You carry your weight well!" I really do carry my weight well...really well, from my face to my feet, and I'm looking to make it go away! The well meaning people who made those comments helped me to feed the lies I was telling my self about the way I felt and ignore the pounds I was packing on until one day I was shocked at the pictures of myself and was upset when trying on new clothes because I looked frumpy! Not a good experience for me. I want the real me back :-) Everyone is different...all uniquely created. So, I think it's difficult to compare yourself with others. I think when you get there, where ever "there" is, you'll know it. Best wishes on your weight loss goals :-)

    I totally agree:) Well said!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    My dad and brother are tall (6'1" and 6'2") but my mom is a shrimp :) We think she's 5'3" on a good day :bigsmile:

    I also wanted to edit my last post since I went into my closet last night and tried on my "skinny clothes" for some motivation and inspiration. Turns out I dont have to wiggle and shimmy too much to get into my 8s anymore! They fit GREAT and I could actually wear them in public quite comfortably! YEAH!!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I'm 5'11 also and weigh 166 right now. Our "healthy weight range" is 135-175 (so they say). I'm well within that range but am more comfortable at 150-155. I do get comments on how I look more like an "After" picture rather than a "Before". But it's all in how you feel. My lightest weight was 137 and that was borderline anorexic in my eyes.

    I'd like to add a picture to this...but don't know how! (Believe me, I just tried.) But I'm a Size 8 to 10 Tall in pants if that helps at all. LOL!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Sorry clicked too soon. I agree with those 'healthy weight ranges'. I am 5ft 11 currently 172lb (UK size 14, US size 12) and would like to get to 167 - 170lb. My lowest weight has been 126lb and my periods stopped! I am also very muscular.
  • Im 5'9.5 currently at 153. I had a baby last month so my hips got huge!!! I fit into 11/13 now. :(( I want to be between 135-140 or just fit into my pre preggo jeans.
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