Morbidly Obese



  • MannAmanda
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/
    First he should have been reported, trainers should be there to help you not insult you, don't let a jerk like that get to you. I started going to the gym when I was 275 pounds and never looked back, it is what is helping me keep on track. I have this one class I take and she modifies things for me, not for my weight but for foot issues, so please don't be discouraged, either report him or find a new gym. If you have Curves around they are a great place to start if you are still weary of the gym.

    I was surprised because it was at 24hr fitness. They are suppose to be like one of the best. But it really made me dislike them. I contacted the manager and let them know. Unfortunately we don't have curves here. The closest thing to me is the gym on the Marine Corps base. I have been working out in my living room instead
  • MannAmanda

    Wow that's horrible. Someone like that does not deserve to be a personal trainer... Find another one... one who is not an a-hole.

    No kidding! I was shocked.....
  • Suzy_B
    Suzy_B Posts: 30 Member
    You have kindness in your heart too :)

    Starting out at the gym is hard for anyone especially in this case, discouraging someone or making them feel uncomfortable is unforgivable. Koudos to those who try to make new people feel welcome & accepted! If everyone were this accepting of other's differences the world would be a better place.
  • muffintopteri
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/
    What a horrible person that personal trainer was! I just cannot believe the gall of people. I would have talked to his supervisor in a heart beat. I was thin all my life and after 3 kids and a number of years (I'm now 47) I need to work on my body. I think that anyone who talks that like is just a terrible person, period. You can find a gym where people will respect you. You deserve respect no matter what you weigh! Especially if someone is overweight AND going to the gym, I mean that says, I'm trying! Sorry about my rant but this just hacks me off.
  • MannAmanda
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/
    What a horrible person that personal trainer was! I just cannot believe the gall of people. I would have talked to his supervisor in a heart beat. I was thin all my life and after 3 kids and a number of years (I'm now 47) I need to work on my body. I think that anyone who talks that like is just a terrible person, period. You can find a gym where people will respect you. You deserve respect no matter what you weigh! Especially if someone is overweight AND going to the gym, I mean that says, I'm trying! Sorry about my rant but this just hacks me off.

    No I totally agree! I cried so hard when he did that. I was just in shock that he had the nerve. I was trying to get back into shape I was working on my self esteem and he just crushed that with one stinking word! I have not had the courage to go back to a gym but I am working out at home and going to the Gym in our apartments at night (when no one is around to see me).
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    You're awesome! I definitely treat all people the same and think all people are beautiful (unless they are mean to others for no reason). All people willing to bust their butts have my upmost respect...this ish is hard!
  • BrandNewMia
    GREAT post and you have an awesome attitude! I was picked on at my gym today by a bunch of skinny teenage boys. It doesn't bother me anymore, thank goodness. It makes absolutely NO sense to me why anyone would discriminate a heavier person for working out - why should we deserve that? We are exercising, and doing what needs to be done to be healthier. I'm not asking for a ticker tape parade in congratulations, but I think people should focus on the fact that we are making a change in our lifestyle instead of degrading us for our PAST choices.

    Luckily, I find that the majority of the adults are very welcoming and supportive. Sure, there are a few bad apples, but that doesn't ruin the whole bunch.

    To anyone that stays away from the gym in fear of being treated badly - try to let it roll off your back. You aren't doing this for the haters, you are doing this for YOU - and YOU are all that matters!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    That guy should be fired! My daughter had a similar experience at a gym and she isn't even overweight! She never went back either.
  • gurlie11
    gurlie11 Posts: 7 Member
    Awww, thats sweet!;-)
  • naebear99
    I made two new years resolutions this year, and I've stuck with them. The first was to try to be more image conscious. The second was to try to be less damned image conscious. What I realized is that I let my poor self image become a self fulfilling prophesy-too afraid to diet because when I failed I'd look like a fool. Too afraid to be seen exercising in public because I'm large and in bad shape.

    I let go that bad image consciousness - not just in weight but in multiple areas I was letting my self image govern my behavior. I challenge myself daily to be who I believe I can be, NOT who I've been busy being. And I've quit worrying about being mocked for being my best self. That thought got me to the gym and through it often enough to reach a point where I no longer felt the discomfort. Let go of what others think- so long as you Are doing your best. It's not easy to ignore snide people but it can be done
  • mowrynation
    You are right! and thankyou for posting this! I am at the heaviest that I have ever been, including when I was carrying my daughter, and am soo glad to get back on track to being the best me! PF is where I go, and feel very comfortable there. It truly is a judgement free zone!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    That's so true! Good for her! Getting back on track is in itself challenging. I can’t stand the people who ridicule others simply because they’re not like THEM, they don’t eat like them, they're not a toned as them, etc.